Game List
10-Yard Fight (Europe, USA) -- 10yard
10-Yard Fight (Irem M58) -- 10yard
10-Yard Fight (Japan) -- 10yard
1941 - Counter Attack -- 1941
1941 Counter Attack (CP System) -- 1941
1942 -- 1942
1942 (Arcade) -- 1942
1942 (Europe, USA) -- 1942
1942 (Japan) -- 1942
1942 (Japan, USA) -- 1942
1942 - The Pacific Air War -- 1942
1942 (UK) -- 1942
1942 (UK, Spain) -- 1942
1943 -- 1943
1943 (Europe) -- 1943
1943 Kai -- 1943kai
1943 Kai Midway Kaisen (1943) -- 1943kai
1943 Kai (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- 1943kai
1943: The Battle of Midway -- 1943
1943 The Battle of Midway (1943) -- 1943
1943 - The Battle of Midway (USA) -- 1943
1943 - The Battle of Valhalla -- 1943
1943 (UK) -- 1943
1944 (1943 pirate) -- 1944
1944 - The Loop Master (CP System II) -- 1944
1997 Hong Kong to Beijing - Super Hang-On (China) -- shangon
19XX - The War Against Destiny (CP System II) -- 19xx
2020 Super Baseball (Japan, USA) -- 2020bb
2020 Super Baseball (set 1) -- 2020bb
2020 Super Baseball (USA) -- 2020bb
3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex (NGM-043 ~ NGH-043) -- 3countb
3 Count Bout (Neo Geo) -- 3countb
3 Count Bout (USA) ~ Fire Suplex (Japan) -- 3countb
4-D Warriors (Sega System 1) -- 4dwarrio
4 in 1 - Canyon Bomber + Home Run + Night Driver + Sky Diver (prototype 19870219) -- 4in1
4-in-1 (Flashcard Fishing, Break a Brick, Balloon Juggling, Penguin Maze) (Europe) -- 4in1
4-in-1 (Mini Golf, Cube-Up, Brick Blaster, and Vindicators) -- 4in1
4 in 1 (pirate) -- 4in1
4 in 1 Row (Europe) -- 4in1
4 in 1 (set 1) -- 4in1
4 in 1 Super CD (USA) -- 4in1
500GP (Namco System Super 23) -- 500gp
64k Eprom System -- ep64
64th Street - A Detective Story (Jaleco Mega System 1-C) -- 64street
720 Degrees -- 720
720 Degrees (Atari System 2) -- 720
720 Degrees (set 1) -- 720
720° (Europe, USA) -- 720
720° (UK) -- 720
720° (USA) -- 720
'88 Games (Arcade) -- 88games
Abacus -- abacus
ABC832 Systemskiva v2.5 -- abc832
A.B. Cop (Sega X) -- abcop
Abnormal Check (Namco ND-1) -- abcheck
Academy - Tau Ceti 2 -- academy
Academy (UK) -- academy
ACE -- ace
ACE: Air Combat Emulator -- ace
Ace Attacker (Sega System 16B) -- aceattac
ACE (set 1) -- ace
ACE: The Air Combat Emulator -- ace
ACE (UK) -- ace
Acrobat Mission (Japan) -- acrobatm
Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (Arcade) -- actfancr
Action Fighter -- afighter
Action Fighter (Sega System 16A) -- afighter
A.D.A.M (UK, ASL9DA) -- adam
Adonis (Japan) -- adonis
Advanced Printer Buffer 1.01 -- apb
Aero Fighters 2 (Neo Geo) -- sonicwi2
Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2 -- sonicwi2
Aero Fighters 2 (USA) ~ Sonic Wings 2 (Japan) -- sonicwi2
Aero Fighters 3 (Neo Geo) -- sonicwi3
Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3 -- sonicwi3
Aero Fighters 3 (USA) ~ Sonic Wings 3 (Japan) -- sonicwi3
Aero Fighters (Arcade) -- aerofgt
AeroFighters Assault (Europe) -- aerofgt
Aero Fighters (USA) -- aerofgt
Afterburner II -- aburner2
After Burner II -- aburner2
After Burner II (Europe, USA) -- aburner2
After Burner II (Sega X) -- aburner2
After Burner (SMS based) -- mt_aftrb
After Burner (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- aburner2
Aggressors of Dark Kombat (SNK Neo Geo) -- aodk
Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku (ADM-008 ~ ADH-008) -- aodk
Aggressors of Dark Kombat (USA) ~ Tsuukai GanGan Koushinkyoku (Japan) -- aodk
Agress - Missile Daisenryaku (Arcade) -- agress
Ah Eikou no Koshien (Taito F2 System) -- koshien
Air Assault (Irem M-107) -- airass
Air Buster (Air Buster) -- airbustr
Air Buster - Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (USA) -- airbustr
Air Combat - Yuugeki Ou II -- aircomb
Air Duel: 80 Years of Dogfighting (USA) -- airduel
Air Duel -- airduel
Air Inferno (Air System) -- ainferno
Air Raid -- airraid
Air Raid (PAL) -- airraid
Air Rescue (Sega System 32) -- arescue
Airwolf -- airwolf
Airwolf (Europe) -- airwolf
Airwolf (UK) -- airwolf
Ajax -- ajax
Akazukin Chacha (Japan) -- akazukin
Akazukin-chan -- akazukin
Akazukin-chan ni Kiwotsukete -- akazukin
Akazukin Monogatari -- akazukin
A la Recherche du Nautilus (France) -- nautilus
Alcon (Arcade) -- alcon
Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Europe, USA, v1) -- alexkidd
Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Taiwan, SMS mode) -- alexkidd
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (Europe, rev. A) -- alexkidd
Alex Kidd - The Lost Stars (Sega System 16) -- alexkidd
Ali Baba -- alibaba
ALIBABA -- alibaba
Alibaba and 40 Thieves (Japan) -- alibaba
Alibaba and 40 Thieves (Korea) -- alibaba
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves -- alibaba
Ali Baba (Arab, v1.04) -- alibaba
Ali-Baba (France) -- alibaba
Alien (20th Century Fox) -- alien
Alien³ (Australia, Europe, USA) -- alien3
Alien³ (Europe) -- alien3
Alien³ (Europe, Brazil) -- alien3
Alien³ (Europe, USA) -- alien3
Alien³ (Europe, USA, rev. A) -- alien3
Alien3 - The Gun (Sega System 32) -- alien3
Alien -- alien
Alien (Europe, USA) -- alien
Aliens - Alien 2 (Japan) -- aliens
Aliens - Alien 2 (prototype) -- aliens
Aliens -- aliens
Aliens (cleanly cracked) -- aliens
Aliens (Europe) -- aliens
Alien Shooter -- aliens
Aliens (Ned) -- aliens
Aliens - Thanatos Encounter (Europe, USA) -- aliens
Alien Storm -- astorm
Alien Storm (Europe, Brazil) -- astorm
Alien Storm -- mt_astrm
Alien Storm (UK) -- astorm
Alien Storm (World) -- astorm
Aliens (UK) -- aliens
Alien / Super Alien (NTSC) -- alien
Alien Syndrome -- aliensyn
Alien Syndrome (Europe, USA) -- aliensyn
Alien Syndrome (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- aliensyn
Alien Syndrome (Sega System 16B) -- aliensyn
Alien Syndrome (SMS based) -- mt_asyn
Alien Syndrome (Spain) -- aliensyn
Alien Syndrome (UK) -- aliensyn
Alien Syndrome (USA) -- aliensyn
Alien (UK) -- alien
Alien vs Predator -- avsp
Alien vs. Predator (CP System II) -- ali
Alien vs. Predator (Europe) -- avsp
Alien vs Predator - The Last of His Clan (USA) -- avsp
Alien vs Predator (USA, prototype) -- avsp
Aligator (France) -- aligator
Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (NGM-007 ~ NGH-007) -- alpham2
Alpha Mission II (Neo Geo) -- alpham2
Alpha Mission II (USA) ~ ASO II - Last Guardian (Japan) -- alpham2
Alphatron -- alphatro
Alpine Racer (Namco System Super 22) -- alpinerd
Alpine Ski (Netherlands) -- alpine
Altered Beast -- altbeast
Altered Beast (Europe) -- altbeast
Altered Beast (Europe, USA) -- altbeast
Altered Beast (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- altbeast
Altered Beast - Guardian of the Realms (Europe) -- altbeast
Altered Beast -- mt_beast
Altered Beast (Sega System 16B) -- altbeast
Altered Beast (set 1) -- altbeast
Altered Beast (UK) -- altbeast
Amazon -- amazon
Amazon - Guardians of Eden -- amazon
Amazônia (Brazil) -- amazonia
Amazônia (bugfix release) -- amazonia
Ambush -- ambush
American Football (Europe, US) -- football
American Horseshoes (Taito L System) -- horshoes
America's Cup -- america
Amidar -- amidar
Amidar - Le Peintre (Fra) -- amidar
Amidar (PAL) -- amidar
Andretti Racing (UK) -- andretti
Andro Dunos (NGM-049 ~ NGH-049) -- androdun
Andro Dunos (SNK Neo Geo) -- androdun
Andromeda (32k) -- andromed
Andromeda 3 -- andromed
Andromeda Conquest -- andromed
Andromeda Seiun -- andromed
Anteater -- anteater
Ant-Eater -- anteater
APB - All Points Bulletin -- apb
APB -- apb
A.P.B. (Europe, USA) -- apb
APB (UK) -- apb
Apple Startrek -- startrek
Appoooh (Arcade) -- appoooh
Aqua Jack (Taito Z System) -- aquajack
Aquarium (Arcade) -- aquarium
Aquarius -- aquarius
Aqua Rush (Namco System 12) -- aquarush
A Question of Sport (UK) -- qos
Arabian (Arcade) -- arabian
Arabian Fight (Sega System 32) -- arabfgt
Arabian Nights -- arabian
Arabian Nights - Sabaku no Seirei Ou (Japan) -- arabian
Arcade Bomber Scramble -- scramble
Arcade Classics -- arcadecl
Arcade Classics - Battlezone & Super Breakout (Europe, USA) -- arcadecl
Arcade Classics (Europe, USA) -- arcadecl
Arcade Classics (MCM) -- arcadecl
Arcade Classics (USA) -- arcadecl
Arcade Gears Vol. 1 - Pu Li Ru La (Japan) -- pulirula
Arcade Gears Vol. 2 - Gun Frontier (Japan) -- gunfront
Arcadians -- arcadian
Arcadian's Revenge (UK) -- arcadian
Arch Rivals - A Basketbrawl! (Europe) -- archrivl
Arch Rivals (Europe, USA) -- archrivl
Arch Rivals (USA) -- archrivl
Area 51 -- area51
Area 51 (UK) -- area51
Arena (cleanly cracked) -- arena
Arena (Europe, USA) -- arena
Arena (set 1) -- arena
Arena (UK) -- arena
Argus (Arcade Machine) -- argus
Argus (Japan) -- argus
Arkanoid 2 (Japan) -- arknoid2
Arkanoid 2: Revenge of Doh (cracked, newer, with CMS Sound support) -- arknoid2
Arkanoid (Arcade) -- arkanoid
Arkanoid -- arkanoid
Arkanoid (cleanly cracked) -- arkanoid
Arkanoid - Doh It Again -- arkanoid
Arkanoid - Doh It Again (Europe) -- arkanoid
Arkanoid (Europe) -- arkanoid
Arkanoid II -- arknoid2
Arkanoid II (Japan) -- arknoid2
Arkanoid II: Revenge of Doh -- arknoid2
Arkanoid II: Revenge of Doh (Version 29-Aug-89) (cleanly cracked) -- arknoid2
Arkanoid (MSX conversion) -- arkanoid
Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh -- arknoid2
Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh -- arknoid2
Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (The New Zealand Story) -- arknoid2
Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh (UK) -- arknoid2
Arkanoid Revenge of Doh (UK) -- arknoid2
Arkanoid (set 1) -- arkanoid
Arkanoid (UK) -- arkanoid
Arkanoid (USA) -- arkanoid
Arkanoid (Version 12-Jan-89) (cleanly cracked) -- arkanoid
Ark Area (Arcade) -- arkarea
Armadillo Racing (Namco Super System 22) -- adillor
Armed F (Arcade) -- armedf
Armed Formation F -- armedf
Armed-F (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- armedf
Armed Police Batrider (Toaplan 2) -- batrider
Armor Attack -- armora
Armored Warriors (CP System II) -- armwar
Arm Wrestler -- armwrest
Arm Wrestling (Arcade) -- armwrest
Arm Wrestling (Spain) -- armwrest
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf -- mt_tgolf
Arrow Flash -- mt_arrow
Art of Fighting 2 (Neo Geo) -- aof2
Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (NGM-056) -- aof2
Art of Fighting 2 (USA) ~ Ryuuko no Ken 2 (Japan) -- aof2
Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden -- aof3
Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior (SNK Neo Geo) -- aof3
Art of Fighting (Europe) -- aof
Art of Fighting - Ryuko no Ken (Neo Geo) -- aof
Art of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden (Japan) -- aof3
Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken (NGM-044 ~ NGH-044) -- aof
Ashura (Japan) -- ashura
ASO - Armored Scrum Object (Japan) -- aso
ASO Remake (UK?) -- aso
Assault (Namco System 2) -- assault
Asterix and the Magic Cauldron (UK) -- asterix
Asterix (Arcade) -- asterix
Asterix et la Potion Magique -- asterix
Astérix (Europe) -- asterix
Asterix (Europe, v1) -- asterix
Asterix (PAL) -- asterix
Asteroides -- asteroid
Asteroidi -- asteroid
Asteroidi (from issue 11/87) -- asteroid
Asteroids -- asteroid
Asteroids Deluxe (PAL) -- astdelux
Asteroids (Europe, USA) -- asteroid
Asteroids Hyper 64 (USA) -- asteroid
Asteroids (NTSC) -- asteroid
Asteroids (prototype) -- asteroid
Astra SuperStars (J 980514 V1.002) -- astrass
Astra Superstars (Japan) -- astrass
Astro -- astro
Astro Attacker -- astro
Astro Blaster -- astrob
Astro Blaster (NTSC) -- astrob
Astro Dodge -- astro
Astro Dodge (fix) -- astrof
Astro / Driver / SPMON -- astro
Astro Fighter -- astrof
Astro Fighter (NTSC) -- astrof
Astro (UK) -- astro
Astrowar -- astrowar
Astro Warrior (SMS based) -- mt_astro
Astyanax (Europe) -- astyanax
Asuka & Asuka (Asuka & Asuka) -- asuka
Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (Fuuki FG-3 System) -- asurabld
Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Fuuki FG-3 System) -- asurabus
Asylum -- asylum
Athena -- athena
Athena (Erbe) -- athena
Athena (SNK Triple Z80) -- athena
Athena (USA) -- athena
Atlantis Adventure (set 2) -- atlantis
Atlantis -- atlantis
Atlantis (Europe, US) -- atlantis
Atlantis (Imagic) -- atlantis
Atlantis no Nazo (Japan) -- atlantis
Atlantis (NTSC) -- atlantis
Atlantis: The Lost Tales (Europe) -- atlantis
Atlantis (UK, Anirog Software) -- atlantis
Atlantis (UK) -- atlantis
Atom -- atom
Atomic Robo-Kid (Arcade) -- robokid
Attack -- attack
Attack!! Hiroko Chan -- attack
Attack of the Cybermen -- attack
Audio Spectrum Analyzer -- spectrum
Aurail (Sega System 16B) -- aurail
Auto Race -- autorace
Auto Racing -- autorace
Avenger (1986, Gremlin) (set 1) -- avenger
Avenger -- avenger
Avenger (Europe, USA) -- avenger
Avenger (Japan) -- avenger
Avengers (Arcade) -- avengers
Avenger - The Way of the Tiger II (Europe) -- avenger
Avenger - The Way of the Tiger II (Spain) -- avengers
Avenger (UK) -- avenger
Avenger / VIC Avenger -- avenger
Avenging Spirit (Europe, USA) -- avspirit
Avenging Spirit (Jaleco Mega System 1) -- avspirit
A World at War (PAL) -- worldwar
Azumanga Daiou Advance (Japan) -- azumanga
Backfire! (Arcade) -- backfire
Backgammon -- backgamn
Bad Dudes -- baddudes
Bad Dudes (cleanly cracked) -- baddudes
Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja -- baddudes
Bad Dudes Vs. Dragon Ninja -- baddudes
Bad Dudes vs Dragonninja (Data East) -- baddudes
Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja (Europe) -- baddudes
Bad Dudes Vs Dragon Ninja (UK) [h1] -- baddudes
Badlands -- badlands
Badlands (UK) -- badlands
Bagman -- bagman
Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki (MOM-002 ~ MOH-002) -- bakatono
Baku Baku Animal (Brazil) -- bakubaku
Baku Baku Animal (Europe) -- bakubaku
Baku Baku Animal (J 950407 V1.000) -- bakubaku
Baku Baku (Europe) -- bakubaku
Bakumatsu Roman Daini Maku - Gekka no Kenshi - Tsuki ni Saku Hana, Chiri Yuku Hana (Japan) -- lastbld2
Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (Japan) -- lastblad
Bakutotsu Kijuutei (Namco System 1) -- bakutotu
Balade au Pays de Big Ben -- bigben
Balloon Fight -- balonfgt
Balloon Fight (Doujin?) -- balonfgt
Balloon Fight (Europe) -- balonfgt
Balloon Fight (Europe, USA) -- balonfgt
Bananas -- bananas
Bandit! -- bandit
Bandit -- bandit
Bang Bang Ball (Arcade) -- bangball
Bang Bang -- bang
Bang Bang Busters -- b2b
Bang Bead -- bangbead
Bank Panic (Arcade) -- bankp
Bank Panic (Europe) -- bankp
Bank Panic (Japan) -- bankp
Barricade -- barricad
Barrier Attack -- barrier
Baseball Stars 2 -- bstars2
Baseball Stars 2 (Japan, USA) -- bstars2
Baseball Stars II (USA) -- bstars2
Baseball Stars Professional (Japan, USA) -- bstars
Baseball Stars Professional (NGM-002) -- bstars
Baseball Stars (USA) -- bstars
Basketball -- bsktball
Batman (Arcade) -- batman
Batman -- batman
Batman (cleanly cracked) -- batman
Batman (Europe) -- batman
Batman Forever (Europe) -- batmanf
Batman Forever (Europe, USA) -- batmanf
Batman Forever (JUE 960507 V1.000) -- batmanfr
Batman Forever - The Arcade Game (Europe) -- batmanf
Batman Forever (World) -- batmanf
Batman (Japan) -- batman
Batman (set 1) -- batman
Batman (set 7, The Hit Squad) -- batmanf
Batman: The Caped Crusader -- batman
Batman: The Movie -- batman
Batman - The Video Game (Europe) -- batman
Batman (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- batman
Batman (UK) -- batman
Batman (World) -- batman
Batsugun (Japan) -- batsugun
Batsugun (Toaplan 2) -- batsugun
Battlantis (Arcade) -- battlnts
Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (ZN-1) -- ts2
Battle Bakraid (Toaplan 2) -- bbakraid
Battle Chopper (Irem M72) -- bchopper
Battle Chopper (Netherlands) -- bchopper
Battle Cross (Japan) -- battlex
Battle Flip Shot -- flipshot
Battle Garegga (Japan) -- bgaregga
Battle Garegga (Toaplan 2) -- bgaregga
Battle K-Road (Arcade) -- btlkroad
Battleship -- bship
Battleship (Europe) -- bship
Battleship (Europe, USA) -- bship
Battletoads (Australia, Europe, USA) -- btoads
Battletoads -- btoads
Battletoads (Europe) -- btoads
Battletoads (Europe, Japan) -- btoads
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (Europe) -- btoads
Battletoads (prototype) -- btoads
Battletoads (World) -- btoads
Battlezone -- bzone
Battle Zone -- bzone
BattleZone -- bzone
Battlezone (cleanly cracked) -- bzone
Battle Zone (NTSC) -- bzone
Battlezone (prototype) -- bzone
Battlezone - Rise of the Black Dogs (USA) -- bzone
Bay Route (Sega System 16B) -- bayroute
Bazooka -- bazooka
Beeline -- beeline
BeeLine (v2.0) -- beeline
Bells & Whistles (Konami Sunset Riders) -- blswhstl
Ben Bero Beh (SJ System) -- benberob
Beraboh Man (Namco System 1) -- berabohm
Berzerk -- berzerk
Berzerk (homebrew) -- berzerk
Berzerk (prototype) -- berzerk
Best Bout Boxing (Jaleco Mega System 32) -- bbbxing
Best of the Best: Championship Karate (Spain, PC Games release) -- bestbest
Bestri, Pitapat Puzzle, Heuk Sun Baek Sa (F2 System) -- bestri
Big Challenge! Gun Fighter -- gunfight
Big Karnak (Arcade) -- bigkarnk
Big Tournament Golf (Japan) -- turfmast
Bikkuriman 2000 - Charging Card GB (Japan) -- bikkuri
Bikkuriman World -- bikkuri
Bikkuriman World - Gekitou Sei Senshi (Japan) -- bikkuri
Bingo 75 (Taiwan, NES cart) -- bingo75
Bingo -- bingo
Bingo Circus (Medal Machine) -- bingoc
Bingo (PAL) -- bingo
Bingo Parlante! -- bingopar
Bingo (Taiwan) -- bingo
Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. (Europe) -- biofreak
Bionic Commando (Arcade) -- bionicc
Bionic Commando -- bionicc
Bionic Commando - Elite Forces (Australia, USA) -- bionicc
Bionic Commando (Europe) -- bionicc
Bionic Commando (Europe, China) -- bionicc
Bionic Commando (UK, colour screen) -- bionicc
Bionic Commando (UK, Green Screen) -- bionicc
Bio-Ship Paladin (Arcade) -- bioship
Bi-Plane Rescue -- biplane
Birdie Try (Arcade) -- birdtry
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon (Japan) -- sailormn
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Japan) -- sailormn
Black Belt Challenge (Europe) -- blackblt
Black Belt (cracked) -- blackblt
Black Belt (Europe, USA) -- blackblt
Black Belt (Taiwan, SMS mode) -- blackblt
Black -- black
Black Heart (Arcade) -- blkheart
Black Hole (PAL) -- blackhol
Blackjack -- black
Blackjack (Europe, US) -- blackjck
Black Knight 2000 (Williams System 11B) -- bk2k_l4
Black Panther (Arcade) -- blkpnthr
Black Tiger (Arcade) -- blktiger
Black Tiger -- blktiger
Black Tiger (set 1) -- blktiger
Black Tiger (UK) -- blktiger
Blade Master (Irem M92) -- bmaster
Blades of Steel (Arcade) -- bladestl
Blades of Steel -- bladestl
Blades of Steel (Europe) -- bladestl
Blaster Master - Enemy Below (Europe, USA) -- bmaster
Blaster Master (Europe) -- bmaster
Blasteroids -- blstroid
Blasteroids (Europe) -- blstroid
Blasteroids (UK) -- blstroid
Blaster (prototype) -- blaster
Blasto -- blasto
Blast Off -- blastoff
Blast Off (Namco System 1) -- blastoff
Blazeon (Arcade) -- blazeon
BlaZeon (USA) -- blazeon
Blazer (Namco System 1) -- blazer
Blazing Star -- blazstar
Blazing Star (Neo Geo) -- blazstar
Blazing Tornado (Arcade) -- blzntrnd
Blitz! -- blitz
Blitz -- blitz
Blitz! - Jeu d'Echecs -- blitz
Blitz! (UK, ripped from Amstrad Action Issue 105 covertape) -- blitz
Blockade Runner -- blockade
Blockades (UK) (Version Basic 1.1) [Amstrad Computer User] -- blockade
Block -- block
Blockbusters -- bbusters
Block Gal (Sega System 1) -- blockgal
Block Hole (Arcade) -- blockhl
Blockout -- blockout
Block Out -- blockout
BLOCKOUT -- blockout
Blockout (Blockout) -- blockout
Blockout (Europe, USA) -- blockout
Block Out (Europe, USA) -- blockout
Blockout Modori -- blockout
Block Out (USA, prototype) -- blockout
Block Out (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) -- blockout
Blood Brothers -- bloodbro
Blood Brothers (Erbe - Serie Leyenda) -- bloodbro
Bloody Warriors - Shan-Go no Gyakushuu (Japan) -- bloodwar
Blueprint -- blueprnt
Blue-Print -- blueprnt
Blue's Journey / Raguy (ALM-001 ~ ALH-001) -- bjourney
BMX Air Master (Atari) -- bmx
BMX Simulator (2 joypad hack) -- bmx
BMX Simulator (UK) -- bmx
Body Slam (Sega System 16A) -- bodyslam
Boggy '84 (Japan) -- boggy84
Bomberman -- bombman
Bomber Man -- bombman
Bomberman GB (Europe, USA) -- bombman
Bomber Man (Japan) -- bombman
Bomberman (Netherlands) -- bombman
Bomberman - Panic Bomber (Japan) -- panicbom
Bomberman - Panic Bomber -- panicbom
Bomberman Panic Bomber (SNK Neo Geo) -- panicbom
Bomberman (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- bombman
Bomberman (USA) -- bombman
Bomb Jack (Arcade) -- bombjack
Bomb Jack -- bombjack
Bomb-Jack -- bombjack
Bomb Jack (Brazil, Sega MyCard conversion) -- bombjack
Bomb Jack (EDOS) -- bombjack
Bomb Jack (Europe) -- bombjack
Bomb Jack (Japan) -- bombjack
Bomb Jack (Spain) -- bombjack
Bomb Jack Twin (Arcade) -- bjtwin
Bomb Jack (UK) -- bombjack
Bombman (Jpn) -- bombman
Bombs Away -- bombaway
Bonanza Bros. -- bnzabros
Bonanza Bros. (Europe, Brazil) -- bnzabros
Bonanza Bros. (Europe, USA, Korea, rev. B) -- bnzabros
Bonanza Bros. (Japan) -- bnzabros
Bonanza Bros. -- mt_bbros
Bonanza Bros (Sega System 24) -- bnzabros
Bonanza Bros (UK) -- bnzabros
Bongo -- bongo
Bonze Adventure (Asuka & Asuka) -- bonzeadv
Boogie Wings (Arcade) -- boogwing
Boomerang (Japan) -- boomrang
Borench (Sega System C-2) -- borench
Bosconian 87 (UK) -- bosco
Bosconian -- bosco
Bottom of the 9th (USA) -- bottom9
Boulder Dash (Fra) -- bouldash
Bounty -- bounty
Bounty Hunter -- bounty
Boxer -- boxer
Boxing (Milmar) -- boxingm
Boxyboy -- boxyboy
Brain (Sega System 2) -- brain
Bram Stoker's Dracula (Europe) -- dracula
Bram Stoker's Dracula (Europe, USA) -- dracula
Breakers -- breakers
Breakers (Japan) -- breakers
Breakers (Neo Geo) -- breakers
Breakers Revenge -- breakrev
Break Thru! (Japan) -- brkthru
BreakThru! (prototype) -- brkthru
Brian Clough's Football Fortunes (UK) -- football
Bubble Bobble also featuring Rainbow Islands (Europe) -- bublbobl
Bubble Bobble (Arcade) -- bublbobl
Bubble Bobble (Australia, Europe, China, USA) -- bublbobl
Bubble Bobble -- bublbobl
Bubble Bobble (cleanly cracked) -- bublbobl
Bubble Bobble (Europe, Brazil) -- bublbobl
Bubble Bobble (Europe) -- bublbobl
Bubble Bobble (Europe, USA) -- bublbobl
Bubble Bobble (Japan) -- bublbobl
Bubble Bobble - Old & New (Europe) -- bublbobl
Bubble Bobble Part 2 (Europe, USA) -- bublbob2
Bubble Bobble - Part 2 (USA) -- bublbob2
Bubble Bobble (UK) -- bublbobl
Bubble Trouble -- bubbletr
BUCK_ROG -- buckrog
Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday (Europe, USA) -- buckrog
Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom -- buckrog
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom -- buckrog
Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (Japan) -- buckrog
Buck Rogers - The Arcade Game (Europe, prototype) -- buckrog
Bucky O'Hare (Arcade) -- bucky
Bucky O'Hare (Europe) -- bucky
Buggy Boy -- buggyboy
Buggy Boy (Encore) -- buggyboy
Buggy Boy (UK) -- buggyboy
Bullet (Sega System 16B) -- bullet
Bullfight (Sega System 1) -- bullfgt
Bullseye -- bullseye
Bullseye (Fra) (LightGun) -- bullseye
Bullseye (set 1) -- bullseye
Bullseye (UK) -- bullseye
Burgertime -- btime
Burger Time -- btime
BurgerTime! -- btime
BurgerTime -- btime
BurgerTime (cleanly cracked) -- btime
Burgertime (Japan) -- btime
Burger Time (Lock'n'Chase) -- bbtime
BurgerTime (USA) -- btime
Burning Fight (Japan, USA) -- burningf
Burning Fight (NGM-018 ~ NGH-018) -- burningf
Burning Fight (SNK Neo Geo) -- burningf
Burning Force (Namco System 2) -- burnforc
Burning Rival (Sega System 32) -- brival
Burnin' Rubber (Amstrad CPC+) -- brubber
Burnin' Rubber -- brubber
Bust-A-Move 2 - Arcade Edition (Europe) -- bam2
Bust-A-Move 2 - Arcade Edition (Europe, USA) -- bam2
Bust-A-Move (USA) ~ Puzzle Bobble (Japan) -- pbobble
Butasan (Arcade) -- butasan
B-Wings (Japan) -- bwings
Cabal -- cabal
Cabal (prototype) -- cabal
Cabal (set 1) -- cabal
Cabal (UK) -- cabal
Cabal (USA) -- cabal
Cadash (Arcade) -- cadash
Cadash -- cadash
Cadash (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- cadash
Cadash (USA, Asia, Korea) -- cadash
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (CP System Dash) -- dino
Calcune (Arcade) -- calcune
California Games -- mt_calga
California Pro Golf -- cprogolf
California Speed (USA) -- calspeed
Cameltry -- cameltry
Cameltry (cracked) -- cameltry
Cameltry (F2 System) -- cameltry
Cannon Ball -- cannball
Cannon Ball -- cball
Canvas Pro-68K -- canvas
Canyon -- canyon
Canyon Climber -- cclimber
Capcom's Gold Medal Challenge '92 (Europe) -- goldmedl
Capcom Vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2001 (China) -- capsnk
Capitan Sevilla (Spain) -- sevilla
Captain America and the Avengers (Australia) -- captaven
Captain America and The Avengers (DECO32) -- captaven
Captain America and the Avengers (Europe) -- captaven
Captain America and the Avengers (Europe, USA) -- captaven
Captain America and the Avengers (USA) -- captaven
Captain Commando (CP System) -- captcomm
Captain Commando (Europe) -- captcomm
Captain 'S' (Europe) -- sevilla
Captain Silver (DECO8) -- csilver
Captain Tomaday -- ctomaday
Carnival -- carnival
Carnivalé - Cenzo’s Adventure (prototype 20000721) -- carnival
Carnival (Sega VIC Dual) -- carnival
Carnival Shootout (Spa) [Your Computer] -- carnival
Carrera Power Slide (Europe) -- carrera
Carrier Air Wing (CP System) -- cawing
Casanova -- casanova
Casanova (Spa) -- casanova
Casanova (Spain) -- casanova
Cashcade -- cashcade
Castaway -- castaway
Castle Master (Europe) -- cmaster
Castle Master (UK, Fra, Ger) -- cmaster
Castle of Dragon (Seta 1) -- drgnunit
Catacombes (Fra) -- catacomb
Catacombs -- catacomb
Catacombs of Balachor -- catacomb
Catapulte -- catapult
Catapulte (Hebdogiciel no. 38) -- catapult
CAT -- cat
Cat 'n' Mouse (Spain, demo) -- catnmous
Cavelon -- cavelon
Cave_man -- caveman
Caveman -- caveman
Cave Man -- caveman
Caveman Ninja (Arcade) -- cninja
Centauri Challenge -- centauri
Centipede Attack -- centiped
Centipede -- centiped
Centipede (cleanly cracked) -- centiped
Centipede (Europe) -- centiped
Centipede (Europe, USA, Accolade) -- centiped
Centipede (Fra) (v2) [CPC] -- centiped
Centipede (NTSC) -- centiped
Centipede (PAL) -- centiped
Centipede (USA, prototype) -- centiped
Centipede (Vectis Software) -- centiped
Centipeed -- centiped
Cerberus (UK) -- cerberus
Chain Reaction (Deco MLC System) -- chainrec
Chain Reaction (Spain) -- chainrec
Chain Reaction (UK) -- chainrec
challeng -- challeng
Challenge! -- challeng
Challenge -- challeng
Challenger -- challeng
Challenge - Simulation d'Entreprise -- challeng
Challenge (unknown) -- challeng
Champion Baseball (Japan) -- champbas
Champion Boulderdash -- cbdash
Champions! -- champion
Champions (compilation) -- champion
Champions Grand National (Spain) -- champion
Championship Bowling (USA) -- champbwl
Championship Sprint -- csprint
Champions (Japan, disk conversion) -- champion
Chaos -- chaos
Chase H.Q. (Australia, China, Europe, USA) -- chasehq
Chase H.Q. -- chasehq
Chase H.Q. (Europe) -- chasehq
Chase H.Q. II: Special Criminal Investigation -- sci
Chase H.Q. - Secret Police (Europe) -- chasehq
Chase HQ (set 1) -- chasehq
Chase H.Q. (Taito Z System) -- chasehq
Chase H.Q. (UK) -- chasehq
Chasse Sous-marine (FR) -- nautilus
Checkmate! - First Moves in Chess (Japan) -- checkmat
Checkmate (Japan) -- checkmat
Chelnov - Atomic Runner (Karnov) -- chelnov
Chelnov (Japan) -- chelnov
Chessmaster (Europe) -- chessmst
Chessmaster (Europe, USA) -- chessmst
Chevalier Lancelot. (Fra) -- lancelot
Chibi Maruko-chan: Maruko Deluxe Quiz -- marukodq
Chicken Chase (Europe) -- chicken
Chicken -- chicken
Chiller (Australia) -- chiller
Chiller -- chiller
Chiller (Europe) -- chiller
Chiller (UK) -- chiller
Chimera Beast (Jaleco Mega System 1) -- chimerab
Chinmoku no Kantai - The Silent Service -- chinmoku
Choplifter! -- choplift
Choplifter -- choplift
Choplifter (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- choplift
Choplifter (Japan) -- choplift
Choplifter (Japan, rev. 1) -- choplift
Choplifter (NTSC) -- choplift
Choplifter! (PAL) -- choplift
Choplifter! (prototype) -- choplift
Choplifter (Sega System 1) -- choplift
Chopper -- chopper
Chopper (Europe) -- chopper
Chopper I (SNK Triple Z80) -- chopper
Chopper (Netherlands) -- chopper
Chopper Rescue -- chopper
Chopper (TCS) -- chopper
Chou Bishoujo Densetsu Croquis -- croquis
Choujikuu Yousai Macross - Ai Oboete Imasu ka (Japan) -- macross
Choujikuu Yousai Macross - Countdown -- macross
Choujikuu Yousai Macross (Europe) -- macross
Choujikuu Yousai Macross (Japan) -- macross
Choujikuu Yousai Macross -- macross
Choujikuu Yousai Macross - Remember Me -- macross
Choujikuu Yousai Macross - Scrambled Valkyrie (Japan) -- macross
Choujikuu Yousai Macross - Skull Leader -- macross2
Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer (Japan) -- gowcaizr
Choutetsu Brikin'ger / Iron Clad (prototype) -- ironclad
Choutetsu Brikin'ger (Japan) -- ironclad
Chuka Taisen (Arcade) -- chukatai
Chuka Taisen -- chukatai
Chuka Taisen (Japan) -- chukatai
Chuka Taisen (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- chukatai
Circus Charlie (Arcade) -- circusc
Circus Charlie (Japan) -- circusc
Circus Charlie (MSX conversion) -- circusc
Circus -- circus
CIRCUS -- circus
Circus / Cirque -- circus
Circus! (Jpn) -- circus
Cisco Heat (UK) -- cischeat
City Bomber -- citybomb
City Connection (Arcade) -- citycon
City Connection -- citycon
City Connection (Doujin?) -- citycon
City Connection (Europe) -- citycon
City Connection (Japan) -- citycon
Classic Bubble Bobble (Europe) -- bublbobl
Clean Sweep -- cleanswp
Cleopatra Fortune (Japan) -- cleopatr
Cleopatra no Mahou -- cleopatr
Cliff Hanger -- cliffhgr
Clowns & Balloons -- clowns
Clowns (Japan, newer) -- clowns
Clowns (NTSC) -- clowns
Clu Clu Land -- cluclu
Clu Clu Land (World) -- cluclu
Cluedo -- cluedo
Cluedo (set 1) -- cluedo
Cluedo (UK) -- cluedo
Cluedo (United Kingdom, disk conversion) -- cluedo
Clutch Hitter (Arcade) -- cltchitr
C-Master (Ger) -- cmaster
Cobra -- cobra
Cobra-Command (Arcade) -- cobracom
Cobra Command (USA) -- cobracom
Cobra - Kokuryuuou no Densetsu (Japan) -- cobra
Cobra (UK, Ocean Software) -- cobra
Coco in the Castle (Europe) -- coco
Colour Fantasia -- fantasia
Columbia (UK) [UTILITAIRE] -- columbia
Columbus - Ougon no Yoake (Japan) -- columbus
Columns2 -- columns2
Columns '97 (JET 961209 V1.000) -- colmns97
Columns -- columns
COLUMNS -- columns
Columns (cracked) -- columns
Columns (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- columns
Columns (Europe, USA, Brazil, Korea) -- columns
Columns GB - Tezuka Osamu Characters (Japan) -- columns
Columns (Japan) -- columns
Columns (Japan, Nintendo Power service) -- columns
Columns -- mt_cols
Columns (Sega System C-2) -- columns
Columns - Taisen Mode-tsuki -- columns
Columns / Targets / Bacteria / Autopista -- columns
Columns (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- columns
Columns v2.0 -- columns
Columns (World, v1.1?) -- columns
Combat Aces (prototype) -- combat
Combat -- combat
Combat School (Arcade) -- combatsc
Combat School -- combatsc
Combat School (UK) -- combatsc
Combat School (UK) (CPM) [Original] -- combatsc
Combat - Tank-Plus -- combat
Combat (v1.2) -- combat
Cometa Halley (Spain) -- halley
Command & Conquer - Red Alert -- redalert
Commando (Arcade) -- commando
Commando (cleanly cracked) -- commando
Commando -- commando
Commando (PAL) -- commando
Commando (Prototype) -- commando
Commando (set 1) -- commando
Commando (UK) -- commando
Commando (UK) [Original] -- commando
Commando (USA) -- commando
Commodore D9060 -- d9060
Commodore D9090 -- d9090
Computer Golf! (US) -- compgolf
Computer Scrabble (UK) -- scrabble
Congo Bongo -- congo
Congo Bongo (Europe, Japan, v1) -- congo
Congo Bongo (NTSC) -- congo
Congo (cleanly cracked) -- congo
Congo -- congo
Congo (Europe) -- congo
Congo (prototype) -- congo
Congo The Movie - The Lost City of Zinj (USA) -- congo
Conqueror (Circus Charlie pirate) -- conquer
Conqueror -- conquer
Conqueror (Japan) -- conquer
Conquest -- conquest
ConQuest -- conquest
Conquest of the Crown -- conquest
Conquest of Zow -- conquest
Con-Quest (UK) -- conquest
CONTCIRC -- contcirc
Continental Circus -- circusp
Continental Circus -- contcirc
Continental Circus (Europe) -- contcirc
Continental Circus (UK) -- contcirc
Continental Circus (Z System) -- contcirc
Contra (Arcade) -- contra
Contra - Hard Corps (USA, Korea) -- contra
Contra (Japan) -- contra
Contra (USA) -- contra
Cops n' Robbers -- copsnrob
Copycat -- copycat
Copy Cat -- copycat
Coron (alt) -- corona
CORONA__P4 -- corona
Corrida da Matematica -- corrida
Corsarios - Corsaires (UK) -- corsario
Corsarios -- corsario
Corsarios (Spain) -- corsario
Cosmic Attack -- cosmic
Cosmic Avenger (ColecoVision conversion) -- cavenger
Cosmic Chaos -- cosmic
Cosmic Chasm -- cchasm
Cosmic Conflict (Europe, set 1) -- cosmic
Cosmic Conflict (Europe, set 2) -- cosmica
Cosmic Cop (Irem M72) -- cosmccop
Cosmic -- cosmic
COSMIC -- cosmic
Cosmic Cruncher -- cosmic
Cosmic Crusader -- cosmic
Cosmic Fighter -- cosmic
Cosmic Jailbreak -- jailbrk
Cosmic Spacehead (Europe) -- cosmic
Cosmic Spacehead (Europe, USA) -- cosmic
Cosmo Gang de Puzzle (Japan) -- cosmogng
Cosmo Gang the Video (Namco System 2) -- cosmogng
Cosmo (Japan) -- cosmo
Cosmo Police Galivan (Japan) -- galivan
Cosmo Police Galivan (UK) -- galivan
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure - Forbidden Planet -- cosmo
Cosmos -- cosmos
Cosmos (Spain) -- cosmos
Cotton 2 (JUET 970902 V1.000) -- cotton2
Cotton Boomerang (JUET 980709 V1.000) -- cottonbm
Cotton - Fantastic Night Dreams -- cotton
Cotton - Fantastic Night Dreams (Sega System 16B) -- cotton
Cotton - Fantastic Night Dreams (USA) -- cotton
Countdown -- countdwn
Country Cottages -- countryc
Country Cottages (Ger) -- countryc
Cow Boy (Asia, hacked) -- cowboy
Cowboy -- cowboy
Crack Down (Europe, Japan, rev. A) -- crkdown
Crack Down -- mt_crack
Crack Down (Sega System 24) -- crkdown
Crash Ball -- cball
Crash Bandicoot (Russia) -- crash
Crash Bandicoot XS (Europe) -- crash
Crash -- crash
Crash (L4) -- crash
Crayon Shin Chan Orato Asobo (Arcade) -- qcrayon2
Crazy-Ball (Fra) (128K) (2 faces) [CPC Infos] -- crazybal
Crazy Balloons -- crazybal
Crazy Climber 2 (Arcade) -- cclimbr2
Crazy Climber -- cclimber
Crazy Climber (Japan) -- cclimber
Crazy Kangaroo -- kangaroo
Crazy Taxi - Catch a Ride (Europe) -- crzytaxi
Cricket -- cricket
Crime City -- crimec
Crimson -- crimson
Crimson (Japan) -- crimson
Criss Cross (Sweden) -- crisscrs
Critter Crusher (EA 951204 V1.000) -- critcrsh
Crossbow (cleanly cracked) -- crossbow
Crossbow -- crossbow
Crossbow (PAL) -- crossbow
Crossed Swords 2 (bootleg of CD version) -- crswd2bl
Crossed Swords (ALM-002 ~ ALH-002) -- crsword
Crossed Swords (Japan) -- crsword
Crossed Swords (Neo Geo) -- crsword
Cross Force -- xforce
Cross Snake -- snake
Crude Buster (Arcade) -- cbuster
Cruis'n Exotica (USA) -- crusnexo
Cruis'n USA (Australia, Europe) -- crusnusa
Cruis'n World (Europe, rev 1) -- crusnwld
Crush Crumble and Chomp (cleanly cracked) -- crush
Crush - Crumble and Chomp! -- crush
Crypt Killer (Europe) -- cryptklr
Crystal Castles -- ccastles
Crystal Castles -- crystalc
Crystal Castles - Diamond Plateaus in Space (UK) -- ccastles
Crystal Castles (prototype) -- ccastles
Crystal Castles (UK) [Original] -- crystalc
Crystal Caves (1.0a) -- crystalc
Crystalis (USA) -- crystal
Cue Brick (Arcade) -- cuebrick
Cybattler (Jaleco Mega System 1) -- cybattlr
Cyberball -- cyberbal
Cyberball: Football in the 21st Century -- cyberbal
Cyberball - Football in the 21st Century (World) -- cyberbal
Cyberball (UK) -- cyberbal
Cyberball (UK) (Spain retail version) [Original] -- cyberbal
Cyberball (USA) -- cyberbal
Cyberbots - Fullmetal Madness (CP System II) -- cybots
Cyberbots - Fullmetal Madness (Japan, 1M) -- cybots
Cyber Commando (Namco System 22) -- cybrcomm
Cyber Cycles (Namco System 22) -- cybrcycc
Cyber-Lip (Japan, USA) -- cyberlip
Cyber-Lip (NGM-010) -- cyberlip
Cyber Police ESWAT: Enhanced Special Weapons and Tactics -- mt_eswat
Cyber Sled (Namco System 21) -- cybsled
Cyber Troopers Virtual On (Europe) -- von
Cycle Mahbou (Arcade) -- cyclemb
Cyvern - The Dragon Weapons (Super Kaneko Nova System) -- cyvern
Daewoo CPC-400/CPC-400S -- cpc400
Daifugo -- daifugo
Daioh (Seta 1) -- daioh
Daitoride (Japan) -- daitorid
DakkoChan House (Sega System 2) -- dakkochn
Dam Buster -- dambustr
Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2 Install Disk (JAA/AAA) -- ddrsn2j
Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2 Install Disk (UAA) -- ddrsn2u
Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA Install Disk (UAA) -- ddrsnu
Danchi de Hanafuda (J 990607 V1.400) -- danchih
Danchi de Quiz Okusan Yontaku Desuyo! (J 001128 V1.200) -- danchiq
Dancing Eyes (Namco System 11) -- danceyes
Dancing Stage SuperNOVA Install Disk (EAA) -- dstagesn
Dan Diamond Trilogy -- diamond
Dangar - Ufo Robo (Arcade) -- dangar
Dangerous Seed (Japan) -- dangseed
Dangerous Seed (Namco System 1) -- dangseed
Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat (Europe) -- indyheat
Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat (prototype) (pirate) -- indyheat
Darius (Arcade) -- darius
Darius Gaiden (Europe) -- dariusg
Darius II (Arcade) -- darius2
Darius II (Europe) -- darius2
Darius II (Japan) -- darius2
Dark Edge (Sega System 32) -- darkedge
Dark Seal (Arcade) -- darkseal
Darkstalkers - The Night Warrior (CP System II) -- dstlk
Dark Tower (prototype) -- darktowr
Darwin 4078 (Break Thru) -- darwin
Darwin 4081 (Japan, Korea) -- darwin
Darwin's Dilemma -- darwin
Darwin's Dilemma - The Solution is Evolution -- darwin
Darwin's Dilemma - The Solution Is Evolution -- darwin
Data East's Hoops (Deco MLC System) -- hoops96
Date Kimiko no Virtual Tennis (Japan) -- vtennis
David Crane's Pitfall II - Lost Caverns -- pitfall2
Daytona USA (Europe) -- daytona
Daytona USA (Sega Model 2) -- daytona
D-Day (Japan) -- dday
D-Day (Netherlands) -- dday
D-Day (set 1) -- dday
DDRAGON2 -- ddragon2
Dead Angle (Europe, USA) -- deadang
Dead Connection (Taito F1 System) -- deadconx
Dead or Alive (Japan, 2M) -- doa
Dead or Alive (UK) -- doa
Death Race (Spa) (Version Basic 1.0) [Your Computer] -- deathrac
Death Race (USA) -- deathrac
Death Race (US) -- deathrac
Decathlete (JUET 960709 V1.001) -- decathlt
Decathlete (USA) -- decathlt
Decathlon (ColecoVision conversion) -- decathln
Decathlon -- decathln
Decathlon (Europe) -- decathln
Decathlon (Japan) -- decathln
Decimális - Hexadecimális átváltó -- hexa
Deer Hunter (Russia) -- deerhunt
Deer Hunter (USA) -- deerhunt
Defender 2000 -- defender
Defender (cleanly cracked) -- defender
Defender -- defender
Defender (Europe) -- defender
Defender (Ger) [CPC Schneider International] -- defender
Defender II: Stargate -- stargate
Defender (MR R) -- defender
Defenders of the Earth -- defender
Defender v1.0 (Deleted) -- defender
Demon Attack (Europe, US) -- demon
Demon's World (Toaplan 1) -- demonwld
Demon Zromm 1.03 -- demon
Denjin Makai (Arcade) -- denjinmk
Densha de Go! 2 -- dendego2
Densha de Go! 2 (Japan) -- dendego2
Densha de Go! 2 on Neo Geo Pocket (Japan) -- dendego2
Densha de Go! -- dendego
Densha de Go! EX (Japan) -- dendego
Densha de Go! (Japan) -- dendego
Deron Dero Dero (Japan, 1M) -- deroon
Deroon DeroDero (Arcade) -- deroon
Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote (Europe, Brazil) -- desert
Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote (Europe) -- desert
Desert Tank (Sega Model 2) -- desert
Desert War (Jaleco Mega System 32) -- desertwr
Destiny -- destiny
Destiny: The Cruiser (prototype) -- destiny
Destroyer (cleanly cracked) -- destroyr
Destroyer -- destroyr
Destroyer (Spain) -- destroyr
Detana!! Twinbee -- twinbee
Dharma Doujou (Japan) -- dharma
Diablo (China) -- diablo
Diablo -- diablo
Diablo (Japan) -- diablo
Diablo (Russia) -- diablo
Diablo (USA, prototype) -- diablo
Diablo (v1.00) -- diablo
Diamond -- diamond
Diamond Graphic OS v1.0 -- diamond
Diamond Luis I (cracked by Morgoth) -- diamond
Diamond Luis I (Japan, disk conversion) -- diamond
Diamond Players -- diamondp
Die Hard 64 (prototype 20000315, set 3) -- diehard
Die Hard Arcade (Europe) -- diehard
Die Hard Arcade (UET 960515 V1.000) -- diehard
Die Hard -- diehard
Die Hard (Europe) -- diehard
Die Hard (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- diehard
Die Juwelen des Grafen Dracula -- dracula
Dig Dug -- digdug
Dig Dug (Europe) -- digdug
Dig Dug II -- digdug2
Dig Dug II - Trouble in Paradise (USA) -- digdug2
Dig Dug (Japan) -- digdug
Dig Dug (NTSC) -- digdug
Dig Dug (PAL) -- digdug
Dig Dug (Thunder Mountain) (cleanly cracked) -- digdug
DIGGER$ -- digger
Digger (cracked) -- digger
Digger -- digger
DIGGER -- digger
Digger (Germany) -- digger
Digger Man (prototype) -- diggerma
Digger - The Legend of the Lost City (USA) -- digger
Dimahoo (CP System II) -- dimahoo
Dingo -- dingo
Dino Eggs (cleanly cracked) -- dinoeggs
Dino Eggs -- dinoeggs
Dino Rex (Taito F2 System) -- dinorex
Dirt Dash (Namco System Super 22) -- dirtdash
Dirt Fox (Namco System 2) -- dirtfoxj
Disco Dan -- discodan
Disco Fever -- disco
Disney/Pixar Finding Nemo - Sea of Keys (UK) -- nemo
Disney Princesas - Las Princesas Disney (Spain) -- princess
Disney Princesses - Princesses ni Naritai! (Japan, rev. 1) -- princess
Disney Princess (Europe, USA) -- princess
Disney Princess - Princess Stories (UK) -- princess
Disney Princess - The Crystal Ball Adventure (USA) -- princess
Disney Princess (USA, set 1) -- princess
Disney's Atlantis - The Lost Empire (Europe) -- atlantis
Disney's Atlantis - The Lost Empire (Europe, English / Spanish / Italian) -- atlantis
Disney's Hercules (Europe, USA) -- hercules
Disney's The Little Mermaid (Europe) -- mermaid
Disney's The Little Mermaid - Magic in Two Kingdoms (Europe, USA) -- mermaid
Disney's The Little Mermaid (USA) -- mermaid
DJ Boy (Arcade) -- djboy
DJ Boy (Europe) -- djboy
D.J. Boy (Rollergames pirate) -- djboy
Dodgem -- dodgem
Dodg'Em -- dodgem
DoDonPachi (Cave 68000) -- ddonpach
DoDonPachi (Japan) -- ddonpach
Dogfight 2187 (UK) [Original] -- dogfight
Dogfight: 80 Years of Dogfighting (Europe) -- dogfight
Dogfight -- dogfight
Dog Fight! -- dogfight
Dog Fight -- dogfight
Dog Fighter (Europe) -- dogfight
Dogpatch -- dogpatch
Dogyuun (Toaplan 2) -- dogyuun
Dokidoki Densetsu - Mahoujin Guruguru (Japan) -- dokidoki
Doki Doki Panic (Asia, FDS conversion) -- dokidoki
Dokidoki Penguin Land (Japan) -- dokidoki
Doki Doki Penguin Land (Japan) -- dokidoki
Doki Doki Penguin Land - Uchuu Daibouken (Japan) -- dokidoki
Doki Doki Penguin Land - Uchuu Daibouken (Taiwan, SMS mode) -- dokidoki
Dokodemo Hamster -- dokodemo
Dokodemo Mahjong (Japan) -- dokodemo
Dokodemo Taikyoku - Yakuman Advance (Japan, rev. 1) -- dokodemo
Dolphin Demo -- dolphin
Dolphin -- dolphin
Dolphin DOS Copy Rom -- dolphin
Domino 1.0 -- domino
Domino -- domino
DOMINO -- domino
Dominó -- domino
Domino Man (Midway MCR) -- domino
Domino (Russia) -- domino
Domino (Spain) -- domino
Don Doko Don (Taito F2 System) -- dondokod
Donkey Kong 3 (Arcade) -- dkong3
Donkey Kong 3 (World) -- dkong3
Donkey Kong (cleanly cracked) -- dkong
Donkey Kong (ColecoVision conversion) -- dkong
Donkey Kong (cracked) -- dkong
Donkey Kong (Disk Writer) -- dkong
Donkey Kong -- dkong
Donkey Kong (Europe) -- dkong
Donkey Kong Jr. (Disk Writer) -- dkongjr
Donkey Kong Jr. -- dkongjr
Donkey Kong Jr -- dkongjr
Donkey Kong Jr. (PAL) -- dkongjr
Donkey Kong Jr. (World, rev. A) -- dkongjr
Donkey Kong Junior -- dkongjr
Donkey Kong (NTSC) -- dkong
Donkey Kong (PAL) -- dkong
Donkey Kong (Sock Master's Donkey Kong Emulator for CoCo 3) (512Kb) -- dkong
Donkey Kong (UK) -- dkong
Donkey Kong (World, rev. A) -- dkong
Donki-Kong -- dkong
Donki-Kong Jr -- dkongjr
DonPachi (Cave 68000) -- donpachi
DonPachi (Japan) -- donpachi
Doraemon -- doraemon
Doraemon (Japan, rev. A) -- doraemon
Doraemon Nobita no Dorabian Night (Japan) -- doraemon
Doraemon - Nobita to 3tsu no Seireiseki (Japan) -- doraemon
Doraemon - Nobita to Fukkatsu no Hoshi (Japan) -- doraemon
Doraemon Norimono Daishuugou! -- doraemon
Doraemon - Taiketsu Himitsudougu!! (Japan) -- doraemon
Doraemon - Waku Waku Pocket Paradise (Japan) -- doraemon
Doraemon - Yume Dorobou to 7-nin no Gozans (Japan) -- doraemon
Dorodon (Japan) -- dorodon
Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge -- ddragon2
Double Dragon 3 (Europe, USA) -- ddragon3
Double Dragon 3 - Rosetta Stone -- ddragon3
Double Dragon 3 - The Arcade Game (Europe, USA, rev. A?) -- ddragon3
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (The Combatribes) -- ddragon3
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (UK) -- ddragon3
Double Dragon Advance (USA) -- ddragon
Double Dragon (Arcade) -- ddragon
Double Dragon -- ddragon
Double Dragon (Europe) -- ddragon
Double Dragon (Europe, USA) -- ddragon
Double Dragon II (Europe, USA) -- ddragon2
Double Dragon III - The Sacred Stones (Europe) -- ddragon3
Double Dragon II - The Revenge -- ddragon2
Double Dragon II: The Revenge -- ddragon2
Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Double Dragon) -- ddragon2
Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Europe) -- ddragon2
Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Japan) -- ddragon2
Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Spain) -- ddragon2
Double Dragon II - The Revenge (UK) -- ddragon2
Double Dragon (Japan, USA) -- doubledr
Double Dragon (Korea) -- ddragon
Double Dragon (Neo Geo) -- doubledr
Double Dragon (Neo-Geo) -- doubledr
Double Dragon (Ocean) -- ddragon
Double Dragon (PAL) -- ddragon
Double Dragon (Spa) [Animagic] [Original] -- doubledr
Double Dragon (Spain) -- ddragon
Double Dragon (UK) -- ddragon
Double Dragon (World) -- ddragon
Double Dribble - 5 on 5 (USA) -- ddribble
Double Dribble (Arcade) -- ddribble
Double Dribble -- ddribble
Double Dribble (Europe) -- ddribble
Double Dribble - The Playoff Edition (USA) -- ddribble
Doukyuusei -- dokyusei
Doukyuusei (Japan) -- dokyusei
Downhill Champion -- downhill
Down Town -- downtown
Downtown Hero (Fra) (2 faces) -- downtown
Downtown Nekketsu Baseball Monogatari - Yakyuu de Shoubu Da! Kunio-kun (Japan) -- downtown
Downtown - Nekketsu Koushinkyoku - Dokodemo Daiundoukai (Japan) -- downtown
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari -- downtown
Downtown - Nekketsu Monogatari (Japan) -- downtown
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari (Japan) -- downtown
DownTown (Seta 1) -- downtown
Down Town Shaffle -- downtown
Dracula -- dracula
Dracula Hakushaku -- dracula
Dracula's Castle -- dracula
Drácula (Spain) -- dracula
Dracula the Undead (Europe, USA) -- dracula
Dracula (UK) -- dracula
Dragon Ball Z 2 - Super Battle (Arcade) -- dbz2
Dragon Ball Z (Arcade) -- dbz
Dragon Ball Z - Buyuu Retsuden (Japan) -- dbz
Dragon Ball Z - Idainaru Son Gokuu Densetsu (Japan) -- dbz
Dragon Ball Z II - Gekishin Freeza!! (Japan, v2.0) -- dbz2
Dragon Ball Z (Korea) -- dbz
Dragon Ball Z - Kyoushuu! Saiyajin (Japan) -- dbz
Dragon Ball Z - Legendary Super Warriors (Europe) -- dbz
Dragon Ball Z V.R.V.S. (Sega System 32) -- dbzvrvs
DRAGON.BIN -- dragon
Dragon Blaze (Arcade) -- dragnblz
Dragon Breed -- dbreed
Dragon -- dragon
DragonGun (Arcade) -- dragngun
Dragon Saber - After Story of Dragon Spirit -- dsaber
Dragon Saber - After Story of Dragon Spirit (Namco System 2) -- dsaber
Dragon Saber - After Story of Dragon Spirit (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- dsaber
Dragon's Heaven (development board) -- dragonsh
Dragon's Lair -- dlair
Dragon's Lair (Europe) -- dlair
Dragon's Lair (Europe, USA) -- dlair
Dragon's Lair II: Escape from Singe's Castle -- dlair2
Dragon's Lair Part II: Escape from Singe's Castle -- dlair2
Dragon's Lair (prototype, 0416) -- dlair
Dragon's Lair - The Legend (Europe) -- dlair
Dragon's Lair (UK) -- dlair
Dragon's Lair (USA, prototype) -- dlair
Dragon Spirit (demo) -- dspirit
Dragon Spirit -- dspirit
Dragon Spirit - The New Legend (USA) -- dspirit
Dragon Spirit (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- dspirit
Dragon Spirit (UK) -- dspirit
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story -- dragon
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (Europe) -- dragon
Dragon - The Chinese Challenge -- dragon
Dragon Unit (Japan) -- drgnunit
Dragonworld (cleanly cracked) -- drgnwrld
Dragonworld -- drgnwrld
Dragoon Might (Konami GX) -- dragoona
Drag Race -- dragrace
Draw Poker -- dpoker
Dream World -- dreamwld
Drift Out (Taito F2 System) -- driftout
Dr. Mario 64 (USA) -- drmario
Dr.Mario -- drmario
Dr. Mario (Europe) -- drmario
Dr. Mario (Japan, Nintendo Power service) -- drmario
Duck Hunt -- duckhunt
Duck Hunt (World) -- duckhunt
Dungeons & Dragons - Shadow Over Mystara (CP System II) -- ddsom
Dungeons & Dragons - Shadow over Mystara (Dungeons & Dragons Collection Disc 2) (Japan) -- ddsom
Dungeons & Dragons - Tower of Doom (CP System II) -- ddtod
Dungeon's & Dragons - Tower of Doom (Dungeons & Dragons Collection Disc 1) (Japan) -- ddtod
Dunk Mania (Namco System 11) -- dunkmnia
Dunk Shot (Japan) -- dunkshot
Dunk Shot (Sega System 16B) -- dunkshot
Dyna Blaster -- dynablst
Dynamic Country Club (Sega System 24) -- dcclub
Dynamite Duke (Arcade) -- dynduke
Dynamite Duke -- dynduke
Dynamite Duke (Europe, Brazil) -- dynduke
Dynamite Duke (World, rev. A) -- dynduke
Dynamite Dux -- ddux
Dynamite Dux (Europe, Brazil) -- ddux
Dynamite Dux (Sega System 16B) -- ddux
Dynamite Dux (UK) -- ddux
Dynamite League (Taito H System) -- dleague
Dynasty Wars (CP System) -- dynwar
Dynasty Wars -- dynwar
Earth Joker - U.N. Defense Force (Arcade) -- earthjkr
E.D.F. - Earth Defense Force (Jaleco Mega System 1) -- edf
E.D.F. (Fra) -- edf
Ehrgeiz (Namco System 12) -- ehrgeiz
Eight Man (Neo Geo) -- eightman
Eight Man (NGM-025 ~ NGH-025) -- eightman
Einstein 1 -- einstein
Einstein1 -- einstein
Einstein (Fra) (PD) -- einstein
Ejihon Tantei Jimusyo (J 950613 V1.000) -- ejihon
E Jong High School (Seibu SPI System) -- ejanhs
El Dorado (alt) -- eldorado
Electron -- electron
Electron (Fra) (128K) (Version CPC 6128) [CPC] [UTILITAIRE] -- electron
Electron Invaders -- einvader
Elevator Action (China, Europe, USA) -- elevator
Elevator Action -- elevator
Elevator Action EX (Europe) -- elevator
Elevator Action (Japan) -- elevator
Elevator Action - Old & New (Japan) -- elevator
Elevator Action (prototype) -- elevator
Elevator Action (set 1) -- elevator
Elevator Action (UK) -- elevator
Elevator Action (USA) -- elevator
Embargo -- embargo
Enchanter -- enchantr
Enchanter - Wakaki Madoushi no Shiren -- enchantr
Enduro Racer (Arcade) -- enduror
Enduro Racer (set 1) -- enduror
Enduro (Robby) -- enduror
EPROM 1.08 -- eprom
EPROM Programmer -- eprom
Escape / Brief Editor -- escape
Escape!!! -- escape
Escape! -- escape
Escape -- escape
Escape from the Death Planet -- escape
Escape From The Planet of the Robot Monsters -- eprom
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (UK) -- eprom
Escape Kids (Arcade) -- esckids
Escape (Spain) -- escape
Espial -- espial
ESP Ra.De. (Cave 68000) -- esprade
ESWAT - City Under Siege (Europe, USA, rev. A) -- eswat
ESWAT - Cyber Police (UK, 64K) -- eswat
E-SWAT (Erbe) -- eswat
European Games (Europe) -- eurogame
ExChess -- exchess
Excitebike -- excitebk
Excite League (Sega System 16B) -- exctleag
Exed Exes (Arcade) -- exedexes
Exed Exes (Japan) -- exedexes
Exerion (Europe) -- exerion
Exerion (Europe, Japan) -- exerion
Exerion (Japan) -- exerion
Explosive Breaker (Arcade) -- explbrkr
Extermination (The New Zealand Story) -- extrmatn
Exterminator (UK) -- exterm
Exvania (Namco NA-1) -- exvania
Exzisus (Arcade) -- exzisus
Eyes -- eyes
F-15 Strike Eagle (Europe) -- f15se
F-15 Strike Eagle (Europe, USA) -- f15se
F-15 Strike Eagle -- f15se
F-15 Strike Eagle (Japan) -- f15se
F-15 Strike Eagle (Japan?) -- f15se
F15 Strike Eagle (UK) -- f15se
F-1 Dream (Arcade) -- f1dream
F-1 Dream -- f1dream
F1 (Europe, Brazil) -- f1
F1 (Europe) -- f1
F1 (Europe, USA) -- f1
F1 Exhaust Note (Sega System 32) -- f1en
F-1 -- f1
F-1 Grand Prix (Arcade) -- f1gp
F-1 Grand Prix (Japan) -- f1gp
F-1 Grand Prix Part II (Arcade) -- f1gp2
F-1 Grand Prix - Part II (Japan) -- f1gp2
F-1 Grand Prix Star II (Arcade) -- f1gpstr2
F-1 (Spain) -- f1
F-1 Super Battle (Jaleco Mega System 32) -- f1superb
F1 Super Lap (Sega System 32) -- f1lap
Face Off (Namco System 1) -- faceoff
FAETON$ -- faeton
FamicomBox (Arcade) -- famibox
Famicom Disk System BIOS (FDS) -- famicom
Family Computer Othello -- othello
Fantasia Diamond (set 1) -- fantasia
Fantasia Diamond (UK) -- fantasia
Fantasia (World, rev. A) -- fantasia
Fantastic Journey (Konami GX) -- fantjour
Fantastic Night Dreams Cotton (Europe) -- cotton
Fantasy Zone -- fantzone
Fantasy Zone Gear (Europe, Japan) -- fantzone
Fantasy Zone II DX (Sega System 16C) -- fantzn2x
Fantasy Zone II - Opa-Opa no Namida (Japan) -- opaopa
Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (Sega System E) -- fantzn2
Fantasy Zone (Japan) -- fantzone
Fantasy Zone (Sega System 16A) -- fantzone
Fantasy Zone (SMS based) -- mt_fz
Fantasy Zone (USA) -- fantzone
Fantasy Zone (World, v2) -- fantzone
Far East Of Eden - Kabuki Klash (Neo Geo) -- kabukikl
Far East of Eden - Kabuki Klash / Tengai Makyou - Shin Den -- kabukikl
Fatal Fury 2 (Asia) -- fatfury2
Fatal Fury 2 (Europe) -- fatfury2
Fatal Fury 2 / Garou Densetsu 2 - Arata-naru Tatakai (NGM-047 ~ NGH-047) -- fatfury2
Fatal Fury 2 (USA) ~ Garou Densetsu 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai (Japan) -- fatfury2
Fatal Fury 2 (USA, Korea) -- fatfury2
Fatal Fury 3 (Neo Geo) -- fatfury3
Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory / Garou Densetsu 3 - Haruka-naru Tatakai (NGM-069 ~ NGH-069) -- fatfury3
Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory (USA) ~ Garou Densetsu 3 - Harukanaru Tatakai (Japan) -- fatfury3
Fatal Fury - King of Fighters / Garou Densetsu - Shukumei no Tatakai (NGM-033 ~ NGH-033) -- fatfury1
Fatal Fury Special (Europe) -- fatfursp
Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (NGM-058 ~ NGH-058, set 1) -- fatfursp
Fatal Fury Special (USA) ~ Garou Densetsu Special (Japan) -- fatfursp
Fatal Fury - The Battle of Fury (USA) ~ Garou Densetsu - Shukumei no Tatakai (Japan) -- fatfury1
Fathom -- fathom
Fathom (Japan) -- fathom
Fathom's Deep -- fathom
Fax -- fax
Fearless Frank -- fearless
Fever SOS (Cave 68000) -- feversos
Fighter & Attacker (Namco NA-1) -- fghtatck
Fighter's History Dynamite (SNK Neo Geo) -- fghthist
Fighter's History (USA, rev. A) -- fghthist
Fight Fever (Neo Geo) -- fightfev
Fight Fever / Wang Jung Wang (set 1) -- fightfev
Fighting Hawk (L System) -- fhawk
Fighting Layer (Namco System 12) -- fgtlayer
Fighting Vipers (Europe) -- fvipers
Final Blow (F2 System) -- finalb
Final Blow (Japan) -- finalb
Final Combat (Taiwan, FC cart) -- fcombat
Final Fight (CP System) -- ffight
Final Fight (Europe) -- ffight
Final Fight -- ffight
Final Fight Revenge / Final Revenge (JUET 990930 V1.100) -- ffreveng
Final Fight Revenge (Japan) -- ffreveng
Final Fight (UK, 128K) -- ffight
Final Lap 2 (Namco System 2) -- finalap2
Final Lap 3 (Namco System 2) -- finalap3
Final Lap (Japan) -- finallap
Final Lap (Namco System 2) -- finallap
Final Lap R (Namco System FL) -- finalapr
Final Lap Twin -- finallap
Final Lap Twin (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- finallap
Final Star Force (Arcade) -- fstarfrc
Finding Nemo (Europe, USA) -- nemo
Finding Nemo (Russia) -- nemo
Find Love (J 971212 V1.000) -- findlove
Fireball -- fireball
Fire Ball -- fireball
Fireball (Fra) -- fireball
Fire Ball (Japan) -- fireball
Firebird -- firebird
Fire Bird (PAL) -- firebird
Firebirds -- firebird
Fire Fox (Spain) -- firefox
Fire Shark (Europe) -- fireshrk
Fire Shark -- mt_fshrk
Fire Shark (Toaplan 1) -- fireshrk
Firetrap (Proein) -- firetrap
Firetrap (UK) (CPM) [Original] -- firetrap
Firetrap (UK) -- firetrap
Fist of the North Star (USA) -- fotns
Five-a-Side Socca -- fiveside
Five a Side Soccer (Konami Ultra Sports Hardware) -- fiveside
Fixeight (Toaplan 2) -- fixeight
FLASH -- flash
Flash (France) -- flash
Flashgal (Arcade) -- flashgal
Flashman (UK) [Amstrad Computer User] -- flashman
Flashpoint (Korea) -- fpoint
Flash Point (Sega System 16B) -- fpoint
Flicky (Europe, USA) -- flicky
Flicky -- flicky
Flicky (Japan) -- flicky
Flicky (Japan, v1) -- flicky
Flicky (Sega System 2) -- flicky
Flipper / Pinball -- pinball
Flying Shark -- fshark
Flying Shark (UK) -- fshark
FM Towns Marty BIOS (FM Towns Marty) -- fmtmarty
Food Fight -- foodf
Food Fight (PAL) -- foodf
Football Champions (UK) -- football
Football -- football
FOOTBALL -- football
Football Frenzy (Japan, USA) -- fbfrenzy
Football Frenzy (NGM-034 ~ NGH-034) -- fbfrenzy
Football Frenzy (UK) -- fbfrenzy
Football International (Europe) -- football
Football Manager -- football
Football Predictions -- football
Football (prototype) -- football
Forgotten Worlds (CP System) -- forgottn
Forgotten Worlds (Europe, Brazil, Australia) -- forgottn
Forgotten Worlds -- forgottn
Forgotten Worlds -- mt_fwrld
Forgotten Worlds (set 1) -- forgottn
Forgotten Worlds (Taiwan, SMS mode) -- forgottn
Forgotten Worlds (UK) -- forgottn
Forgotten Worlds (USA) -- forgottn
Forgotten Worlds (World, rev. A) -- forgottn
Formation Soccer - On J. League -- fsoccer
Formation Z (Europe) -- formatz
Formation Z -- formatz
Formation Z (Japan) -- formatz
Formation Z (Japan, v1.1) -- formatz
Formula 1 -- f1
Formula 1 Simulator (UK) -- formula1
Formula 1 (Spa) -- f1
Formula One -- formula1
Formula One Grand Prix (Europe) -- f1gp
Formula One Grand Prix (Europe, v1.05) -- f1gp
Formula One (UK) -- formula1
Formula One (USA) -- formula1
Formula One v1 -- formula1
Formula Uno -- f1
Formule 1 (Fra) -- f1
Four Trax (Namco System 2) -- fourtrax
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (Europe) -- bighurt
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (Europe, USA) -- bighurt
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (USA) -- bighurt
Frantic Fingers -- franticf
Frantic Freddy (Fra) [Amstrad Computer User] -- franticf
Freddy Hardest -- freddy
Freedom Fighters (Europe, US) -- freedom
FreeFall 3050 A.D. -- freefall
Free Fall -- freefall
Free Fall (USA, prototype) -- freefall
Freeway -- freeway
Frenzy -- frenzy
Frenzy (Spectrum Games) -- frenzy
Frisky Tom (prototype) -- friskyt
Frogger Advance - The Great Quest (Europe) -- frogger
Frogger (Boldfield Computing) -- frogger
Frogger (cleanly cracked) -- frogger
Frogger (Europe) -- frogger
Frogger -- frogger
Frogger (Japan) -- frogger
Frogger (Jpn) -- frogger
Frogger (USA) -- frogger
Frogger (USA, prototype) -- frogger
Frogs -- frogs
Frogs (from Jackson Soft Compilation n. 5) -- frogs
From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Super Slams (Arcade) -- suprslam
Frontier - Elite II -- frontier
Frontier: Elite II -- frontier
Frontier -- frontier
Frontiers -- frontier
Frontiers (Spain) -- frontier
Frontiers (Spa) [Original] -- frontier
Frontier Stories (Japan) -- frontier
Front Line (demo) -- frontlin
Front Line -- frontlin
Front-Line -- frontlin
Front Line (Japan) -- frontlin
Front Line (SJ System) -- frontlin
Front Line - The Next Mission (Japan) -- frontlin
Frontline (UK) -- frontlin
Funky Head Boxers (JUETBKAL 951218 V1.000) -- fhboxers
Fußball Manager -- manager
Fussball / Soccer / Football -- soccer
Futsal - 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (Japan) -- pgoal
Gaia Crusaders (Arcade) -- gaia
Gaiapolis (Mystic Warriors) -- gaiapols
Gain Ground (Europe, Brazil) -- gground
Gain Ground (Sega System 24) -- gground
Gain Ground SX (Japan) -- gground
Gain Ground (World, rev. A) -- gground
Galactic Attack (Europe) -- galactic
Galactic Attack -- galactic
Galactic (Hebdogiciel no. 7) -- galactic
Galactic Invasion -- galactic
Galactic (PAL) (Goliath) -- galactic
Galactic Pinball (Japan, USA) -- galactic
Galactic Space Wars / Lunar Lander -- galactic
Galactic (UK) [The Amstrad User] -- galactic
Galaga '88 -- galaga88
Galaga '88 (Namco System 1) -- galaga88
Galaga - Demons of Death (Europe) -- galaga
Galaga - Destination Earth (USA) -- galaga
Galaga (Europe) -- galaga
Galaga -- galaga
Galaga (Japan) -- galaga
Galaga (PAL) -- galaga
Galaga (Taiwan) -- galaga
Galaxia -- galaxia
Galaxian (12K) -- galaxian
Galaxian Attack -- galaxian
Galaxian (Europe) -- galaxian
Galaxian -- galaxian
Galaxian (Japan) -- galaxian
Galaxian (Japan, rev. A) -- galaxian
Galaxian (Korea) -- galaxian
Galaxians -- galaxian
GALAXIANS -- galaxian
Galaxian's Revenge (UK) [Amstrad Computer User] -- galaxian
Galaxian (Thunder Mountain) (cleanly cracked) -- galaxian
Galaxian X-1 -- galaxian
Galaxia (UK) -- galaxia
Galaxia (United Kingdom, disk conversion) -- galaxia
Galaxy Attack -- galaxy
Galaxy Fighter (Europe, USA) -- galaxy
Galaxy Fight (Europe) -- galaxyfg
Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors -- galaxyfg
Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors (Japan, USA) -- galaxyfg
Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors (SNK Neo Geo) -- galaxyfg
Galaxy Fly -- galaxy
Galaxy Force II (Sega Y) -- gforce2
Galaxy Force II (World, rev. B) -- gforce2
Galaxy -- galaxy
GALAXY! -- galaxy
Galaxy Invasion 2 -- galaxy2
Galaxy Invasion -- galaxy
Galaxy Invasion (set 2) -- galaxy2
Galivan (set 1) -- galivan
Gall Asterix -- asterix
Galmedes (Arcade) -- galmedes
Gambler Jikochuushinha -- gambler
Gambler Jikochuushinha - Gekitou 36 Janshi (Japan) -- gambler
Gambler Jikochuushinha (Japan) -- gambler
Gambler Jikochuushinha - Katayama Masayuki no Mahjong Doujou (Japan) -- gambler
Gambler Jikochuushinha - Mahjong Kouisen (Japan) -- gambler
Gambler Jikochuushinha - Tokyo Mahjongland (Japan) -- gambler
Game Boy BIOS (Game Boy) -- gameboy
Game Master (Europe) -- gmaster
Game no Tetsujin - The Shanghai (Japan) -- shanghai
Games 1: Starfire -- starfire
Games Pack 1: Hangman -- hangman
Games Pack 1: Lunar Lander -- llander
Games Pack 1: Othello -- othello
Game Tengoku - The Game Paradise! (Japan) -- gametngk
Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Douchuu (Japan) -- ggoemon
Ganbare Goemon - Yuki Hime Kyuushutsu Emaki (Japan, rev. B) -- ggoemon
Gangcheol RoboCop (Korea) -- robocop
Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki -- ganryu
Ganryu (Neo Geo) -- ganryu
Gaplus -- gaplus
Gardia (Sega System 1) -- gardia
Garou Densetsu 3 - Harukanaru Tatakai (Japan) -- fatfury3
Garou Densetsu - Shukumei no Tatakai -- garou
Garou Densetsu - Shukumei no Tatakai (Japan) -- garou
Garou - Mark of the Wolves (China) -- garou
Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Neo Geo) -- garou
Garou - Mark of the Wolves (NGM-2530) -- garou
Gauntlet (Arcade) -- gauntlet
Gauntlet (cleanly cracked) -- gauntlet
Gauntlet (Europe, Brazil) -- gauntlet
Gauntlet (Europe) -- gauntlet
Gauntlet -- gauntlet
Gauntlet Legends (Europe) -- gauntleg
Gauntlet Legends -- gauntleg
Gauntlet - The Third Encounter (Europe, USA) -- gauntlet
Gauntlet (UK) (128K) -- gauntlet
Gauntlet (UK) -- gauntlet
Gauntlet (USA) -- gauntlet
GeGeGe no Kitarou - Fukkatsu! Tenma Daiou (Japan) -- gegege
GeGeGe no Kitarou -- gegege
GeGeGe no Kitarou - Gentou Kaikitan (Japan) -- gegege
Gegege no Kitarou (Japan) -- gegege
GeGeGe no Kitarou - Kikiippatsu! Youkai Rettou (Japan) -- gegege
GeGeGe no Kitarou - Youkai Daimakyou (Japan) -- gegege
GeGeGe no Kitarou - Youkai Donjara -- gegege
GeGeGe no Kitarou - Youkai Souzoushu Arawaru! (Japan) -- gegege
Gekirindan - Time Travel Shooting (Japan) -- gekiridn
Gekitou! Solomon Kaisenshi -- solomon
Gemini -- gemini
Gemini Wing -- gemini
Gemini Wing (UK) -- gemini
Genesis - Beyond the Revelation -- genesis
Genesis (cleanly cracked) -- genesis
Genesis Dawn of a New Day -- genesis
Genesis -- genesis
Genesis Project -- genesisp
Genesis - The Complete Adventure Creation System (UK) -- genesis
Genpei Toumaden (Namco System 86) -- genpeitd
Ghostbusters -- gbusters
Ghostlop (prototype) -- ghostlop
Ghostlop (SNK Neo Geo) -- ghostlop
Ghost Pilots (Japan) -- gpilots
Ghost Pilots (Neo Geo) -- gpilots
Ghost Pilots (NGM-020 ~ NGH-020) -- gpilots
Ghosts'n Goblins (Europe) -- gng
Ghosts'n Goblins (Europe, USA) -- gng
Ghosts 'N Goblins (Ghosts 'N Goblins) -- gng
Ghosts'n Goblins -- gng
Ghosts 'n Goblins (set 1) -- gng
Ghosts'N Goblins (UK) -- gng
Ghosty Ghost -- gghost
Ghoul Panic (Europe) -- ghlpanic
Ghouls -- ghouls
Ghouls 'N Ghosts (CP System) -- ghouls
Ghouls'n Ghosts (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- ghouls
Ghouls'n Ghosts (Europe, USA, Korea, rev. A) -- ghouls
Ghouls 'n' Ghosts -- ghouls
Ghouls'n Ghosts -- mt_gng
Ghouls (UK) -- ghouls
Ghox (Toaplan 2) -- ghox
Gigandes (Taito X System) -- gigandes
Giga Wing (CP System II) -- gigawing
G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero (Arcade) -- gijoe
G.I. Joe (cleanly cracked) -- gijoe
G.I. Joe - Cobra Strike -- gijoe
G.I. Joe -- gijoe
G.I. Joe (USA) -- gijoe
Ginga NinkyouDen (Arcade) -- ginganin
Gionbana (Japan) -- gionbana
Gladiator (Arcade) -- gladiatr
Gladiator -- gladiatr
Gladiator (set 1) -- gladiatr
Gladiator (UK) -- gladiatr
Glass (set 1) -- glass
Glass (Spain) -- glass
Glass (UK) -- glass
G-LOC Air Battle (Europe, Brazil, Korea) -- gloc
G-LOC Air Battle (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- gloc
G-LOC Air Battle (Sega Y) -- gloc
G-LOC Air Battle (World) -- gloc
G-Loc R360 (UK, 128K) -- gloc
G-Loc (side A only) -- gloc
Goal! Goal! Goal! -- goalx3
Godzilla & The Martians -- godzilla
Godzilla - Dokidoki Kaijuu Shima (Japan) -- godzilla
Godzilla - Domination! (Europe) -- godzilla
Godzilla (Europe, USA) -- godzilla
Godzilla -- godzilla
Godzilla (Japan) -- godzilla
Godzilla - Kaijuu Daikessen (Japan) -- godzilla
Godzilla - Kaijuu Daishingeki (Japan) -- godzilla
Godzilla - Monster of Monsters! (Europe) -- godzilla
Godzilla - Rettoushinkan (Japan) -- godzilla
Godzilla - The Series (Europe) -- godzilla
Godzilla (USA) -- godzilla
Gogetsuji Legends (Arcade) -- plegends
Gokuraku! Chuka Taisen -- chukatai
Golden Axe (China, decrypted WXN) -- goldnaxe
Golden Axe (Europe, USA) -- goldnaxe
Golden Axe -- goldnaxe
Golden Axe II -- mt_gaxe2
Golden Axe (Japan) -- goldnaxe
Golden Axe -- mt_gaxe
Golden Axe (Sega System 16B) -- goldnaxe
Golden Axe - The Duel (Europe) -- gaxeduel
Golden Axe - The Duel (JUETL 950117 V1.000) -- gaxeduel
Golden Axe - The Revenge of Death Adder (Sega System 32) -- ga2
Golden Axe (UK) -- goldnaxe
Golden Axe (World, rev. A) -- goldnaxe
Golden Games -- goldgame
Golden Tee Fore! 2002 (V2.00.00) -- gtfore02
Golden Tee Fore! 2003 (V3.00.04) -- gtfore03
Golf Miniature (Fra) -- minigolf
Golgo 13 (Japan) -- golgo13
Golgo 13 - Kiseki no Dandou (Namco System 12) -- golgo13
Golgo 13 - Top Secret Episode (USA) -- golgo13
Gomoku and Renju -- gomoku
Gomoku -- gomoku
Gomoku Narabe Renju -- gomoku
Gondomania (DECO8) -- gondo
Gorf -- gorf
GORODKI -- gorodki
Gotcha -- gotcha
Gotcha! The Sport! (USA) -- gotcha
GP Rider (Europe, Brazil) -- gprider
GP Rider (Europe, USA) -- gprider
GP Rider (Sega X) -- gprider
GP World (Japan) -- gpworld
GP World (Japan, v1) -- gpworld
Gradius (alt 2) -- gradiusb
Gradius III Legends (Spain, demo) -- gradius3
Gradius III Legends (Spain) -- gradius3
Gradius III (USA) -- gradius3
Graduate DFS -- gdfs
Grand Master -- gmaster
Grand Prix -- gprix
Grand Prix -- grandprx
Gravitar -- gravitar
Great Football (SMS based) -- mt_gfoot
Great Golf (SMS based) -- mt_ggolf
Great Sluggers '94 - New World Stadium (Namco NB-1) -- gslgr94u
Great Sluggers - New World Stadium (Namco NB-1) -- gslugrsj
Great Soccer (SMS based) -- mt_gsocr
Green Beret (Europe) -- gberet
Green Beret -- gberet
Green Beret -- greenber
Green Beret (UK) -- gberet
Green Beret (UK) [Original] -- greenber
Grid Iron - American Football (set 2) -- gridiron
Gridiron Fight (Arcade) -- gridiron
Grid Iron -- gridiron
Grid Iron - Touchdown USA (UK) -- gridiron
Grind Stormer (Toaplan 2) -- grindstm
Grobda -- grobda
Groove on Fight - Gouketsuji Ichizoku 3 (J 970416 V1.001) -- groovef
Groove on Fight - Gouketsuji Ichizoku 3 - Kakuchou Ram Cartridge-tsuki! (Japan) -- groovef
Growl (Taito F2 System) -- growl
Growl (USA) -- growl
Guardian 2 -- guardian
Guardian (Arcade) -- grdian
Guardian Force (JUET 980318 V0.105) -- grdforce
Guardian -- guardian
Guardian (Spa) [Your Computer] -- guardian
Guardians (Seta 2) -- grdians
Guerrilla War (Europe) -- gwar
Guerrilla War - Hail the Heroes -- gwar
Guerrilla War (SNK Triple Z80) -- gwar
Guerrilla War (UK) -- gwar
Guilty Gear X - Advance Edition (Europe) -- ggx
Gun & Frontier (F2 System) -- gunfront
Gunbarich (Arcade) -- gnbarich
Gunbird 2 (Arcade) -- gunbird2
Gunbird (Arcade) -- gunbird
Gunbird (Japan) -- gunbird
Gundhara (Seta 1) -- gundhara
Gunfighter (Europe) -- gunfight
Gunfighter -- gunfight
Gunfighter (UK) -- gunfight
Gunfight -- gunfight
Gunfight (NTSC) -- gunfight
GunForce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (Europe, prototype) -- gunforce
Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (Irem M92) -- gunforce
Gunforce II (Irem M92) -- gunforc2
Gunman -- gunman
GunMaster (Arcade) -- gunmast
Gunnail (Arcade) -- gunnail
GunPey -- gunpey
Gun.Smoke (Arcade) -- gunsmoke
Gunsmoke (Europe) -- gunsmoke
Gun.Smoke (Europe) -- gunsmoke
Gunsmoke -- gunsmoke
Gun.Smoke -- gunsmoke
Gun.Smoke (Korea) -- gunsmoke
Gunsmoke (UK) (2 faces) [Original] -- gunsmoke
Gunsmoke (UK) -- gunsmoke
Gururin -- gururin
Guwange (Cave 68000) -- guwange
Guzzler (Japan, OMV) -- guzzler
Guzzler (UK) -- guzzler
Gynotai (Namco ND-1) -- gynotai
Gyrodine -- gyrodine
Gyrodine (Japan) -- gyrodine
Gyruss -- gyruss
Gyruss (prototype) -- gyruss
Gyruss (USA) -- gyruss
Hachoo! (Jaleco Mega System 1) -- hachoo
Halley -- halley
Halley's Comet -- halleysc
Halley's Comet (SJ System) -- halleysc
Halloween Harry -- hharry
Hammerin' Harry (Europe) -- hharry
Hammerin' Harry - Ghost Building Company (Europe) -- hharry
Hanagumi Taisen Columns - Sakura Wars (J 971007 V1.010) -- hanagumi
Hangman -- hangman
Hangman (L4) -- hangman
Hangman - Spelling -- hangman
Hangman / Tic Tac Toe / Doodle -- hangman
Hangman v1 -- hangman
Hang-On (Europe, Brazil, Australia) -- hangon
Hang On -- hangon
Hang-On (Hang-On) -- hangon
Hang-On (Japan) -- hangon
Hang-On Jr (Sega System E) -- hangonjr
Hang-On (prototype) -- hangonp
HardBox Utilities -- hardbox
Hard Drivin' (Europe, USA) -- harddriv
Hard Drivin' -- harddriv
Hard Drivin' (set 1) -- harddriv
Hard Drivin' (UK, 64K) -- harddriv
Hard Drivin' (UK) [Original] -- harddriv
Hard Drivin' (USA, prototype) -- harddriv
Hard Drivin' (World) -- harddriv
Hard Dunk (Sega System Multi 32) -- harddunk
Hard Hat Mack (UK) -- hardhat
Hard-Head (NTSC, prototype) -- hardhead
Harem -- harem
Harley-Davidson Motor Cycles - Race Across America (USA) -- harley
Harley's Humongous Adventure (Europe) -- harley
Hatena? no Daibouken -- hatena
Hatris (Arcade) -- hatris
Hatris -- hatris
Hatris (Japan, USA) -- hatris
Hatris (USA) -- hatris
Hat Trick Hero (Japan) -- hattrick
Hat Trick (PAL) -- hattrick
Hayaoshi Quiz Grand Champion Taikai (Jaleco Mega System 32) -- hayaosi2
Hayaoshi Quiz Nettou Namahousou (Jaleco Mega System 32) -- hayaosi3
Hayaoshi Quiz Ouza Ketteisen - The King Of Quiz (Jaleco Mega System 1-B) -- hayaosi1
Head-on Collision -- crash
Head On -- headon
Head-On -- headon
Head On (Japan) -- headon
Head-On Soccer (USA) -- headon
Heart Attack -- heartatk
Heavy Barrel (cleanly cracked) -- hbarrel
Heavy Barrel (Data East) -- hbarrel
Heavy Barrel -- hbarrel
Heavy Barrel (USA) -- hbarrel
Heavy Metal -- hvymetal
Heavy Metal (Sega System 2) -- heavymtl
Heavy Unit (Arcade) -- hvyunit
Heavy Unit -- hvyunit
Heavy Unit - Mega Drive Special (Japan) -- hvyunit
Heavyweight Champ (Sega System 16B) -- hwchamp
Hebereke no Popoon (Arcade) -- heberpop
Heiankyo Alien (Arrange ver.) -- heiankyo
Heiankyo Alien -- heiankyo
Heiankyo Alien (USA) -- heiankyo
Hellfire (Europe) -- hellfire
Hellfire -- hellfire
Hellfire_Sound_Sampler -- hellfire
Hellfire S - The Another Story (Japan) -- hellfire
Hellfire (Toaplan 1) -- hellfire
Hellfire Warrior -- hellfire
Hercules -- hercules
Hercules (set 1, Alpha-Omega Software) -- hercules
Hercules - Slayer of the Damned (Europe) -- hercules
Hercules - Slayer of the Damned (UK) -- hercules
Hercules - Slayer of the Damned (UK) [Original] -- hercules
Hercules - The Legendary Journeys (Europe) -- hercules
H.E.R.O. (cleanly cracked) -- hero
H.E.R.O. (Europe) -- hero
H.E.R.O.: Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation -- hero
HERO - Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation -- hero
Hero -- hero
H.E.R.O. -- hero
H.E.R.O -- hero
H.E.R.O. (Japan) -- hero
H.E.R.O. (MSX conversion) -- hero
Hexion (Arcade) -- hexion
Hide & Seek -- hideseek
Hide and Seek -- hideseek
Hide and Seek (set 1) -- hideseek
Higemaru Makaijima - Nanatsu no Shima Daibouken (Japan) -- higemaru
High Noon (Abbex) -- highnoon
High Noon (UK) -- highnoon
Hippodrome (Arcade) -- hippodrm
Hishouzame - Flying Shark -- fshark
Hit the Ice (Europe, USA) -- hitice
Hit the Ice (USA) -- hitice
Hit the Ice - VHL - The Official Video Hockey League -- hitice
Hit the Ice - VHL - The Official Video Hockey League (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- hitice
Hit the Ice - VHL - The Official Video Hockey League (USA) -- hitice
Hit the Ice - VHL the Video Hockey League (USA, prototype) -- hitice
Hogan's Alley -- hogalley
Holosseum (Sega System 32) -- holo
Hook (Europe) -- hook
Hook (Europe, prototype) -- hook
Hook -- hook
Hoops (Europe) -- hoops
Hopper (Arab) -- hopper
Hopper (Europe) -- hopper
Hopper -- hopper
Hopper (set 1) -- hopper
Hopper v2.2 -- hopper
Hotdog Storm (Arcade) -- hotdogst
Hot Rod -- hotrod
Hot Rod (Sega System 24) -- hotrod
Hot-Rod (UK) -- hotrod
Hot Shots (compilation) -- hotshots
Hot Slots -- hotslots
Hot Wheels -- hotwheel
Hot Wheels - Stunt Track Driver (Europe, USA) -- hotwheel
Howzat -- howzat
Hunchback (set 1) -- hunchbak
Hustle Chumy (Japan) -- hustle
Hustle! Chumy (Japan) -- hustle
Hustle -- hustle
Hustler (Europe) -- hustler
Hustler -- hustler
Hustler (set 1) -- hustler
Hustler (UK) -- hustler
Hyaku no Sekai no Monogatari - The Tales On A Watery Wilderness (Japan) -- waterwld
Hydra (Europe, USA) -- hydra
Hydra -- hydra
Hydra (UK) -- hydra
Hyper Duel (Arcade) -- hyprduel
Hyper Duel (Japan) -- hyprduel
Hyper Handball Heavy Smash - The Future Sports (DECO 156) -- hvysmsh
Hyper Sports 1 (Japan) -- hyperspt
Hyper Sports 1 (MSX conversion) -- hyperspt
Hyper Sports (Arcade) -- hyperspt
Hyper Sports -- hyperspt
Hyper Sports (Japan) -- hyperspt
Hyper Sports (Japan, v1.1) -- hyperspt
Hyper Sports (UK) -- hyperspt
Ice Climber (Europe, USA, Korea) -- iceclimb
Ice Climber -- iceclimb
Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (Japan) -- fromanc2
Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (Neo-Geo, bootleg of CD version) -- froman2b
Idol Mahjong Final Romance 4 (Japan) -- fromanc4
Idol Mahjong Final Romance R - Premium Package (Japan) -- fromancr
Ikari III - The Rescue (SNK 68000) -- ikari3
Ikari III - The Rescue (USA) -- ikari3
Ikari (Japan) -- ikari
Ikari Warriors 2: Victory Road (cleanly cracked) -- victroad
Ikari Warriors 2: Victory Road -- victroad
Ikari Warriors (cleanly cracked) -- ikari
Ikari Warriors (Europe) -- ikari
Ikari Warriors -- ikari
Ikari Warriors (PAL) -- ikari
Ikari Warriors (Triple Z80) -- ikari
Ikari Warriors (UK) -- ikari
Ikazuse! Koi no Doki Doki Penguin Land MD (Japan, SegaNet) -- dokidoki
Ikki (Japan) -- ikki
Image Fight (Irem M72) -- imgfight
I'm Sorry (Sega System 1) -- imsorry
Inca (cleanly cracked) -- inca
Inca (Europe) -- inca
Inca -- inca
Inca I (Netherlands) -- inca
Indiana -- indiana
Indiana John's -- indiana
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Atari System 1) -- indytemp
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (UK) [Original] -- indytemp
Indy 500 -- indy500
Indy 500 (Netherlands) -- indy500
Indy 500 - Race -- indy500
Inferno -- inferno
Inferno (set 1) -- inferno
Insector Hecti in The Interchange (Hi-Tec Software) -- insector
Insector Hecti In The Interchange -- insector
Insector X (Japan) -- insectx
Insector X (The New Zealand Story) -- insector
Insector X (USA) -- insectx
Instant Music -- instantm
Instructor (Arab) -- instruct
Interactive BASIC Programming -- interact
In the Hunt (Europe) -- inthunt
In The Hunt (Irem M92) -- inthunt
Intrepido (Spain) -- intrepid
Introducing the Sanyo MPC-100 Micro (Europe) -- mpc100
Invaders (1982, Artic) (set 1) -- invaders
Invaders (Europe) -- invaders
Invaders from Hyperspace! (US) -- invaders
Invaders from Space -- invaders
Invaders (homebrew) -- invaders
Invaders (IJK) -- invaders
Invaders -- invaders
Invaders (Prototype) -- invaders
Invaders (Superior Software) -- invaders
Invaders v1.2 -- invaders
Invaders v2 -- invaders
In Your Face (Jaleco Mega System 1) -- inyourfa
Ippatsu Gyakuten! DX Bakenou (Japan) -- ippatsu
Ippatsu Gyakuten (Japan) -- ippatsu
Ippatsu Jang! -- ippatsu
Iron Horse (Arcade) -- iron
Island -- island
Island of Death (alt 2) -- island2
Island of Death -- island
Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road (Europe) -- offroad
Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road Racer -- offroad
Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road (UK) -- offroad
Ixion -- ixion
Ixion (prototype) -- ixion
Jackal (Arcade) -- jackal
Jackal -- jackal
Jackal (UK) -- jackal
Jackal (USA) -- jackal
Jack and the Beanstalk -- jackbean
Jack and the Beanstalk (UK) -- jackbean
Jack - Haitoku no Megami -- jack
Jackie Chan Adventures - Legend of the Darkhand (Europe, USA) -- jchan
Jackie Chan -- jchan
Jackie Chan's Action Kung-Fu (Europe) -- jchan
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu -- jchan
Jackie Chan (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- jchan
Jackpot (Australia) -- jackpot
Jackpot -- jackpot
Jack-Pot -- jackpot
Jail Break (Arcade) -- jailbrek
Jailbreak in Space -- jailbrk
Jail Break (UK) -- jailbrek
Jajamaru Jr. Denshouki - Jalecolle mo Arisourou (Japan) -- jajamaru
Jajamaru no Daibouken (Japan) -- jajamaru
Jaleco Rally Big Run - The Supreme 4WD Challenge (Japan) -- bigrun
Jangou (Japan) -- jangou
Jankenman (Japan) -- jankenmn
Jan Oh! Quest -- janoh
Janshin Densetsu - Quest of Jongmaster -- janshin
Janshin Densetsu - Quest of the Jongmaster (Japan) -- janshin
Jet Fighter (Europe, Eurosoft) -- jetfight
Jet Fighter -- jetfight
Jet Fighter (Netherlands, cracked) -- jetfight
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '96 - Kaimaku Ban (Japan, rev. A) -- powyak96
J.League Soccer Prime Goal EX (Namco System 11) -- primglex
Jockey Grand Prix (set 1) -- jockeygp
Joe Montana II: Sports Talk Football -- mt_stf
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (Japan) -- jojo
Jojo's Problem -- jojo
Jongbou (Japan) -- jongbou
Jong Kyo (Japan) -- jongkyo
Jong Kyo -- jongkyo
Joshi Ryou Panic -- panic
Journey (Bally Midway MCR-2) -- journey
Journey Escape -- journey
Journey -- journey
Journey (Version 16) -- journey
Joust (6809 Transcoded - v1.10) (512kb) -- joust
Joust (Europe, USA) -- joust
Joust -- joust
Joust (PAL) -- joust
Joust (USA) -- joust
Jr. Pac-Man -- jrpacman
Jr. Pac-Man (NTSC) -- jrpacman
Jr Pacman (prototype) -- jrpacman
Jr. Pac-Man (reproduction) -- jrpacman
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings - Volume One (Europe) -- lotr
Judge Dredd (Europe) -- jdredd
Judge Dredd (Europe, USA) -- jdredd
Judge Dredd (World) -- jdredd
Jump Bug -- jumpbug
Jumping Jack -- jack
Jungler -- jungler
Juno First (Japan) -- junofrst
Jurassic Park (Australia, Europe) -- jpark
Jurassic Park (Europe) -- jpark
Jurassic Park (Europe, USA) -- jpark
Jyangokushi - Haoh no Saihai (CP System II) -- jyangoku
Kabuki-Z (The New Zealand Story) -- kabukiz
Ka-Ge-Ki - Fists of Steel (USA) -- kageki
Kaguya Hime Densetsu (Japan) -- kaguya
Kame no Ongaeshi - Urashima Densetsu (Japan) -- urashima
Kame no Ongaeshi - Urashima Densetsu -- urashima
Kamen Rider Agito & Kuuga - Wild Battle (Japan) -- kamenrid
Kamen Rider Black - Taiketsu Shadow Moon -- kamenrid
Kamen Rider Club - Gekitotsu Shocker Land (Japan) -- kamenrid
Kamen Rider (Japan) -- kamenrid
Kamen Rider - Sakusen File 1 (Japan) -- kamenrid
Kamikaze (cleanly cracked) -- kamikaze
Kamikaze (Fra) -- kamikaze
Kamikaze Invaders -- kamikaze
Kamikaze (Japan) -- kamikaze
Kamikaze -- kamikaze
Kamikaze Saucers (prototype) -- kamikaze
Kangaroo-Beng-Am_I_Right -- kangaroo
Kangaroo -- kangaroo
Kangaroo (prototype) -- kangaroo
Karaoke Quiz Intro Don Don! (J 960213 V1.000) -- introdon
Karate Blazers (Arcade) -- karatblz
Karate Champ (cleanly cracked) -- kchamp
Karnov -- karnov
Karnov (Karnov) -- karnov
Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite -- karnovr
Karnov's Revenge (USA) ~ Fighter's History Dynamite (Japan) -- karnovr
Karnov (UK) -- karnov
Karnov (USA) -- karnov
Kevin's Rip-off ROM 1.00 -- ripoff
Keyboard Creations! (US) -- keyboard
Keyboard Pico (Korea) -- keyboard
Keyboards (Duckworth) -- keyboard
Keyboard Skills -- keyboard
Kickball -- kickball
Kick Off (Europe) -- kickoff
Kick Off (Jaleco Mega System 1) -- kickoff
Kick Off -- kickoff
Kick Start Wheelie King (Taito SJ System) -- kikstart
Kid Chameleon -- mt_kcham
Kidnap -- kidnap
Kid Niki (cleanly cracked) -- kidniki
Kid Niki -- kidniki
Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (Irem M62) -- kidniki
Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (USA, rev. A) -- kidniki
Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen (Terra Cresta) -- horekid
Kiki Kaikai (0606) -- kikikai
Kiki KaiKai Advance (Japan) -- kikikai
Kiki KaiKai - Dotou Hen -- kikikai
Kiki KaiKai (Japan) -- kikikai
Kiki KaiKai -- kikikai
KiKi KaiKai (Mexico 86) -- kikikai
Kiki Kaikai (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- kikikai
Kikstart II (UK) -- kikstart
Kikstart: Off-Road Simulator -- kikstart
Killer Instinct (Europe) -- kinst
Killer Instinct (Europe, USA) -- kinst
King & Balloon (Europe) -- kingball
King & Balloon (Japan) -- kingball
King & Balloon (Korea) -- kingball
Kingdom Grandprix (Toaplan 2) -- kingdmgp
King of the Monsters 2 (Japan, USA) -- kotm2
King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (Neo Geo) -- kotm2
King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (NGM-039 ~ NGH-039) -- kotm2
King of the Monsters 2 (USA) -- kotm2
King of the Monsters (Europe) -- kotm
King of the Monsters (set 1) -- kotm
King of the Monsters (SNK Neo Geo) -- kotm
King Tut -- kingtut
KISS - KISekae Set system -- kiss
Kiss -- kiss
Kiss v2.42 -- kiss
Kiwame -- kiwame
Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle / Fu'un Super Tag Battle -- kizuna
Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle (SNK Neo-Geo) -- kizuna
Klax (Europe) -- klax
Klax (Europe, USA) -- klax
Klax -- klax
Klax (NTSC, prototype) -- klax
Klax (PAL) -- klax
Klax (UK) -- klax
Klax (USA) -- klax
Knights Of The Round (CP System 1) -- knights
Knights (set 1) -- knights
Knuckle Bash (Toaplan 2) -- kbash
Knuckle Heads (Namco NA-2) -- knckhead
K.O.F 98' -- kof98
Konami's Ping Pong (Arcade) -- pingpong
Konami's Ping-Pong (Japan) -- pingpong
Konami's Ping Pong (MSX conversion) -- pingpong
Konami's Pooyan -- pooyan
Konami's Soccer (MSX conversion) -- soccer
Konami Test Board (Arcade) -- kontest
Kong (Europe) -- kong
Kong -- kong
Koro Koro Puzzle - Happy Panechu! (Japan) -- korokoro
Koushien (Japan) -- koshien
Koushien Pocket (Japan) -- koshien
Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Arcade) -- strahl
Kozure Ookami (Arcade) -- kozure
Krull -- krull
Krull (prototype 19830527) -- krullp
Kung Fu (Europe) -- kungfu
Kung-Fu Fighter -- kungfu
Kung Fu -- kungfu
Kung Fu Master (cleanly cracked) -- kungfum
Kung-Fu Master (Europe, USA) -- kungfu
Kung-Fu Master (Irem M62) -- kungfum
Kung Fu Master (Japan) -- kungfum
Kung Fu Master -- kungfum
Kung-Fu Master -- kungfum
Kung-Fu Master (PAL) -- kungfum
Kung-Fu Master (set 1) -- kungfum
Kung-Fu Master (UK) -- kungfum
Kung Fu (PAL) -- kungfu
Kung-Fu Taikun (Japan) -- kungfut
Kung Fu - The Master -- kungfum
Kung-Fu (UK) -- kungfu
Kuri Kinton (Taito L System) -- kurikint
Kurukuru Kururin (Europe) -- kurukuru
Kuru Kuru Puzzle -- kurukuru
Kyuukai Douchuuki (Japan) -- kyukaidk
Kyuukyoku no Othello (Arcade) -- kothello
La Corona (Spain) -- corona
Lady Bug -- ladybug
Lancelot -- lancelot
Lancelot (UK) (128K) (2 faces) [Original] -- lancelot
Lancelot (UK) -- lancelot
Lancelot (United Kingdom) -- lancelot
L'Antre de Gork (France) -- gork
La Rana Amstrad (Spa) -- larana
Laser Ghost (Europe) -- lghost
Lasso -- lasso
Last Battle -- mt_lastb
Last Bronx (Europe) -- lastbrnx
Last Day of the Earth -- lastday
Last Duel (Arcade) -- lastduel
Last Duel -- lastduel
Last Duel (UK) -- lastduel
Last Duel (UK) [Original] -- lastduel
Last Hope (Europe) -- lasthope
Last Hope -- lasthope
Last Mission (Arcade) -- lastmisn
Last Resort (Japan, USA) -- lresort
Last Resort -- lresort
Last Resort (SNK Neo Geo) -- lresort
Last Survivor (Sega X) -- lastsurv
Lazer Tag -- lazertag
Lazertag (Spain) -- lazertag
Lazer Tag (UK) [Original] -- lazertag
Leader -- leader
League Bowling (Japan, USA) -- lbowling
League Bowling (NGM-019 ~ NGH-019) -- lbowling
LED Storm Rally 2011 -- leds2011
Legendary Wings (Arcade) -- legend
Legendary Wings (USA) -- lwings
Legend (Europe) -- legend
Legend (Japan) -- legend
Legend -- legend
Legend of Hero Tonma -- loht
Legend of Hero Tonma (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- loht
Legend of Kage -- lkage
Legend of Success Joe / Ashita no Joe Densetsu -- legendos
Legend (Spain) -- legend
Legion (Japan) -- legion
Legion -- legion
Le Mans 24 Hours (Europe) -- lemans24
Le Mans (Europe) -- lemans
Le Mans (Europe, USA) -- lemans
Le Mans -- lemans
Lemmings (Arcade) -- lemmings
Lemmings (Europe, Brazil, Korea) -- lemmings
Lemmings (Europe) -- lemmings
Lemmings (Europe, rev 1) -- lemmings
Lemmings (Europe, USA) -- lemmings
Lemmings (Japan) -- lemmings
Lemmings -- lemmings
LemminGS -- lemmings
Lemmingso (UK?) -- lemmings
Lemmings (UK) (2 faces) [Original] -- lemmings
Lemmings (UK) -- lemmings
Lemmings (USA) -- lemmings
Lemmings (World) -- lemmings
Leonardo (Japan) -- leonardo
Leonardo -- leonardo
Le Pendu -- lependu
Leprechaun (Netherlands) -- leprechn
Lethal Enforcers (Arcade) -- lethalen
Lethal Enforcers (Europe) -- lethalen
Lethal Enforcers II - Gun Fighters (Europe) -- le2
Lethal Enforcers II - Gun Fighters (Konami GX) -- le2
Lethal Thunder (Irem M92) -- lethalth
Le Trident de Neptune -- trident
Letterwriter -- lwriter
Liberator -- liberatr
Liberator (Spain, disk conversion, cracked) -- liberatr
Liberator (UK) -- liberatr
Life Force Salamander (Europe) -- salamand
Life in the Fast Lane (Europe) -- fastlane
Lightning Fighters (Arcade) -- lgtnfght
Lightning Simulator (MCM) -- lightnin
Line of Fire (Europe, Brazil, Korea) -- loffire
Line of Fire (Sega X) -- loffire
Line of Fire (UK) -- loffire
Liquid Kids (Taito F2 System) -- liquidk
Little Lancelot (USA) -- lancelot
Little Nemo - The Dream Master (Europe) -- nemo
Lizard (Japan) -- lizard
Lizard -- lizard
Locked 'N Loaded (Arcade) -- lockload
Lock 'n Chase (cleanly cracked) -- lnc
Lock 'n Chase -- lnc
Lock 'n' Chase -- lnc
Lock On -- lockon
Lock-On -- lockon
Lock On (USA) -- lockon
Loco Motion -- locomotn
Loco-Motion -- locomotn
Loco Motion (prototype) -- locomotn
Locomotion (UK) -- locomotn
Lode Runner - Domudomu Dan no Yabou (Japan) -- ldrun
Lode Runner (Doujin?) -- ldrun
Lode Runner (Europe, Japan) -- ldrun
Lode Runner for WonderSwan -- ldrun
Lode Runner III - Golden Labyrinth (Irem M62) -- ldrun2
Lode Runner II (Japan) -- ldrun2
Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back (Irem M62) -- ldrun3
Lode Runner (Irem M62) -- ldrun
Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu (Irem M62) -- ldrun4
Lode Runner (Japan) -- ldrun
Lode Runner -- ldrun
Lode Runner - Lost Labyrinth -- ldrun
Lode Runner (USA) -- ldrun
L'odyssée d'Astérix (96K)(France) -- asterix
Lone Wolf - Flight From The Dark -- lonewolf
Lone Wolf - The Mirror of Death (UK) (Spain retail version) [Original] -- lonewolf
Looping (ColecoVision conversion) -- looping
Looping (prototype) -- looping
Lord of the Rings -- lotr
Lord of the Rings (Russia, hack of Stormlord) -- lotr
Lord of the Rings (UK) -- lotr
Lord of the Robots -- lotr
Lost Tomb -- losttomb
Lot Lot (Arcade) -- lotlot
Lot Lot (Japan) -- lotlot
Lot Lot -- lotlot
Love Adventure Playboy -- playboy
LUNA -- luna
Lunar Lander (Bad?) -- llander
Lunar Lander -- llander
Lunar Rescue -- lrescue
Lupin III -- lupin3
Lupin Sansei - Densetsu no Hihou o Oe! (Japan) -- lupin3
Lupin Sansei - Pandora no Isan (Japan) -- lupin3
Lupin the 3 -- lupin3
Lynx Invaders -- invaders
M82 Game Selectable Working Product Display (Kiosk) -- m82
Mace - The Dark Age (Europe) -- mace
Mach 3 -- mach3
MACH3 -- mach3
Mach 3 (Spain, disk conversion) -- mach3
Mach 3 (UK) -- mach3
Mach Breakers - Numan Athletics 2 (Namco NB-2) -- machbrkr
Macross Countdown (Europe) -- macross
Macross (Doujin?) -- macross
Macross - True Love Song -- macross
Maddog -- maddog
Mad Dog -- maddog
Maddog (UK) -- maddog
Mad Gear (Arcade) -- madgear
Mad Gear -- madgear
Mad Shark (Seta 1) -- madshark
Maerchen Maze (Namco System 1) -- mmaze
Magic 8-Ball -- magic
Magical Crystals (Arcade) -- mgcrystl
Magical Drop 2 (Japan) -- magdrop2
Magical Drop III -- magdrop3
Magical Drop III (Neo Geo) -- magdrop3
Magical Drop III - Toretate Zoukangou! (Japan, 2M) -- magdrop3
Magical Drop II -- magdrop2
Magical Drop II (Neo Geo) -- magdrop2
Magical Night Dreams Cotton 2 (Japan) -- cotton2
Magical Night Dreams Cotton Boomerang (Japan) -- cottonbm
Magical Speed (Seta 1) -- magspeed
Magical Tetris Challenge (Europe) -- mtetrisc
Magical Tetris Challenge (Europe, rev 1) -- mtetrisc
Magical Zunou Power (J 961031 V1.000) -- magzun
MagiCard -- magicard
Magic Ball -- magicbal
Magic Ball (Taiwan) -- magicbal
Magic Carousel (prototype) -- magic
Magic Demo -- magic
Magician Lord (Japan) -- maglord
Magician Lord (NGM-005) -- maglord
Magician Lord (SNK Neo Geo) -- maglord
Magician (USA) -- magician
Magic -- magic
Magic Maze -- mmaze
Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy (Capcom CP System) -- magic
Magic Touch (Arab) -- magtouch
Magic (UK) -- magic
MagMax (Arcade) -- magmax
Mag Max -- magmax
Mag Max (UK) -- magmax
MagMax (USA) -- magmax
Magnum Kiki Ippatsu - Empire City - 1931 (Japan) -- empcity
Magnum Kiki Ippatsu - Empire City 1931 (Japan) -- empcity
Mahjong Clinic Special (Japan) -- mjclinic
Mahjong Clinic Zoukan-gou -- mjclinic
Mahjong Club (Japan) -- mjclub
Mahjong Club - Nagatachou (Japan) -- mjclub
Mahjong Kyo Retsuden (NGM-004 ~ NGH-004) -- mahretsu
Mahjong Kyo Retsuden - Nishi Nihon Hen (Japan) -- mahretsu
Mahjong Sisters (Arcade) -- mjsister
Mahjong Vanilla Syndrome (CD, SCD)(Japan) -- vanilla
Mahjong Vanilla Syndrome -- vanilla
Major League (Pre-Sega System 16) -- mjleague
Mǎlìōu Yīshēng (version 4) -- drmario
MANAGER -- manager
Maniac -- maniac
Manx TT Super Bike (Europe) -- manxtt
Mappy (Europe) -- mappy
Mappy (Japan) -- mappy
Mappy -- mappy
Marble Craze (NTSC) -- marble
Marble Madness (Atari System 1) -- marble
Marble Madness (cleanly cracked) -- marble
Marble Madness (cracked) -- marble
Marble Madness (Europe) -- marble
Marble Madness (Europe, USA) -- marble
Marble Madness II (Arcade) -- marblmd2
Marble Madness -- marble
Märchen Adventure Cotton 100% (Japan) -- cotton
Marine Buster -- marineb
Mario Andretti Racing (Europe, USA) -- andretti
Mario Andretti's Racing Challenge -- andretti
Mario Bros. (Doujin?) -- mario
Mario Bros. (Europe, rev. A) -- mario
Mario Bros. -- mario
Mario Bros. (PAL) -- mario
Mario Bros (set 1) -- mario
Mario Bros (UK) -- mario
Mario Lemieux Hockey -- mt_mlh
Mario -- mario
Mario Roulette (Arcade) -- mariorou
Markham (Arcade) -- markham
MARS$ -- mars
Mars -- mars
MARS -- mars
Mars Matrix - Hyper Solid Shooting (CP System II) -- mmatrix
Martial Champion (Japan) -- mtlchamp
Martial Champion (Mystic Warriors) -- mtlchamp
Maru-Chan de Goo! (J 971216 V1.000) -- maruchan
Marvel Land (USA) -- marvland
Marvel Spider-Man - The Case of the Sinister Speller (USA) -- spidermn
Marvel Super Heroes (CP System II) -- msh
Marvel Super Heroes (Europe) -- msh
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (CP System II) -- mshvsf
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (pirate) -- mshvsf
Marvel Super Heroes - War of the Gems (Europe) -- msh
Marvel VS. Capcom 2 vs. Com (Jpn) -- mvsc2
Master Boy (Gaelco Arcade) -- mastboy
Masterchess -- mchess
Mastermind -- mastmind
Master Mind (Spa) -- mastmind
Master of Magic (v1.1) -- mmagic
Master Of Weapon (B System) -- masterw
Mata Hari (Fra) [Original] (GAPS) -- matahari
Mata Hari (Spain) -- matahari
Match It (cleanly cracked) -- matchit
Mat Mania (Arcade) -- matmania
Mat Mania Challenge (PAL) -- matmania
Matrimelee (Neo Geo) -- matrim
Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (NGM-2660 ~ NGH-2660) -- matrim
Matrix -- matrix
Mátrix -- matrix
Matrix/plotter ROM for 9831 -- matrix
Matrix - Quest for Deliverance (Spain?) -- matrix
Matrix ROM for 9825 -- matrix
Matrix ROM -- matrix
Mausuke no Ojama the World (J 960314 V1.000) -- mausuke
Maximum Force (Europe) -- maxforce
Maxi Tuan ~ Circus Charlie (Taiwan) -- circusc
Maya -- maya
Mayday -- mayday
Mayhem (Europe) -- mayhem
Mayhem -- mayhem
Mayhem (Spain) -- mayhem
Mayumi -- mayumi
Maze / Jailbreak / Blind-man's-bluff / Trailblazer -- maze
Maze -- maze
M.A.Z.E. -- maze
MAZE -- maze
Maze (NTSC) -- maze
Maze of Flott (Asuka & Asuka) -- mofflott
Mazinger Z (Japan) -- mazinger
Mazinger Z -- mazinger
MC-10 Freeway -- freeway
Mechanized Attack (Arcade) -- mechatt
Mega 4 -- mega4
Mega 4 (Spain) -- mega4
Megablast (Taito F2 System) -- megablst
Mega Cartridge 04 (Chile, pirate) -- mega4
Mega Man 2 (Europe) -- megaman2
Mega Man 2 - The Power Fighters (CP System II) -- megaman2
Mega Man 64 (USA) -- megaman
Mega Man - Dr. Wily's Revenge (Australia, Europe) -- megaman
Mega Man (Europe) -- megaman
Mega Man (Europe, USA) -- megaman
Mega Man II (Europe) -- megaman2
Mega Man - The Power Battle (CP System) -- megaman
Mega Man - The Wily Wars (Europe) -- megaman
Megaphoenix (Europe) -- megaphx
Mega Phoenix -- megaphx
Megaplay 1 -- megaplay
Megaplay Volume 1 -- megaplay
Mephist -- mephisto
Mephisto (Fra) (Version 1.1) [Original] [UTILITAIRE] [COMPILATION] -- mephisto
Mercs (CP System) -- mercs
Mercs (dual-system) -- mercs
Mercs (Europe, Brazil) -- mercs
Mercs (Europe, USA) ~ Senjou no Ookami II (Japan) -- mercs
Mercs -- mercs
Mercs (UK) -- mercs
Merlin 128 Macro Assembler v1.10 -- merlin
Merlin (Europe) -- merlin
Merlin -- merlin
Merlin (Spain) -- merlin
Mermaid Madness -- mermaid
Message from Andromeda (UK, Alt) -- andromed
Metal Black (Taito F1 System) -- metalb
Metal Hawk (Namco System 2) -- metlhawk
Metal Slug 2 (Japan) -- mslug2
Metal Slug 2 (SNK Neo Geo) -- mslug2
Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (NGM-2410 ~ NGH-2410) -- mslug2
Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560) -- mslug3
Metal Slug 4 (Neo Geo) -- mslug4
Metal Slug 4 (NGM-2630) -- mslug4
Metal Slug 5 (Neo Geo) -- ms5pcb
Metal Slug 5 (NGM-2680) -- mslug5
Metal Slug Advance (Europe) -- mslug
Metal Slug (Japan, USA) -- mslug
Metal Slug (Neo Geo) -- mslug
Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 (Japan) -- mslug
Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 -- mslug
Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (NGM-2500 ~ NGH-2500) -- mslugx
Metamoqester (Arcade) -- metmqstr
Metamorphic Force (Mystic Warriors) -- metamrph
Michael Andretti's World GP (USA) -- andretti
Michael Jackson: Moonwalker -- mwalk
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Europe, USA, Brazil, Korea) -- mwalk
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker -- mt_mwalk
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World, rev. A) -- mwalk
Micro-80 Pinball Machine -- pinball
Micro Canvas -- canvas
Microchess -- mchess
Micro Defender -- defender
Micro-Golf -- mgolf
Microman Battle Charge (J 990326 V1.000) -- micrombc
Micro Scrabble -- scrabble
Micro-Scrabble -- scrabble
Microsoft Decathlon (cracked) -- decathln
Microsoft Puzzle Collection (Europe) -- mspuzzle
Midnight Landing (Arcade) -- mlanding
Midnight Resistance (Arcade) -- midres
Midnight Resistance -- midres
Midnight Resistance (UK) -- midres
Midnight Resistance (USA) -- midres
Midnight Run - Road Fighter 2 (Konami ZR107) -- midnrun
Might and Magic: Book One: Secret of the Inner Sanctum -- mmagic
Mikie (Arcade) -- mikie
Mikie -- mikie
Mikie (set 1) -- mikie
Mikie (UK) -- mikie
Millipede -- milliped
Millipede (prototype) -- milliped
Millipede (USA) -- milliped
Minasan no Okagesamadesu! Dai Sugoroku Taikai (MOM-001 ~ MOH-001) -- minasan
Minefield! -- minefld
Minefield -- minefld
Minefields -- minefld
Miniature Golf - Arcade Golf -- minigolf
Miniature Golf (prototype) -- minigolf
Miniatur Golf -- minigolf
Minigolf (Ger) (PD) -- minigolf
Mini Golf (Japan) -- minigolf
Minigolf -- minigolf
Mini Golf -- minigolf
Mini-Golf (Spain) -- minigolf
Mini Star Trek -- startrek
Mirage -- mirage
MIRAGE -- mirage
Missile Attack -- missile
Missile Command (Europe) -- missile
Missile Command (Europe, USA) -- missile
Missile Command -- missile
Missile Command (Netherlands) -- missile
Missile Command (prototype 19970210) -- missile
Missile -- missile
Missing In Action (prototype) -- mia
Mission Alphatron -- alphatro
Mister Viking (Sega System 1) -- mrviking
Mogura Attacker -- mogura
MOLE$ -- mole
Molecularr (UK) [Amstrad Cent Pour Cent] -- molecula
Mole (Japan) -- mole
Mole Mania (Europe, USA) -- mole
Momoko 120% (Arcade) -- momoko
Momotarou Douchuuki (Japan, v1.001) -- momotaro
Momotarou -- momotaro
Monaco GP (Japan, v2) -- monacogp
Monaco Grand Prix - Racing Simulation 2 (Europe) -- monacogp
Money Puzzle Exchanger / Money Idol Exchanger -- miexchng
Money Puzzle Exchanger (Neo Geo) -- miexchng
Monopoly: Adventure in Africa ~ Fei Zhou Tan Xian Da Fu Weng -- monopoly
Monopoly (Europe) -- monopoly
Monopoly (Fra) [Original] -- monopoly
Monopoly (L4) -- monopoly
Monopoly -- monopoly
Monopoly (set 1) -- monopoly
Monopoly (UK) -- monopoly
Monopoly (USA) -- monopoly
Monopoly (USA, rev. A) -- monopoly
Monopoly v2.00 (Shareware) -- monopoly
Monster Maulers (Mystic Warriors) -- mmaulers
Monster Slider (Japan) -- mslider
Monte Carlo (compilation) -- montecar
Monte Carlo (Fra) [Super Jeux Amstrad - 50 programmes de jeux en Basic] -- montecar
Monte Carlo -- montecar
Moon Cresta -- mooncrst
Moon Cresta (PAL) -- mooncrst
Moon Cresta (UK) -- mooncrst
MOONCRST -- mooncrst
Moon Patrol (Atarisoft, unreleased) -- mpatrol
Moon Patrol (cracked) -- mpatrol
Moon Patrol (Irem M52) -- mpatrol
Moon Patrol (Japan) -- mpatrol
Moon Patrol -- mpatrol
Moon Patrol (NTSC) -- mpatrol
Moonwalker (UK) -- mwalk
More and More -- moremore
Mortal Kombat 3 (Asia) -- mk3
Mortal Kombat 3 (Brazil) -- mk3
Mortal Kombat 3 (Europe) -- mk3
Mortal Kombat 4 (Asia) -- mk4
Mortal Kombat 4 (Europe) -- mk4
Mortal Kombat 4 (Europe, USA) -- mk4
Mortal Kombat 4 -- mk4
Mortal Kombat (Europe, Brazil) -- mk
Mortal Kombat (Europe, USA) -- mk
Mortal Kombat (Europe, USA, v2.6) -- mk
Mortal Kombat II (Asia) -- mk2
Mortal Kombat II (Europe, Brazil) -- mk2
Mortal Kombat II (Europe) -- mk2
Mortal Kombat II (Europe, rev. A) -- mk2
Mortal Kombat II (Europe, USA) -- mk2
Mortal Kombat II (World) -- mk2
Mortal Kombat (Midway Y Unit, Midway T Unit) -- mk
Mortal Kombat -- mk
Mortal Kombat (World, v1.1) -- mk
Mo Shou Shi Jie E Mo Lie Ren (China) -- wow
Moto GP (Europe) -- motogp
Motos -- motos
Motos (Spain) -- motos
Mouser (Japan) -- mouser
Mouser -- mouser
Mouse Trap (ColecoVision conversion) -- mtrap
Mouse Trap -- mtrap
MPS-1000 Beállítás -- mps1000
Mr Dig -- mrdig
Mr Do! (Arcade) -- mrdo
Mr. Do (cleanly cracked) -- mrdo
Mr. Do! (Europe) -- mrdo
Mr. Do (Japan) -- mrdo
Mr. Do! (Jpn) -- mrdo
Mr Do! -- mrdo
Mr. Do! -- mrdo
Mr. Do -- mrdo
Mr. Do (MSX conversion) -- mrdo
Mr. Do!'s Castle -- docastle
Mr. Do!'s Castle (prototype) -- docastle
Mr. Driller (Europe) -- mrdrillr
Mr. Driller (Namco System 12) -- mrdrillr
Mr Goemon (Arcade) -- mrgoemon
Mr. TNT -- mrtnt
Ms. Pac-Man (Australia, Europe) -- mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man (Europe, Brazil) -- mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man (Europe) -- mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man (Europe, USA) -- mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man - Maze Madness (Europe) -- mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man - Maze Madness (USA) -- mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man -- mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man (NTSC) -- mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man (PAL) -- mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man (set 1) -- mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man - Special Colour Edition (Europe) -- mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man (USA) -- mspacman
Ms. Pac-Man (USA, Namco) -- mspacman
Mundial de Fútbol (Spa) -- mundial
Mutant Fighter (Arcade) -- mutantf
Mutation Nation (Japan, USA) -- mutnat
Mutation Nation (Neo Geo) -- mutnat
Mutation Nation (NGM-014 ~ NGH-014) -- mutnat
M.V.P. (Sega System 16B) -- mvp
My Fair Lady - Virtual Mahjong 2 (Japan) -- myfairld
My Hero (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- myhero
My Hero (Sega System 1) -- myhero
Mystic Defender -- mt_mystd
Mystic Riders (Irem M92) -- mysticri
Mystic Warriors - Wrath of the Ninjas (Mystic Warriors) -- mystwarr
NAM-1975 (Japan, USA) -- nam1975
NAM-1975 (Neo Geo) -- nam1975
NAM-1975 (NGM-001 ~ NGH-001) -- nam1975
Namco Classic Collection Vol. 1 (Namco ND-1) -- ncv1
Namco Classic Collection Vol. 2 (Namco ND-1) -- ncv2
Name Club Ver.3 (J 970723 V1.000) -- nclubv3
Narc -- narc
NARC -- narc
Narc (UK) -- narc
NARC (USA) -- narc
NASCAR Racing -- nascar
NASL Soccer -- soccer
Nastar (B System) -- nastar
National CF-3300 -- cf3300
Nautilus -- nautilus
NBA Jam 2002 (Europe, USA) -- nbajam
NBA Jam (Europe, prototype) -- nbajam
NBA Jam (Europe, rev. A) -- nbajam
NBA Jam (Europe, USA) -- nbajam
NBA Jam (Europe, USA, v1.1) -- nbajam
NBA Jam Extreme (Europe) -- nbajamex
NBA Jam (Midway T Unit) -- nbajam
NBA Jam T.E. - Tournament Edition (Europe) -- nbajamte
NBA Jam T.E. - Tournament Edition (Europe, USA) -- nbajamte
NBA Jam T.E. - Tournament Edition -- nbajamte
NBA Jam T.E. - Tournament Edition (World) -- nbajamte
NBA Jam (USA, v1.1) -- nbajam
NBA Showtime - NBA on NBC (USA) -- nbashowt
NBA Show Time - NBA on NBC (USA) -- nbashowt
NebulasRay (Namco NB-1) -- nebulray
Nemesis 1.2 -- nemesis
Nemesis 88 -- nemesis
Nemesis '90 Kai -- nemesis
Nemesis (cleanly cracked) -- nemesis
Nemesis (Europe) -- nemesis
Nemesis (Korea) -- nemesis
Nemesis -- nemesis
Nemesis (set 1) -- nemesis
Nemesis (UK) -- nemesis
Nemo (CP System) -- nemo
Nemo -- nemo
Neo Bomberman -- neobombe
Neo DriftOut (Japan) -- neodrift
Neo Drift Out - New Technology -- neodrift
Neo Drift Out - New Technology (Neo Geo) -- neodrift
Neo-Geo BIOS (SNK Neo Geo) -- neogeo
Neo-Geo Cup '98 - The Road to the Victory -- neocup98
Neo Mr. Do! -- neomrdo
Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf -- turfmast
Neo Turf Masters (Neo Geo) -- turfmast
Nettou The King of Fighters '96 (Japan) -- kof96
Nettou World Heroes 2 Jet (Japan) -- wh2j
NFL Blitz 2000 (USA) -- blitz2k
NFL Blitz 2000 (USA, rev 1) -- blitz2k
NFL Blitz (Europe, USA, rev 1) -- blitz
NFL Blitz (USA) -- blitz
NFL Football (Europe) -- nflfoot
NFL Football (Europe, USA) -- nflfoot
NFL Football -- football
NFL Football (USA) -- nflfoot
NFL (USA) -- nfl
NHL Blades of Steel '99 (USA) -- bladestl
NHL Blades of Steel (USA) -- bladestl
Nibbler (Europe?) -- nibbler
Nibbler -- nibbler
Nickelodeon GUTS (USA) -- guts
Night Driver -- nitedrvr
Nightmare Gallery -- nightgal
Nightmare in the Dark -- nitd
NIGHTMARE -- nightmare
Nightmare (PAL) -- nightmare
Night Slashers (DECO32) -- nslasher
Night Strike -- nightstr
Night Striker S (Japan) -- nightstr
Night Striker (Taito Z System) -- nightstr
Night Warriors - Darkstalkers' Revenge (CP System II) -- nwarr
Night Warriors - Darkstalkers' Revenge (Europe) -- nwarr
Nihon Pro Golf Tour 64 -- progolf
Niji no Silk Road - Zig Zag Boukenki (Japan) -- silkroad
Ninja Baseball Bat Man (Irem M92) -- nbbatman
Ninja Combat (Japan) -- ncombat
Ninja Combat (NGM-009) -- ncombat
Ninja Combat (SNK Neo Geo) -- ncombat
Ninja Commando (Japan) -- ncommand
Ninja Commando -- ncommand
Ninja Emaki (Cosmo Police Galivan) -- ninjemak
Ninja Kazan (Jaleco Mega System 1) -- kazan
Ninja-Kid (Arcade) -- ninjakun
Ninja-Kid II (Arcade) -- ninjakd2
Ninja-kun - Ashura no Shou (Japan) -- ninjakun
Ninja-kun (Japan) -- ninjakun
Ninja-kun - Majou no Bouken (Japan, v1.1) -- ninjakun
Ninja-kun -- ninjakun
Ninja Massacre (UK) -- ninjamas
Ninja Master's - Haoh-ninpo-cho -- ninjamas
Ninja Master's - Haou Ninpou-Chou (Japan) -- ninjamas
Ninja Master's (SNK Neo Geo) -- ninjamas
Ninja Spirit (Irem M72) -- nspirit
Ninja Spirit -- nspirit
Nitro Ball (Arcade) -- nitrobal
Noboranka (Sega System 1) -- nob
Nontan to Issho - Kurukuru Puzzle (Japan) -- kurukuru
Nostradamus (Arcade) -- nost
Nova 2001 (Arcade) -- nova2001
N-Sub (Europe?) -- nsub
Numan Athletics (Namco NA-2) -- numanath
Number One (UK) -- number1
Octopus -- octopus
Octopus (PAL) -- octopus
Odin Edition: Master Reversi -- odin
Odin (v2.1) -- odin
Off Road Challenge (Europe) -- offroadc
Off the Wall -- offtwall
Off The Wall (prototype) -- offtwall
Ohi! Kaguya Hime - Kinuginu no Wakare -- kaguya
Okami no Su - Golgo 13 Adventure Game (Japan) -- golgo13
Oldsmobile (USA) -- olds
Olympic -- olympic
Omega (cleanly cracked) -- omega
Omega Fighter (Arcade) -- omega
Omega -- omega
Omega - Planete Invisible -- omega
Omega Race (Japan, v.02) -- omegrace
Omega Race -- omegrace
One Arm Bandit -- bandit
One-Shot VOCA (Kor) -- oneshot
Ooi! Kaguya Hime - Kinuginu no Wakare -- kaguya
Ooparts (Sega System C-2) -- ooparts
Opa Opa (Japan) -- opaopa
Opa Opa (Sega System E) -- opaopa
Operation Nemo -- nemo
Operation Thunderbolt -- othunder
Operation Thunderbolt (set 1) -- othunder
Operation Thunderbolt (UK) -- othunder
Operation Thunderbolt (USA) -- othunder
Operation Wolf 3 (Arcade) -- opwolf3
Operation Wolf (Europe, Brazil) -- opwolf
Operation Wolf (Europe) -- opwolf
Operation Wolf -- opwolf
Operation Wolf (Rastan Saga) -- opwolf
Operation Wolf - Take no Prisoners (Europe) -- opwolf
Operation Wolf (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- opwolf
Operation Wolf (UK) -- opwolf
Operation Wolf (v3) -- opwolf
Orbitron -- orbitron
Ordyne (Namco System 2) -- ordyne
Ordyne -- ordyne
Ordyne (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- ordyne
Oscar (Europe) -- oscar
Othello (Europe) -- othello
Othello for Apple v2.1 -- othello
Othello (Japan) -- othello
Othello (Japan, Pony Canyon) -- othello
Othello (Japan, Sony) -- cothello
Othello (L4) -- othello
Othello -- othello
OTHELLO -- othello
Othello Shiyouyo (J 980423 V1.002) -- othellos
Othello (USA) -- othello
Outlaw - Gunslinger -- outlaw
Outlaw -- outlaw
Outlaw (set 1) -- outlaw
Outlaw (UK) -- outlaw
Out of the Vortex (prototype) -- vortex
Out Run (Arcade) -- outrun
Out Run (Europe) -- outrun
Out Run (Europe, USA, rev. A?) -- outrun
Out Run (Japan) -- outrun
OutRunners (Sega System Multi 32) -- orunners
Out Runners (USA) -- orunners
Out Run (Netherlands) -- outrun
Out Run -- outrun
Out Run (set 1) -- outrun
Out Run (SMS based) -- mt_orun
Out Run (UK) -- outrun
Out Run (World) -- outrun
Out Zone (Toaplan 1) -- outzone
Overdrive & Centibug -- overdriv
Over Drive (Arcade) -- overdriv
Overdrive -- overdriv
Overdrive (Spa) [Your Computer] -- overdriv
OverTop (Japan) -- overtop
Over Top (Neo Geo) -- overtop
Over Top -- overtop
P-47 Aces (Jaleco Mega System 32) -- p47aces
P-47 - The Freedom Fighter -- p47
P-47 - The Phantom Fighter (Mega System 1) -- p47
P-47 Thunderbolt (P-47 The Freedom Fighter) (set 1) -- p47
P-47 (UK) -- p47
Pachinko Tenshi -- pachiten
Pac-Land (Europe) -- pacland
Pac-Land (Europe, USA) -- pacland
Pac-Land (Japan) -- pacland
Pac-land -- pacland
Pac-Land -- pacland
Pac-Land (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- pacland
Pac-Land (UK) -- pacland
Pac-Mania (Europe) -- pacmania
Pac-Mania (Europe, USA) -- pacmania
Pac-Mania (Japan) -- pacmania
Pac-Mania (Namco System 1) -- pacmania
Pacmania -- pacmania
Pac-Mania -- pacmania
Pac-Mania (UK) (CPM) [Original] -- pacmania
Pac-Mania (UK) -- pacmania
Pac-Mania (USA) -- pacmania
Pac-Man Plus (NTSC) -- pacplus
Pac-Slot (Arcade) -- pacslot
Pairs (Japan) -- pairs
Palamedes (Taito L System) -- palamed
Panasonic FS-A1F -- fsa1f
Panasonic FS-A1FM -- fsa1fm
Pandora's CD v1.0 (alt) -- pandoras
Pang (Mitchell) -- pang
Pang -- pang
Pang (UK) -- pang
Panic Bomber -- panicbom
Panic Bomber (USA) -- panicbom
Panic Button -- panic
Panic -- panic
Panic (PSS) -- panic
Panic Road (Arcade) -- panicr
Panther (Japan) -- panther
Panther -- panther
Paperboy (Atari System 2) -- paperboy
Paperboy (cleanly cracked) -- paperboy
Paperboy (Europe) -- paperboy
Paperboy (Europe, USA) -- paperboy
Paperboy (Europe, v0) -- paperboy
Paperboy -- paperboy
Paperboy (Spa) -- paperboy
Paperboy (UK) -- paperboy
Papillon (Asia) -- papillon
Para-Dice - Kimi wa Oihagi o Mita ka? -- paradice
Paradise Demo (UK) (PD) (Disk 1 of 2) [a1] -- paradise
Paradise In Microdot -- paradise
Paranoia 88 -- paranoia
Paranoia (Fra) -- paranoia
Paranoia -- paranoia
Paranoia (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- paranoia
Parent Jack (Taito O System) -- parentj
Parlour Games (SMS based) -- mt_parlg
Parodius Da! -- parodius
Parodius DA(Parodius) -- parodius
Parodius Da! - Shinwa kara Owarai e -- parodius
Parodius (Europe) -- parodius
Parodius - Non-Sense Fantasy (Europe) -- parodius
Parodius - Tako wa Chikyuu wo Sukuu (Japan) -- parodius
Party Line: Hard Hat (unreleased) -- hardhat
Passing Shot (Sega System 16B) -- pass
PDS CP/M -- r8
Pebble Beach - The Great Shot (JUE 950913 V0.990) -- pblbeach
Peek-A-Boo -- peekaboo
Peek-A-Boo Poker (Asia) -- peekaboo
Peek-A-Boo (prototype) -- peekaboo
Pegasus (Japan) -- pegasus
Pegasus -- pegasus
Penalty -- penalty
Pengo (Europe, USA) -- pengo
Pengo -- pengo
Pepper 2 (ColecoVision conversion) -- pepper2
Pepsiman (Sigma B-98) -- pepsiman
Perestroika (Fra) [LMC] -- perestro
Perestroika -- perestro
Perfect Software Suite -- perfect
Performan (Arcade) -- perfrman
Pesadelo (Brazil) -- pesadelo
Peter Pack Rat (Atari System 1) -- peterpak
PHANTOM2 -- phantom2
Phantomas 2 (Spain) -- phantom2
Philips NMS-8245/NMS-8250/NMS-8255 -- nms8245
Philips NMS-8280/NMS-8280G -- nms8280
Philips VG-8230/VG-8235/VG-8240 -- vg8230
P.H.M. Pegasus -- pegasus
Phoenix Adventure -- phoenix
Phoenix -- phoenix
Phrase Craze -- phrcraze
Pigskin 621 A.D. (Midway MCR-68K) -- pigskin
Pinball (6K) -- pinball
Pinball Action (Arcade) -- pbaction
Pinball Advance (Europe) -- pinball
Pinball Challenge -- pinball
Pinball Construction Set (cracked) -- pinball
Pinball / Dungeon Hunt / Blockout -- pinball
Pinball (Europe, rev. A) -- pinball
Pinball (MPT-02) -- pinball
Pinball (PAL) -- pinball
Pinball -- pinball
Pin Ball -- pinball
Ping Pong -- pingpong
Ping-Pong! -- pingpong
Ping-Pong -- pingpong
PINGPONG -- pingpong
Ping Pong (set 1) -- pingpong
Ping Pong (Taiwan) -- pingpong
Ping-Pong (UK) [Original] -- pingpong
Ping-Pong (UK) -- pingpong
Pingu - Sekai de 1ban Genki na Penguin (Japan) -- pingu
Pipe Dream (clean crack) -- pipedrm
Pipe Dream (cleanly cracked) -- pipedrm
Pipe Dream -- pipedrm
Pipeline (cleanly cracked) -- pipeline
Pipeline (Fra) (Version Basic 1.1) (PD) -- pipeline
Pipeline -- pipeline
Pirates! (Europe) -- pirates
Pirates! Gold (Europe) -- pirates
Pirates! Gold (USA) -- pirates
Pirate Ship Higemaru (Arcade) -- higemaru
Pirates! -- pirates
Pirates -- pirates
Pirates (Spain) -- pirates
Pistol Daimyo no Bouken (Namco System 1) -- pistoldm
Pitapat -- pitapat
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns (cleanly cracked) -- pitfall2
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (Europe) -- pitfall2
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (Japan) -- pitfall2
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns -- pitfall2
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns -- pitfall2
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (Sega System 1) -- pitfall2
Pitfall II -- pitfall2
Pitfall II - The Lost Caverns (Japan, v1) -- pitfall2
Pitfall II: The Lost Caverns -- pitfall2
Pit-Fighter (Europe) -- pitfight
Pit-Fighter (Europe, USA) -- pitfight
Pit-Fighter -- pitfight
Pit Fighter (prototype) -- pitfight
Pit-Fighter (The Hit Squad release) -- pitfight
PitFighter - The Ultimate Challenge (Europe) -- pitfight
Pit-Fighter - The Ultimate Competition (Europe, USA) -- pitfight
Pit-Fighter (UK) (2 faces) [Original] -- pitfight
Pit-Fighter (UK) -- pitfight
Pit-Fighter (World, rev. A) -- pitfight
Plan80 v2.4 -- plan80
Plasma Sword - Nightmare of Bilstein (ZN-2) -- plsmaswd
Play Ball (Japan) -- playball
Pleasure Goal / Futsal - 5 on 5 Mini Soccer (NGM-219) -- pgoal
Plotting (L System) -- plotting
Plotting -- plotting
Plotting (UK) (Cart) -- plotting
Plump Pop (The New Zealand Story) -- plumppop
Plus Alpha (Mega System 1) -- plusalph
PMS Genie 1.02 -- genie
Pochi and Nyaa (Ver 2.02) -- pnyaa
Pocket Fighting Series - Samurai Shodown! 2 (World) -- samsho2
Pocket Sports Series - Baseball Stars (Europe, Japan) -- bstars
Pocket Sports Series - Neo Geo Cup '98 (Europe, Japan) -- neocup98
Poizone -- poizone
Poker Sisters Gold -- pokersis
Poker Sisters -- pokersis
Pokonyan! - Henpokorin Adventure (Japan) -- pokonyan
Pokonyan! - Yume no Daibouken (Japan) -- pokonyan
Polaris (NTSC) -- polaris
Polaris -- polaris
Pole Position (Hebdogiciel no. 119-120) -- polepos
Pole Position II (PAL) -- polepos2
Pole Position II -- polepos2
Pole Position -- polepos
Polygonet Commanders (Arcade) -- plygonet
Poly-Net Warriors (Konami Polygonet Hardware) -- polynetw
Pontoon -- pontoon
Pooyan (Arcade) -- pooyan
Pooyan (France) -- pooyan
Pooyan (Japan) -- pooyan
Pooyan (Korea) -- pooyan
Pooyan -- pooyan
Popeye (DK'Tronics) -- popeye
Popeye (Europe) -- popeye
Popeye - Ijiwaru Majo Sea Hag no Maki (Japan) -- popeye
Popeye (Japan) -- popeye
Popeye no Beach Volleyball (Japan) -- popeye
Popeye -- popeye
Popeye (prototype) -- popeye
Popeye - Rush for Spinach (Europe, USA) -- popeye
Popeye (UK) -- popeye
Popeye (USA) -- popeye
Popeye (World, rev. A) -- popeye
Pop Flamer (Europe, Japan) -- popflame
Pop 'n Bounce / Gapporin -- popbounc
Pop'n Pop (Europe) -- popnpop
Popper -- popper
Portrait (Hebdogiciel no. 53) -- portrait
Portraits Robots (Fra) [Hebdogiciel] -- portrait
Positron -- positron
Powerball (USA) -- powerbal
Power Drift (Europe) -- pdrift
Power Drift -- pdrift
Power Drift (Sega Y) -- pdrift
Power Drift (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- pdrift
Power Drift (UK) -- pdrift
Power Instinct 2 (Arcade) -- pwrinst2
Power Instinct (Arcade) -- powerins
Power Instinct (USA) -- powerins
Powerplay - The Game of the Gods (Spain) -- powrplay
Power Spikes II (Japan) -- pspikes2
Power Spikes II (Neo Geo) -- pspikes2
Power Spikes II (NGM-068) -- pspikes2
Power Stone 2 Mini Store (Jpn) -- pstone2
Powerstone Mini -- pstone
P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (Europe) -- pow
P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (SNK 68000) -- pow
Prehistoric Isle 2 (Neo Geo) -- preisle2
Prehistoric Isle 2 -- preisle2
Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (SNK 68000) -- prehisle
Premiere Demo (The Flying Crackers) -- premiere
Premier Soccer (Arcade) -- prmrsocr
Princess and Frog (NTSC) -- princess
Princess and the Frog -- princess
Princess Clara Daisakusen (J 960910 V1.000) -- prikura
Princess wa Street Girl? -- princess
Princess wa Street Girl -- princess
Print Club 2 (U 970921 V1.000) -- pclub2
Print Club 2 Vol. 3 (U 990310 V1.000) -- pclub2v3
Print Club Pokemon B (U 991126 V1.000) -- pclubpok
Prodigy -- prodigy
Prodigy (UK) -- prodigy
Profesional Tennis Simulator (Spain) -- protenn
Professional Tennis Simulator (Spain?) -- protenn
Proffessionnal Tennis Simulator (UK) -- protenn
Progear (CP System II) -- progear
Pro Golf -- progolf
Pro Golf (UK) -- progolf
Pro Mahjong Kiwame S (J 951020 V1.208) -- kiwames
Prop Cycle (Namco System Super 22) -- propcycl
Prophecy Megademo (Fra) (PD) (Disk 1 of 2) -- prophecy
Prophecy - The Viking Child (Europe) -- prophecy
Pro Pinball -- pinball
Pro Soccer 68 -- prosoccr
Pro Soccer (Japan) -- prosoccr
Proteus (Germany) -- proteus
Proteus (Ultrasoft) -- proteus
Psychic 5 (Arcade) -- psychic5
Psychic Force (Taito FX-1A) -- psyforce
Psychosis -- psychos
Psycho Soldier -- psychos
Psycho Soldier (SNK Triple Z80) -- psychos
Puchi Carat (Europe) -- puchicar
Puckman -- puckman
Puck Man -- puckman
PuLiRuLa (F2 System) -- pulirula
Pulsar no Hikari - Space Wars Simulation -- pulsar
Pulstar (Japan, USA) -- pulstar
Pulstar (Neo Geo) -- pulstar
Pulstar -- pulstar
Punch-Out!! (Arcade) -- punchout
Punch-Out!! (Europe) -- punchout
Punch-Out!! -- punchout
Punchy (MSX conversion) -- punchy
Punchy -- punchy
Punchy (set 1) -- punchy
Punchy (Spain) -- punchy
Punchy (UK) -- punchy
Punk Shot (Arcade) -- punkshot
Push-Over (Big Games/The Hit Squad release) -- pushover
Push-Over (Europe) -- pushover
Puyo Pop Fever (Europe) -- puyofev
Puyo Puyo 2 (Japan) -- puyopuy2
Puyo Puyo 2 (Japan, v1.1) -- puyopuy2
Puyo Puyo CD Tsuu (Japan) -- puyopuy2
Puyo Puyo (Sega System C-2) -- puyo
Puyo Puyo Sun (J 961115 V0.001) -- puyosun
Puyo Puyo Sun (Japan, v1.002) -- puyosun
Puyo Puyo Tsuu (Japan, 3M) -- puyopuy2
Puyo Puyo Tsuu -- puyopuy2
Puyo Puyo Tsuu (Sega System C-2) -- puyopuy2
Puzzle & Action - Ichidant-R (Japan) -- ichir
Puzzle & Action: Sando-R (J 951114 V1.000) -- sandor
Puzzle & Action - Tant-R (Japan) -- tantr
Puzzle & Action Tant~R (Japan) -- tantr
Puzzle Bobble 2 / Bust-A-Move Again (Neo-Geo) -- pbobbl2n
Puzzle Bobble 2 (Neo Geo) -- pbobbl2n
Puzzle Bobble 3 (Japan, 2M) -- pbobble3
Puzzle Bobble 4 (Japan) -- pbobble4
Puzzle Bobble 64 (Japan) -- pbobble
Puzzle Bobble (B System, Neo Geo) -- pbobble
Puzzle Bobble - Bust-A-Move (Europe) -- pbobble
Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Neo-Geo, NGM-083) -- pbobblen
Puzzle Bobble (Japan) -- pbobble
Puzzle Bobble Mini (Europe, Japan, v10) -- pbobble
Puzzle Bobble (Neo Geo) -- pbobblen
Puzzle Bobble -- pbobble
Puzzle de Pon (Arcade) -- puzzledp
Puzzle De Pon! -- puzzledp
Puzzle De Pon! R! -- puzzldpr
Puzzled / Joy Joy Kid (NGM-021 ~ NGH-021) -- joyjoy
Puzzled (USA) ~ Joy Joy Kid (Japan) -- joyjoy
Puzzle Of The Pyramid -- pyramid
Puzzle Piece Panic! -- ppp
Puzzle Uo Poko (Cave 68000) -- uopoko
Puzz Loop 2 (CP System II) -- pzloop2
Puzz Loop (Japan) -- puzzloop
Puzz Loop (Super Kaneko Nova System) -- puzzloop
Puzznic (Europe) -- puzznic
Puzznic (Japan) -- puzznic
Puzznic -- puzznic
Puzznic (Taito L System) -- puzznic
Puzznic (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- puzznic
Puzznic (UK) -- puzznic
Puzznic (unreleased) -- puzznic
PV 2000 -- pv2000
Pyramid 1.0a -- pyramid
Pyramid (Europe, USA) -- pyramid
Pyramid Magic (Japan, SegaNet) -- pyramid
Pyramid (USA, v1.1) -- pyramid
Q*bert (Europe) -- qbert
Q*bert for Game Boy (Europe, USA) -- qbert
Q*bert (Japan, OMV) -- qbert
Q*bert (Japan) -- qbert
Q*Bert (prototype) -- qbert
Q*bert -- qbert
Q*Bert -- qbert
Q-Bert -- qbert
Q*bert Qubes -- qbertqub
Q*bert (USA) -- qbert
Qix (cleanly cracked) -- qix
Qix (Europe, USA) -- qix
Qix -- qix
Qix (USA) -- qix
Qix (Version 1.4? 16-Jan-90) (cleanly cracked) -- qix
Qix (World) -- qix
Quantum -- quantum
Quarterback (Nab Software) -- quarterb
Quartet (Europe, USA) -- quartet
Quartet -- quartet
Quartet (Sega System 16A) -- quartet
Quartet (set 1) -- quartet
Quartet (Taiwan, SMS mode) -- quartet
Quartet (v1.2) -- quartet
Quasar Commander -- quasar
Quasar (United Kingdom, disk conversion) -- quasar
Queen Bee V (Asia) -- queenbee
Quester (Namco System 1) -- quester
Quiz & Dragons - Capcom Quiz Game (CP System) -- qad
Quiz Chiryaku no Hasha - Sangokushi Kitan -- qsangoku
Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down (NGM-023 ~ NGH-023) -- quizdais
Quiz Gakumon no Susume (Arcade) -- qgakumon
Quiz H.Q. (Taito F2 System) -- quizhq
Quiz King of Fighters (Japan) -- quizkof
Quiz King of Fighters (SAM-080 ~ SAH-080) -- quizkof
Quiz Meitantei Neo & Geo - Quiz Daisousa Sen Part 2 (NGM-042 ~ NGH-042) -- quizdai2
Quiz Nanairo Dreams - Nijiirochou no Kiseki (Japan, rev. A) -- qndream
Quiz Syukudai wo Wasuremashita (Sega System 24) -- qsww
Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2 - Zenkoku Ban (CP System) -- qtono2j
Quiz Tonosama no Yabou (Arcade) -- qtono1
Quiz Tonosama no Yabou Zenkoku-ban -- qtono1
Qwak (Europe) -- qwak
Qwak -- qwak
R2D Tank -- r2dtank
Rabbit (Japan) -- rabbit
Rabbit -- rabbit
Rabbit Trail -- rabbit
Rabbit Transit -- rabbit
Rabio Lepus Special -- rabiolep
Race Drivin' (Europe) -- racedriv
Race Drivin' (Europe, USA) -- racedriv
Race Drivin' (Japan) -- racedriv
Race Drivin' (USA) -- racedriv
Race Time (Europe) -- racetime
Racin' Force (Konami GX) -- racinfrc
Racing Beat (Taito Z System) -- racingb
Racing Hero (Sega X) -- rachero
Rack 'em Up (Arcade) -- rackemup
Rack'em Up -- rackemup
Rack 'em Up! (re-badged) -- rackemup
Radiant Silvergun (Japan) -- rsgun
Radiant Silvergun (JUET 980523 V1.000) -- rsgun
Rad Mobile (Sega System 32) -- radm
Rafflesia (Sega System 1) -- raflesia
Rage of The Dragons (Neo Geo) -- rotd
Rage of the Dragons (NGM-2640?) -- rotd
Ragnagard / Shin-Oh-Ken -- ragnagrd
Raguy (Japan) -- bjourney
Raiden (Arcade) -- raiden
Raiden DX (Arcade) -- raidendx
Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Seibu SPI System) -- rdft2
Raiden Fighters Jet (Seibu SPI System) -- rfjet
Raiden Fighters (Seibu SPI System) -- rdft
Raiden II (Arcade) -- raiden2
Raiden -- raiden
Raiden (Rev. A) -- raiden
Raiden (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- raiden
Raiden Trad (USA) -- raiden
Raiden Trad (USA) ~ Raiden Densetsu (Japan) -- raiden
Raiden (USA, v3.0) -- raiden
Raiders of the Lost Ark -- raiders
Raiga - Strato Fighter (Ninja Gaiden) -- stratof
Rail Chase (Sega Y) -- rchase
Raimais (L System) -- raimais
Rainbow 6 -- rainbow
Rainbow Brite - Journey to Rainbow Land -- rbbrite
Rainbow Islands (alternative) -- rbislande
Rainbow Islands (Europe) -- rbisland
Rainbow Islands Extra (Japan) -- rbisland
Rainbow Islands (Japan) -- rbisland
Rainbow Islands - Putty's Party -- rbisland
Rainbow Islands (Rainbow Islands) -- rbisland
Rainbow Islands -- rbisland
Rainbow Islands (set 1) -- rbisland
Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 (Europe) -- rbisland
Rainbow Islands (UK) -- rbisland
RALLY$ -- rally
Rally Bike (Toaplan 1) -- rallybik
Rally Bike (USA) -- rallybik
Rally Chase (Japan) -- trally
Rally (Japan) -- rally
RALLY -- rally
Rally (Russia) -- rally
Rally Speedway -- speedway
Rally-X (Europe) -- rallyx
Rally-X (Japan) -- rallyx
Rally-X (NTSC) -- rallyx
Rally-X -- rallyx
Rally-X (Taiwan) -- rallyx
Rambo: First Blood Part II -- rambo
Rambo: First Blood Part II (san inc crack) -- rambo
Rambo III (Europe) -- rambo3
Rambo III (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- rambo3
Rambo III (MSX conversion) -- rambo3
Rambo III -- rambo3
Rambo III (UK) -- rambo3
Rambo III (World, rev. A) -- rambo3
Rambo (Japan) -- rambo
Rambo -- rambo
Rambo (set 1) -- rambo
Rambo (USA, rev. A) -- rambo
Rampage (cleanly cracked) -- rampage
Rampage (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- rampage
Rampage (Europe, USA) -- rampage
Rampage (NTSC) -- rampage
Rampage - Puzzle Attack (Europe, USA) -- rampage
Rampage! -- rampage
Rampage -- rampage
Rampage (UK) -- rampage
Rampage (USA) -- rampage
Rampage - World Tour (Europe) -- rampage
Rampage World Tour (Europe) -- rampage
Rampage - World Tour (Europe, USA) -- rampage
Rampart (Arcade) -- rampart
Rampart (Europe) -- rampart
Rampart (Europe, USA) -- rampart
Rampart (prototype) -- rampart
Rampart (The Hit Squad release) -- rampart
Rampart (USA) -- rampart
Rapid Fire -- rapidfir
Rapid Fire (UK?) -- rapidfir
Rapid River (Namco Gorgon) -- rapidrvr
Rastan (Arcade) -- rastan
Rastan [cr Computist Magazine][t lives] -- rastan
Rastan (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- rastan
Rastan -- rastan
Rastan Saga (Japan) -- rastan
Rastan Saga (Japan, SMS mode) -- rastan
Rastan (set 1) -- rastan
Rastan the Barbarian Fighter -- rastan
Rastan (UK) -- rastan
Raven -- raven
R.B.I. Baseball (USA) -- rbibb
Reactor -- reactor
React -- react
Reaktor -- reaktor
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers / Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - The Newcomers (NGM-2400) -- rbff2
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers (USA) ~ Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - The Newcomers (Japan) -- rbff2
Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (NGM-095 ~ NGH-095) -- rbff1
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Neo Geo) -- rbff1
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special -- rbffspec
Real Bout Fatal Fury (USA) ~ Real Bout Garou Densetsu (Japan) -- rbff1
Real Bout Special (Japan) -- rbffspec
REBUS -- rebus
Red Alert (Japan) -- redalert
Red Alert -- redalert
Red Alert (set 2) -- redalert
Red Baron / Panzer Attack -- redbaron
Red Baron (set 2) -- redbaron
Red Baron (VGA 256 colors version) -- redbaron
Red Clash -- redclash
Redline F-1 Racer (USA) -- redline
Regulus (Sega System 1) -- regulus
Relief Pitcher (USA) -- relief
Relief Soukan-Go -- relief
Renegade (Arcade) -- renegade
Renegade (cleanly cracked) -- renegade
Renegade (cracked) -- renegade
Renegade (Europe, Brazil) -- renegade
Renegade -- renegade
Renegade (UK) [Kuma] -- renegade
Renegade (UK) -- renegade
Renegade (USA) -- renegade
Renju Club (Japan) -- renju
Renju -- renju
Rescue Raiders -- rescraid
Rescue -- rescue
Rescue - The Embassy Mission (Europe) -- rescue
Return Of The Jedi - Death Star Battle -- jedi
Return Of The Jedi - Death Star Battle (prototype) -- jedi
Return of the Jedi -- jedi
Return of the Jedi (Zen Intergalactic Ninja pirate) -- jedi
Reversi (CDS Micro Systems) -- reversic
Reversi (CDS) -- reversic
Reversi Champion (Fra) -- reversic
Revolution X (Europe) -- revx
Revolution X (Europe, USA) -- revx
Revolution X featuring Aerosmith (Europe) -- revx
Rezon (Seta 1) -- rezon
Ribbit (cleanly cracked) -- ribbit
Ribbit -- ribbit
Riddle of Pythagoras (Sega System E) -- ridleofp
Ridge Racer 2 (Namco System 22) -- ridgera2
Ridge Racer (Namco System 22) -- ridgerac
Riding Hero (Japan, USA) -- ridhero
Riding Hero (NGM-006 ~ NGH-006) -- ridhero
Ring of Destruction - Slam Masters II (CP System II) -- ringdest
Ring Out!! -- ringout
Ring Rage (USA) -- ringrage
Riot (Arcade) -- riot
Riot City (Sega System 16B) -- riotcity
Riot (Japan) -- riot
Rip-Off (PAL) -- ripoff
Rip-Off -- ripoff
Rival Schools - United by Fate (ZN-2) -- rvschool
River Patrol (Arcade) -- rpatrol
River Patrol -- rpatrol
Riviera - The Promised Land (USA) -- riviera
RoadBlasters (Atari System 1) -- roadblst
RoadBlasters (Europe) -- roadblst
RoadBlasters (Europe, USA) -- roadblst
Road Blasters -- roadblst
Road Blasters (UK) -- roadblst
RoadBlasters (USA) -- roadblst
Road Riot 4WD (Europe) -- roadriot
Road Riot 4WD (prototype, 19930719) -- roadriot
Road Riot 4WD (USA, prototype) -- roadriot
Road Runner (Atari System 1) -- roadrunn
Road Runner (Europe) -- roadrunn
Road Runner -- roadrunn
RoadRunner -- roadrunn
Road Runner (set 1) -- roadrunr
Road Runner (UK) [Original] -- roadrunn
Road Runner (UK) -- roadrunn
Road Runner (USA) -- roadrunn
Road Trip - Shifting Gears (USA) -- roadtrip
Robo Army (Japan, USA) -- roboarmy
Robo Army (Neo Geo) -- roboarmy
Robo Army -- roboarmy
RoboCop 2 (Arcade) -- robocop2
RoboCop 2 (Europe) -- robocop2
RoboCop 2 (Europe, USA) -- robocop2
Robocop 2 -- robocop2
Robocop 2 (spectrum +2) -- robocop2
RoboCop 2 (UK) (Cart) -- robocop2
RoboCop (cleanly cracked) -- robocop
Robocop (Europe) -- robocop
RoboCop (Europe) -- robocop
RoboCop (Europe, USA, rev 1) -- robocop
Robocop (MSX conversion) -- robocop
Robocop (prototype) -- robocop
Robocop -- robocop
RoboCop -- robocop
RoboCop - The Future of Law Enforcement (Data East) -- robocop
Robocop (UK) -- robocop
Robot Attack (ported from TRS-80) -- robot
Robot Attack -- robot
Robot City (Europe, prototype) -- robot
Robotech: Crystal Dreams (USA, prototype 19990820) -- robotech
Robotech - The Macross Saga (Europe, USA) -- robotech
ROBOT -- robot
Robotron 2084 (Atarisoft, unreleased) -- robotron
Robotron 2084 (cleanly cracked) -- robotron
Robotron: 2084 (Europe, USA) -- robotron
Robotron: 2084 (NTSC) -- robotron
Robotron 2084 -- robotron
Robotron: 2084 -- robotron
Robotron:2084 -- robotron
Robotron 64 (Europe) -- robotron
Robot Ron (UK) (PD) -- robotron
Robot Wars - Metal Mayhem (Europe) -- robowars
Robo Wres 2001 (Arcade) -- robowres
RoboWres 2001 -- robowres
Robo Wres (Japan) -- robowres
Rock 'n Roller (Spain) -- rockroll
Rock Star Ate My Hamster -- rockstar
Rock Star Ate My Hamster (UK) -- rockstar
Rocky (Europe) -- rocky
Rocky -- rocky
Rocky (set 1) -- rocky
Rocky (Spain) -- rocky
Rocky (UK, Basic 1.1) -- rocky
Rocky (World) -- rocky
Roc 'n Rope -- rocnrope
Roc'n Rope -- rocnrope
Rod Land (Europe) -- rodland
Rod Land (Jaleco Mega System 1) -- rodland
Rodland -- rodland
Rod-Land (set 1) -- rodland
Rod-Land (UK) -- rodland
Rohga - Armor Force (Arcade) -- rohga
Rollergames (Arcade) -- rollerg
Rollergames (Europe) -- rollerg
Roller Jammer (Arcade) -- rjammer
Rolling Thunder 2 (Namco System 2) -- rthun2
Rolling Thunder (Namco System 86) -- rthunder
Rolling Thunder (prototype) -- rthunder
Rolling Thunder -- rthunder
Rolling Thunder (set 1) -- rthunder
Rolling Thunder (Spain) -- rthunder
Rolling Thunder (UK) -- rthunder
Rolling Thunder (USA) -- rthunder
Rotation Formulation Dairy -- rotation
Rotation -- rotation
Rough Racer (Sega System 24) -- roughrac
Route 16 (Arcade) -- route16
Route 16 -- route16
Route-16 Turbo (Japan) -- route16
RTYPE2.LAB -- rtype2
R-Type (Australia, Europe, USA) -- rtype
R-Type Complete CD (Japan) -- rtype
R-Type II (Europe) -- rtype2
R-Type II (Irem M82, M84) -- rtype2
R-Type (Irem M72) -- rtype
R-Type (Japan) -- rtype
R-Type Leo (Irem M92) -- rtypeleo
R-Type -- rtype
RTYPE -- rtype
R-Type (Taiwan, SMS mode) -- rtype
R-Type (UK) -- rtype
R-Type (World) -- rtype
Run and Gun 2 (Konami GX) -- rungun2
Run and Gun (Arcade) -- rungun
Rushing Beat Shura (Japan) -- rushbets
Rygar (Arcade) -- rygar
Rygar (Europe) -- rygar
Rygar - Legendary Warrior (Europe, USA) -- rygar
Rygar - Let's Fight!!! (UK) -- rygar
Rygar -- rygar
Ryougae Puzzle Game Moujiya (Japan) -- mouja
Ryu Kyu (Sega System 16B) -- ryukyu
Ryuuko no Ken (Japan) -- aof
Ryuukyuu (Japan) -- ryukyu
Ryuukyuu -- ryukyu
Safari in Africa -- safari
SAFARI -- safari
Saint Dragon (Mega System 1) -- stdragon
Salamander 2 (Konami GX) -- salmndr2
Salamander (Arcade) -- salamand
Salamander II -- salamand
Salamander (Japan) -- salamand
Salamander - Nemesis 2 (UK) -- salamand
Salamander - Nemesis 2 (UK) (UK retail version) (CPM) [Original] (Weak Sectors) -- salamand
Salamander -- salamand
Salamander (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- salamand
Salamander (v92-03-01) -- salamand
Samurai (Europe) -- samurai
Samurai Kid (Japan) -- samurai
Samurai -- samurai
Samurai (set 2) -- samuraia
Samurai Shodown (Europe) -- samsho
Samurai Shodown (Europe, USA) -- samsho
Samurai Shodown III (Asia) -- samsho3
Samurai Shodown III - Blades of Blood (Neo Geo) -- samsho3
Samurai Shodown III / Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (NGM-087) -- samsho3
Samurai Shodown II (Neo Geo) -- samsho2
Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru Jigokuhen (NGM-063 ~ NGH-063) -- samsho2
Samurai Shodown II (USA) ~ Shin Samurai Spirits - Haoumaru Jigoku Hen (Japan) -- samsho2
Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge (Neo Geo) -- samsho4
Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (NGM-222 ~ NGH-222) -- samsho4
Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge (USA) ~ Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (Japan) -- samsho4
Samurai Shodown (Neo Geo) -- samsho
Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (NGM-045) -- samsho
Samurai Shodown (USA) -- samsho
Samurai Shodown (USA) ~ Samurai Spirits (Japan) -- samsho
Samurai Shodown V (Neo Geo) -- samsho5
Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGM-2700, set 1) -- samsho5
Samurai Shodown V Special (Neo Geo) -- samsh5sp
Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGM-2720) -- samsh5sp
Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (Japan) -- samsho4
Samurai Spirits - Zankourou Musouken (Japan) -- samsho3
Samurai Spirits - Zankurou Musouken (Japan) -- samsho3
Samurai Sword -- samurai
Sand Scorpion (Arcade) -- sandscrp
San Francisco Rush 2049 (Europe) -- sf2049
San Francisco Rush 2049 (Europe, USA) -- sf2049
San Francisco Rush - Extreme Racing (Europe) -- sfrush
San Francisco Rush - Extreme Racing (prototype) -- sfrush
SAR - Search And Rescue (SNK 68000) -- searchar
Saturday Night Slam Masters (CP System Dash) -- slammast
Saturday Night Slammasters (Europe) -- slammast
Saturday Night Slam Masters (Europe) -- slammast
Savage Reign / Fu'un Mokushiroku - Kakutou Sousei -- savagere
Savage Reign (SNK Neo Geo) -- savagere
Savage Reign (USA) ~ Fu'un Mokujiroku - Kakutou Sousei (Japan) -- savagere
Save Our Ship (PAL) -- sos
Schmeiser Robo (Arcade) -- schmeisr
Sci 1.34 -- sci
Scion (Japan) -- scion
Scorpion (PAL) -- scorpion
Scorpion -- scorpion
Scorpion Terminal Emulator 1.2 -- scorpion
Scrabble (Europe, prototype) -- scrabble
Scrabble (Europe) -- scrabble
Scrabble -- scrabble
Scrabble (Sinclair) -- scrabble
Scramble (Arcade) -- scramble
Scramble Formation (Japan) -- scramble
Scramble (homebrew) -- scramble
Scramble (Krypton Force) -- scramble
Scramble (NTSC) -- scramble
Scramble Pyuuta Ban -- scramble
Scramble -- scramble
Scramble Spirits (Europe, Brazil) -- sspirits
Scramble Spirits (Europe) -- sspirits
Scramble Spirits (Sega System 24) -- sspirits
Scramble Spirits -- sspirits
Scramble Spirits (Taiwan, SMS mode) -- sspirits
Scramble Spirits (UK) -- sspirits
Scramble (UK) (PD) -- scramble
Scramble (USA) -- scramble
Scratch -- scratch
Screen Play -- screenpl
Screen Plus -- screenpl
Scud - The Disposable Assassin (USA) -- scud
SDI (Japan) -- sdi
SDI (Sega System 16A) -- sdi
SDI - Strategic Defence Initiative -- sdi
SDI - Strategic Defence Initiative (UK) -- sdi
SeaBass Fishing (Europe) -- seabass
Sea Bass Fishing (JUET 971110 V0.001) -- seabass
Sea Battle (Europe) -- seabattl
Sea Battle -- seabattl
Sea Battle (Spain, disk conversion) -- seabattl
Sea Battles -- seabattl
Sea Devil -- seadevil
Sea Wolf (Europe, USA) -- seawolf
Seawolf / Missile -- seawolf
Seawolf (NTSC) -- seawolf
Seawolf -- seawolf
Sea Wolf -- seawolf
Second Earth Gratia (Jaleco Mega System 32) -- gratia
Secret Agent (prototype) -- secretag
Secret Agent -- secretag
Secret Agent (UK) -- secretag
Section Z (Arcade) -- sectionz
Section-Z (Europe) -- sectionz
Section Z -- sectionz
Sega Ages - Afterburner II (Japan) -- aburner2
Sega Ages - Columns Arcade Collection (Japan) -- columns
Sega Ages - Fantasy Zone (Japan) -- fantzone
Sega Ages - Galaxy Force II (Japan) -- gforce2
Sega Ages - Out Run (Japan) -- outrun
Sega Ages - Power Drift (Japan) -- pdrift
Sega Ages - Shukudai ga Tant-R (Japan) -- tantr
Sega Ages - Space Harrier (Japan, 1M) -- sharrier
Sega Ninja (Sega System 1) -- seganinj
Sega Rally Championship (Europe) -- srallyc
SegaSonic Bros. (Sega System C-2) -- ssonicbr
SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter (Sega System C-2) -- sonicfgt
SegaSonic Popcorn Shop (Sega System C-2) -- sonicpop
SegaSonic the Hedgehog (Sega System 32) -- sonic
Sega Touring Car Championship (Europe) -- stcc
Seicross (USA) -- seicross
Seiha (Japan) -- seiha
Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 2 -- sengoku2
Sengoku 2 (USA) ~ Sengoku Denshou 2 (Japan) -- sengoku2
Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (set 1) -- sengoku3
Sengoku Denshou (Japan) -- sengoku
Sengoku Mahjong -- sengokmj
Sengoku Ninja-kun (Japan) -- sengoku
Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (NGM-017 ~ NGH-017) -- sengoku
Sengoku (USA) ~ Sengoku Denshou (Japan) -- sengoku
Senjyo (Japan) -- senjyo
Sexy Parodius (Japan) -- sexyparo
Sexy Parodius (Konami GX) -- sexyparo
Shackled -- shackled
Shackled (UK) [Original] -- shackled
Shackled (UK) -- shackled
Shadow Dancer (Europe, Brazil, Korea) -- shdancer
Shadow Dancer -- mt_shado
Shadow Dancer -- shdancer
Shadow Dancer (Taiwan, SMS mode) -- shdancer
Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (World) -- shdancer
Shadow Dancer (UK) -- shdancer
Shadow Force (Arcade) -- shadfrce
Shadowland (Namco System 1) -- shadowld
Shadow Warriors (Ninja Gaiden) -- shadoww
Shadow Warriors -- shadoww
Shanghai Advance (Japan) -- shanghai
Shanghai (Arcade) -- shanghai
Shanghai (cleanly cracked) -- shanghai
Shanghai (Europe, USA) -- shanghai
Shanghai II (Arcade) -- shangha2
Shanghai II - Dragon's Eye -- shangha2
Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye -- shangha2
Shanghai III (Arcade) -- shangha3
Shanghai (Japan) -- shanghai
Shanghai Kid (Arcade) -- shangkid
Shanghai Mini (World) -- shanghai
Shanghai Pocket (Europe, rev 1) -- shanghai
Shanghai Pocket -- shanghai
Shanghai (prototype) -- shanghai
Shanghai -- shanghai
Shanghai - The Great Wall / Shanghai Triple Threat (JUE 950623 V1.005) -- shanhigw
Shanghai (UK) (PD) -- shanghai
Shanghai (USA) -- shanghai
Shanghai (Version 15-Sep-87) (cleanly cracked) -- shanghai
Shark Attack -- sharkatt
Shark Hunter (Europe, prototype) -- shark
Shark! (prototype) -- shark
Shark -- shark
Shark! Shark! -- shark
Shark (UK) -- shark
Shep's Casino (L4)(Pontoon) -- pontoon
Shienryu (Japan) -- shienryu
Shienryu (JUET 961226 V1.000) -- shienryu
Shinobi (Europe) -- shinobi
Shinobi (Europe, USA, Brazil, v1) -- shinobi
Shinobi (Sega System 16A) -- shinobi
Shinobi -- shinobi
Shinobi (SMS based) -- mt_shnbi
Shinobi (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- shinobi
Shinobi (UK) -- shinobi
Shinobi (USA) -- shinobi
Shin-Oh-Ken (Japan) -- ragnagrd
Shin Ou Ken (Japan) -- ragnagrd
Shocking Crossword -- shocking
Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad (Neo Geo) -- shocktr2
Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad -- shocktr2
Shock Troopers (Neo Geo) -- shocktro
Shock Troopers (set 1) -- shocktro
Shooting Gallery (L4) -- shootgal
Shooting Gallery -- shootgal
Shooting Master (Sega System 2) -- shtngmst
Shoot Out (Asia, hacked) -- shootout
Shoot-Out (Ger) [Schneider Magazin] -- shootout
Shootout -- shootout
Shoot-Out -- shootout
Shougi (Japan) -- shougi
Shougi no Hoshi (Japan) -- shougi
Shougi no Tatsujin (Japan) -- shougi
Shougi no Tatsujin - Master of Shougi -- moshougi
Showdown in 2100 A.D. (US) -- showdown
Showdown In Tombstone City (UK) (PD) -- showdown
Show Down - Presentation Vol. 1 -- showdown
Showdown -- showdown
Show-Down -- showdown
Shuffle -- shuffle
Sidearms - Hyper Dyne -- sidearms
Side Arms - Hyper Dyne -- sidearms
Side Arms Hyper Dyne (Side Arms) -- sidearms
Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- sidearms
Side Arms -- sidearms
Side Arms (UK) [Original] -- sidearms
Side Arms (UK) -- sidearms
Side Pocket (Arcade) -- sidepckt
Sid Meier's Pirates! (cracked) -- pirates
Silent Debuggers -- silentd
Silent Scope (Europe) -- sscope
Silkroad Hoshi no Shima no Monogatari (Japan) -- silkroad
Silkroad - Legend of Gero v2.10r -- silkroad
Silkworm -- silkworm
Silkworm (UK) (CPM) [Original] (Weak Sectors) -- silkworm
Silkworm (UK) -- silkworm
Silkworm (USA) -- silkworm
Simon Says -- simon
Simon -- simon
Simon the Sorcerer (USA) -- simon
Simpsons - Bart vs the Space Mutants (Ocean Software)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Genesis][t Genesis] -- simpsons
Simulador Columbia (Spain, disk conversion) -- columbia
Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon -- sinbad
Sinbad - Nanatsu no Bouken (Japan) -- sinbad
Sinbad -- sinbad
Sindbad Mystery (Europe, Japan) -- sindbadm
Sindbad Mystery (Sega G80 Raster) -- sindbadm
Sinistar (prototype 19840213) -- sinistar
Sinistar (Reproduction) -- sinistar
Sir Lancelot -- lancelot
Sir Lancelot (NTSC) -- lancelot
Skull Fang - Kuhga Gaiden (Deco MLC System) -- skullfng
Sky Adventure (Alpha-68K) -- skyadvnt
Sky Destroyer (Arcade) -- skydest
Sky Diver - Dare Diver -- skydiver
Sky Diver (Japan) -- skydiver
Sky Diver -- skydiver
Sky Fox (Arcade) -- skyfox
Skyfox (cleanly cracked) -- skyfox
Skyfox (san inc crack) -- skyfox
Skyfox -- skyfox
SKYFOX -- skyfox
Skyfox (UK) -- skyfox
Sky Kid Deluxe (Namco System 86) -- skykiddx
Sky Kid -- skykid
SkyKid (USA) -- skykid
Sky Robo (Arcade) -- skyrobo
Sky Target (Europe) -- skytargt
Slapshot (Europe) -- slapshot
Slapshot (Spain) -- slapshot
Slap Shot Super Pro Hockey -- slapshot
Slapshot (UK) -- slapshot
Slap Shot (UK) -- slapshot
Slap Shot (USA, v2) -- slapshot
Slip Stream (Sega System 32) -- slipstrm
Slither Link -- slither
Slither -- slither
Smashing Drive (Europe) -- smashdrv
Smash T.V. (Europe) -- smashtv
Smash TV (Midway Y Unit) -- smashtv
Smash TV -- smashtv
Smash TV (UK) -- smashtv
Smash T.V. (World) -- smashtv
Snake (L4) -- snake
Snake (Nenad Balint) -- snake
Snake Pit -- snakepit
Snake -- snake
SNAKE -- snake
Snapper -- snapper
Snapper v2.2 -- snapper
Snapshot 64 (v1) -- snapshot
SNK vs Capcom - SVC Chaos (Neo Geo) -- svc
SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (NGM-2690 ~ NGH-2690) -- svc
Snow Bros 2 - With New Elves (Toaplan 2) -- snowbro2
Snow Bros (Arcade) -- snowbros
Snow Bros. Jr. (Europe) -- snowbros
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Japan) -- snowbros
Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure (Arcade) -- snowbro3
Snow Brothers (Europe) -- snowbros
Soccer (3 on 3) -- soccer
Soccer (Australia, Europe) -- soccer
Soccer Brawl (Japan, USA) -- socbrawl
Soccer Brawl (NGM-031) -- socbrawl
Soccer Brawl (SNK Neo Geo) -- socbrawl
Soccer (Europe, rev. A) -- soccer
Soccer -- soccer
SoftBox CP/M 2.2 Distribution Disk -- softbox
SoftBox CP/M 2.2 -- softbox
Solar Fox -- solarfox
Solar Quest -- solarq
Solar Warrior (UK) -- solarwar
Solar Wars! -- solarwar
Soldam (Jaleco Mega System 1) -- soldam
Soldam (Japan) -- soldam
Soldier Girl Amazon (Terra Cresta) -- amazon
Sol Divide (Japan) -- soldivid
Sol Divide - Sword of Darkness (Arcade) -- soldivid
Solitaire -- solitaire
Solitary Fighter (Taito F2 System) -- solfigtr
Solomon (Japan) -- solomon
Solomon no Kagi - Oujo Rihita no Namida (Japan) -- solomon
Solomon no Kagi -- solomon
Solomon's Key (Arcade Machine) -- solomon
Solomon's Key (Europe) -- solomon
Solomon's Key -- solomon
Solomon's Key (UK) -- solomon
Solvalou (Namco System 21) -- solvalou
Sonic Advance (Europe) -- sonic
Sonic (Adventure Island pirate) -- sonic
Sonic & Knuckles 5 (Asia) -- sk5
Sonic Blast Man (Europe) -- sbm
Sonic Blast Man -- sbm
Sonic Bomber (UK) [t1] -- sonicbom
Sonic Boom (Sega System 16B) -- sonicbom
Sonic Boom -- sonic
Sonic Boom -- sonicbom
Sonic Boom (UK) -- sonicbom
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 -- mt_soni2
Sonic The Hedgehog (Europe, Japan, v1) -- sonic
Sonic The Hedgehog (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- sonic
Sonic The Hedgehog (Europe, USA) -- sonic
Sonic The Hedgehog (set 1) -- mt_sonic
Son Son (Arcade) -- sonson
Son Son (Japan) -- sonson
Sony HB-F1XV Story Disk (Japan) -- hbf1xv
Sony HB-F700P -- hbf700p
Sony HB-G900P/HB-G900AP -- hbg900p
Sorcerer Invaders -- invaders
Sorcerer Lord -- sorcerer
Sorcerer (release 13) -- sorcerer
Sorcerer -- sorcerer
Sorcerer (UK) (CPM) [Original] -- sorcerer
Sorcerer (UK) -- sorcerer
Sorcer Striker (Toaplan 2) -- sstriker
Soreike! Anpanman - Anpanman to Denwa de Asobou! (Japan) -- anpanman
Soreike! Anpanman - Minna de Hiking Game! (Japan) -- anpanman
S.O.S. - J'apprends le Morse (v2.3) -- sos
S.O.S. -- sos
SOS -- sos
SOS (USA) -- sos
SOS (Visions) -- sos
Sotsugyou Bangai Hen - Nee Mahjong Shiyo! (Japan) -- sotsugyo
Sotsugyou for WonderSwan -- sotsugyo
Sotsugyou - Graduation (Japan) -- sotsugyo
Sotsugyou - Graduation -- sotsugyo
Soukyugurentai (Japan, rev A) -- sokyugrt
Soukyugurentai / Terra Diver (JUET 960821 V1.000) -- sokyugrt
SoulCalibur (Namco System 12) -- soulclbr
Soul Edge (Namco System 11) -- souledge
Soul Edge vs Samurai Spirits (pirate) -- souledge
Sound Blaster 16 CD driver -- sb16
Sound Blaster 16 -- sb16
Soviet Strike (UK) -- sstrike
Space Ace (Europe) -- spaceace
Space Ace -- spaceace
Space Ace (UK) (Peter Williamson Version) -- spaceace
Space Ace (UK) -- spaceace
Space Duel (PAL) -- spacduel
Space Fortress -- spacefrt
Space Gun (Europe) -- spacegun
Space Gun -- spacegun
Space Gun (UK) [CPC+] -- spacegun
Space Harrier (Europe) -- sharrier
Space Harrier (Hang-On) -- sharrier
Space Harrier II -- mt_shar2
Space Harrier II (World) -- sharrier
Space Harrier (Japan) -- sharrier
Space Harrier -- sharrier
Space Harrier (UK) -- sharrier
Space Harrier (World) -- sharrier
Space Intruders -- spaceint
Space Invader (PAL) -- spaceinv
Space Invaders 2 -- spaceinv
Space Invaders DX (B System) -- spacedx
Space Invaders (Europe) -- spaceinv
Space Invaders (Europe, USA) -- spaceinv
Space Invaders for Windows -- spaceinv
Space Invaders (Fra) [Amstrad Magazine] -- spaceinv
Space Invaders - Fukkatsu no Hi -- spaceinv
Space Invaders (Hacked) -- spaceinv
Space Invaders -- invaders
Space Invaders (Japan) -- spaceinv
Space Invader -- spaceinv
Space Invaders -- spaceinv
Space Invaders - The Original Game (Europe) -- spaceinv
Space Invaders - The Original Game (Japan) -- spaceinv
Space Invaders (USA) -- spaceinv
Space Invaders - Virtual Collection (Japan) -- spaceinv
Space Invasion (Coleco Conversion) -- spaceinv
Space Invasion -- spaceinv
Space Jam (Europe) -- spacejam
Space Journey -- journey
Space Pico - Uchuu Bouken Space Shuttle Pilot Set (Japan) -- sshuttle
Space Quest I: Roger Wilco in the Sarien Encounter (VGA release) -- sq1
Space Seeker (Taito SJ System) -- spaceskr
Space Shuttle - A Journey into Space (Europe) -- sshuttle
Space Shuttle - A Journey into Space (UK) -- sshuttle
Space Shuttle (prototype) -- sshuttle
Space Shuttle Simulator -- sshuttle
Space Shuttle -- sshuttle
Space War 2000 -- spacewar
Space War (Fra) (Version Basic 1.1) (PD) [Original] -- spacewar
Space Warp (Hitech) -- spacewar
Spacewar (prototype) -- spacewar
Space War (Prototype) -- spacewar
Space Warp -- spcwarp
Space War - Space Combat -- spacewar
Spacewar! -- spacewar
Spacewar -- spacewar
Space War -- spacewar
Space Wars -- spacewar
Space Zap -- spacezap
Spatter (Sega System 1) -- spatter
Spawn (Europe) -- spawn
Spawn (USA) -- spawn
Special Criminal Investigation (Europe) -- sci
Special Criminal Investigation -- sci
Special Criminal Investigation (Taito Z System) -- sci
Special Criminal Investigation (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- sci
Spectravideo SVI-738 -- svi738
Spectrum (cleanly cracked) -- spectrum
Spectrum -- spectrum
Speedball (re-release) -- speedbal
Speed Ball -- speedbal
Speed Racer (Namco System FL) -- speedrcr
Speedway - Datafile -- speedway
Speed-Way (Fra) [Amstar] -- speedway
Speedway -- speedway
Spellbound - A True Graphic Adventure (UK) -- spellbnd
Spellbound -- spellbnd
Spelunker II - Yuusha e no Chousen (Japan) -- spelunk2
Spelunker (Irem M62) -- spelunkr
Spelunker (Japan) -- spelunkr
Spelunker (USA) -- spelunkr
Spider-Man (Europe, prototype, set 1) -- spider
Spider-Man (Europe) -- spidermn
Spider-Man (Europe, USA) -- spidermn
Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six (Europe, Brazil) -- spidermn
Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six (Europe) -- spidermn
Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six (Europe, USA) -- spidermn
Spiderman -- spidermn
Spider-Man -- spidermn
Spider-Man - The Videogame (Sega System 32) -- spidman
Spider-Man (USA) -- spidermn
Spider-Man vs The Kingpin -- mt_spman
Spider -- spider
Spiders -- spiders
Spiker! Super Pro Volleyball -- vball
Spinal Breakers (Arcade) -- spinlbrk
Spin Master / Miracle Adventure -- spinmast
Spirit -- spirit
Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron (Europe) -- spirit
Spirit (UK) -- spirit
Splash (Spain) -- splash
Splat! (release 1) -- splat
Splat! -- splat
Splat! (UK, Amsoft) -- splat
Splat! v1.04 -- splat
SpongeBob SquarePants (Russia) -- spongbob
Spooky Manor -- spooky
Spooky Mansion -- spooky
Springer (Arcade) -- springer
Springer (NTSC) -- springer
Springer -- springer
SPY 1.11 -- spy
Spy Hunter (cleanly cracked) -- spyhuntr
Spy Hunter (Europe) -- spyhunt
Spy Hunter (set 1) -- spyhunt
Spyhunter -- spyhunt
Spy Hunter -- spyhunt
Spy Hunter (UK) -- spyhunt
Spy Hunter (USA) -- spyhunt
Squash (Ger) -- squash
Squash -- squash
SQUASH -- squash
Stadium Cross (Sega System Multi 32) -- scross
Stadium Hero (Arcade) -- stadhero
Stakes Winner 2 -- stakwin2
Stakes Winner - GI Kanzen Seiha e no Machi (Japan) -- stakwin
Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner - GI Kinzen Seiha e no Michi -- stakwin
Starblade (Namco System 21) -- starblad
Star Blade v1.00 -- starblad
Star Castle -- starcas
Star Cruiser (Japan) -- starcrus
Star Cruiser -- scruiser
Star Destroyer Bosconian -- bosco
Star Destroyer Bosconian (Japan) -- bosco
STARFIGH -- starfigh
Star Fighter (Unicornio Soft) -- starfigh
Star Fight (Fra) [Hebdogiciel] -- starfigh
Star Firebirds (UK) -- starfire
Star Fire (NTSC) -- starfire
Starfire -- starfire
Star Fire!!! (v1.0) -- starfire
Stargate (cleanly cracked) -- stargate
Stargate (Europe) -- stargate
Stargate (Europe, USA) -- stargate
Star Gate (Japan) -- stargate
Stargate (prototype) -- stargate
Stargate -- stargate
Stargate (World) -- stargate
Star Gladiator Episode I - Final Crusade (ZN-1) -- starglad
Star Hawk (Europe) -- starhawk
Star Hawk -- starhawk
Star Jacker (Europe, Japan, v1.2) -- starjack
Star Jacker (Sega System 1) -- starjack
Star Seeker -- starseek
Star Seeker (United Kingdom, disk conversion) -- starseek
Stars -- stars
Star Sweep (Japan) -- starswep
Star Trek (Airline Software) -- startrek
Star Trek (Japan) -- startrek
Star Trek -- startrek
Star-Trek -- startrek
STARTREK -- startrek
Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator -- startrek
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator -- startrek
Star Trek (The Computer Game) -- startrek
Star Trek - The Game -- startrek
Star Trek (UK) -- startrek
Star Trip (set 2) -- startrip
Star Wars 7800 (PAL, hack) -- starwars
Star Wars (Arab) -- starwars
Star Wars Arcade (Europe) -- swa
Star Wars - Attack on the Death Star -- starwars
Star Wars Episode I - Racer (Australia, Europe) -- swracer
Star Wars Episode I - Racer (Europe, USA) -- swracer
Star Wars (Europe, Brazil) -- starwars
Star Wars (Europe) -- starwars
Star Wars (Europe, USA, rev 1) -- starwars
Star Wars (MPT-02) -- starwars
Star Wars (prototype) -- starwars
Star Wars (release 2) -- starwars
Star Wars - Return of the Jedi (UK) -- jedi
Star Wars (Russia) -- starwars
Star Wars -- starwars
STARWARS -- starwars
Star Wars - The Arcade Game -- starwars
Star Wars: The Arcade Game -- starwars
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back -- esb
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back -- esb
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (Europe) -- esb
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (Europe, USA) -- esb
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (UK) -- esb
Star Wars Trilogy - Apprentice of the Force (Europe) -- swtrilgy
Star Wars (UK) (CPM) [Original] -- starwars
Star Wars (UK) -- starwars
St. Dragon (Dro Soft) -- stdragon
ST Dragon (UK) [t1] -- stdragon
Steel Talons (Europe, USA) -- steeltal
Steel Talons (USA) -- steeltal
Steeplechase -- steeplec
Steep Slope Sliders (Europe) -- sss
Steep Slope Sliders (JUET 981110 V1.000) -- sss
S.T.G. (Jpn) -- stg
S.T.G. -- stg
Stinger (USA) -- stinger
Storm -- storm
STORM -- storm
Storm (UK) -- storm
Storm - Una's Lair (Europe) -- storm
Strahl - Himerareshi Nanatsu no Hikari (Japan) -- strahl
Stratos (2005) -- stratos
Street Fighter 2 (Street Fighter Collection Disc 1) (Europe) -- sf2
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Europe) -- sfa2
Street Fighter Alpha 2, Zero 2 (CP System II) -- sfa2
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Europe) -- sfa3
Street Fighter Alpha 3, Zero 3 (CP System II) -- sfa3
Street Fighter Alpha (CPS Changer) (CP System) -- sfzch
Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams (Europe) -- sfa
Street Fighter Alpha, Zero (CP System II) -- sfa
Street Fighter (Arcade) -- sf
Street Fighter EX2 Plus (ZN-2) -- sfex2p
Street Fighter EX (ZN-1) -- sfex
Street Fighter II (Brazil) -- sf2
Street Fighter II - Champion Edition (CP System) -- sf2ce
Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition -- sf2ce
Street Fighter II' Champion Edition -- sf2ce
Street Fighter II (Europe, USA, rev 1) -- sf2
Street Fighter II -- sf2
Street Fighter II' - Special Champion Edition (Europe) -- sf2
Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (Asia) -- sf2
Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (CP System) -- sf2
Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (Europe) -- sf2
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Europe) -- sf2
Street Fighter II - The World Warrior -- sf2
Street Fighter (Kixx) -- sfa
Street Fighter -- sf
Street Fighter - The Movie (Europe) -- sftm
Street Fighter (UK) -- sf
Street Hoop (Neo Geo) -- strhoop
Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream (DEM-004 ~ DEH-004) -- strhoop
Street Hoop (USA) ~ Dunk Dream (Japan) -- strhoop
Street Smart (SNK 68000) -- streetsm
Streets of Rage -- mt_srage
Stress Busters (J 981020 V1.000) -- stress
Stress! -- stress
Strider 2 (US Gold)[cr Two Mag][t Two Mag] -- strider2
Strider 2 (ZN-2) -- strider2
Strider (Arcade) -- strider
Strider (Europe, USA, Brazil, Korea) -- strider
Strider (Europe, USA) -- strider
Strider Hiryuu (Japan) -- strider
Strider Hiryuu -- strider
Strider II (Europe, Brazil) -- strider2
Strider II (Europe) -- strider2
Strider II -- strider2
Strider II (UK) -- strider2
Strider -- strider
Strider (Taiwan, SMS mode) -- strider
Strider (UK) -- strider
Strider (USA) -- strider
Strike Fighter (Sega Y) -- strkfgtr
Strike Force Harrier -- sharrier
Strike Force -- strkforc
Strike Gunner S.T.G (Seta 1) -- stg
Strike Gunner S.T.G (USA) -- sgunner
STRIKER$ -- striker
Striker (Europe) -- striker
Strikers 1945 (Arcade) -- s1945
Strikers 1945 II (Arcade) -- s1945ii
Strikers 1945 III (Arcade) -- s1945iii
Strikers 1945 II (Japan) -- s1945ii
Strikers 1945 (Japan) -- s1945
Strikers 1945 Plus (Neo Geo) -- s1945p
Strikers 1945 Plus -- s1945p
Striker -- striker
Strike -- strike
Strike (UK) -- strike
Studio-2 -- studio2
S.T.U.N. Runner (Europe, USA) -- stunrun
S.T.U.N. Runner (Hard Drivin') -- stunrun
S.T.U.N. Runner (UK) -- stunrun
Stunt Cycle (prototype 19800721) -- stuntcyc
Sub (France) -- sub
Submarine -- submar
Sub (Spain) -- subs
Sub -- sub
Suiko Enbu - Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty (Japan) -- suikoenb
Suikoenbu / Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty (JUETL 950314 V2.001) -- suikoenb
Sukeban Jansi Ryuko (Sega System 16B) -- sjryuko
Sunset Riders (Europe) -- ssriders
Sunset Riders (Konami Sunset Riders) -- ssriders
Super Baseball 2020 (Europe, USA) -- 2020bb
Super Baseball -- sbasebal
Super Bike (Jpn) -- superbik
Super Bikkuriman - Densetsu no Sekiban (Japan) -- superbik
Super Bowling (USA) -- sbowling
Super Breakout! (Europe) -- sbrkout
Super Breakout -- sbrkout
Super Breakout (USA) -- sbrkout
Super Bubble Pop (MVS) -- sbp
Super Bug -- superbug
Super Chess (Europe) -- schess
Superchess -- schess
Super Chess (UK) -- superchs
Super Cobra (Europe) -- cobra
Super Cobra (Japan) -- scobra
Super Cobra -- scobra
Super Contra (Japan) -- scontra
Supercross Freestyle (Europe) -- superx
Super Cruiser -- scruiser
Super Dodge Ball Advance (Europe) -- sdodgeb
Super Dodge Ball / Kunio no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu -- sdodgeb
Super Dodge Ball (Neo Geo) -- sdodgeb
Super Dodge Ball (USA) -- sdodgeb
Super Football Champ (Taito FX-1A System) -- sfchamp
Super Game 11-in-1 (Korea) -- smssgame
Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (CP System II) -- sgemf
Super Golf -- suprgolf
Super Hang-On (Arcade) -- shangon
Super Hang-On -- mt_shang
Super Hang On -- shangon
Super Hang-On -- shangon
Super Hang-On (UK) -- shangon
Super Hang-On (World, rev. A) -- shangon
Super High Impact (USA) -- shimpact
Superior Golf -- suprgolf
Super League (Europe) -- suprleag
Super League (Sega System 16B) -- suprleag
Super League -- suprleag
Super League (UK) -- suprleag
Super Locomotive (Arcade) -- suprloco
Super Major League (U 960108 V1.000) -- smleague
Superman - Countdown to Apokolips (Europe) -- superman
Superman (Europe) -- superman
Superman (Europe, USA) -- superman
Superman -- superman
Superman (Taito X System) -- superman
Superman - The Game (set 1) -- superman
Superman - The Game (UK) -- superman
Superman - The Greatest Hero (USA) -- superman
Superman - The Man of Steel (Europe, Brazil) -- superman
Superman - The Man of Steel (Europe) -- superman
Superman - The Man of Steel -- superman
Superman: The Man of Steel -- superman
Superman (USA) -- superman
Super Masters (Sega System 24) -- sgmast
Super Monaco GP (Arcade) -- smgp
Super Monaco GP (Europe, Brazil) -- smgp
Super Monaco GP (Europe, Japan, rev. A) -- smgp
Super Monaco GP (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- smgp
Super Monaco GP -- mt_smgp
Super Monaco GP (UK) -- smgp
Supermotor -- smotor
Super Ninja-kun (Japan) -- ninjakun
Super Othello (Arcade) -- sothello
Super Pac (Fra) (v2) [Loisitech] -- superpac
Super!! Pachinko (Japan) -- superpac
Super Pac-Man (PAL) -- superpac
Super Pang (Europe) -- spang
Super Pang (Mitchell) -- spang
Super Pang -- spang
Super Pang (Taiwan, NES cart) -- spang
Super Pool -- suprpool
Super Pro Decathlon -- decathln
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (CP System II) -- spf2t
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Europe) -- spf2t
Super Qix (Super Qix) -- sqix
Super Real Basketball -- mt_srbb
Super Real Darwin (DECO8) -- srdarwin
Super Real Mahjong P7 (Japan) -- srmp7
Super Real Mahjong P IV Custom (Japan) -- srmp4
Super Real Mahjong PIV (Japan) -- srmp4
Super Real Mahjong PIV -- srmp4
Super Real Mahjong P V Custom (ACD, SCD)(Japan) -- srmp5
Super Real Mahjong P VI (Japan) -- srmp6
Super Real Mahjong P V (Japan) -- srmp5
Super Real Mahjong PV Paradise - All-Star 4-nin Uchi (Japan) -- srmp5
Super Shanghai - Dragon's Eye (Activision) (Japan) -- sshangha
Super Sidekicks 2 - The World Championship (Neo Geo) -- ssideki2
Super Sidekicks 2 - The World Championship / Tokuten Ou 2 - Real Fight Football (NGM-061 ~ NGH-061) -- ssideki2
Super Sidekicks 2 (USA) ~ Tokuten Ou 2 (Japan) -- ssideki2
Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory (Neo Geo) -- ssideki3
Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory / Tokuten Ou 3 - Eikou e no Chousen -- ssideki3
Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory (USA) ~ Tokuten Ou 3 - Eikou e no Chousen (Japan) -- ssideki3
Super Sidekicks (Neo Geo) -- ssideki
Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou -- ssideki
Super Sidekicks (USA) ~ Tokuten Ou (Japan) -- ssideki
Super Snake Trapper -- sst
Super Soccer -- soccer
Super Sonic Shooter -- sss
Super Space Fortress Macross (Arcade) -- macross
Super Space Fortress Macross II (Arcade) -- macross2
Super Space Invaders '91 (F2 System) -- ssi
Super Sprint (Atari System 2) -- ssprint
Super Sprint -- ssprint
Super Sprint (UK) -- ssprint
Super Sprint (USA) -- ssprint
Super Spy (Ned) -- superspy
Super Spy (Riko Data) -- superspy
Super Spy -- superspy
Super Star Shooter -- sss
Super Star Wars (Europe, rev. A) -- starwars
Super Star Wars - Return of the Jedi (Europe, rev. A) -- jedi
Super Star Wars - Return of the Jedi (Europe, USA) -- jedi
Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (Europe, rev. A) -- esb
Super Street Fighter II (CP System II) -- ssf2mdb
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (Europe) -- ssf2
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers -- ssf2
Super Street Fighter II Turbo - Revival (Europe) -- ssf2t
Super Strike Eagle (Europe) -- sstrike
Super Tank (Japan) -- supertnk
Super Tank Simulator (UK) -- supertnk
Super Thunder Blade -- mt_stbld
Super Visual Football - European Sega Cup (Sega System 32) -- svf
Super Volleyball -- svolley
Super Volley ball (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- svolley
Super Volley Ball (USA) -- svolley
Super Wonder Boy -- wbml
Super Wonder Boy (Wonder Boy in Monster Land) -- wbml
Super World Stadium '92 (Namco System 2) -- sws
Super World Stadium '95 (Namco NB-1) -- sws95
Super World Stadium '98 (Namco System 12) -- sws98
Super Xevious - Gump no Nazo (Japan) -- sxevious
Super Xevious -- sxevious
Super Xevious -- xevious
Super Zaxxon -- szaxxon
Supreme Snowboarding (Europe) -- supreme
Surprise Attack (Arcade) -- suratk
Survival (Central Solutions) (set 2) -- survival
Survival Game -- survival
Survival Island -- survival
Survival of the Fittest -- survival
Survival Run -- survival
Survival -- survival
SWAT (Sega System 1) -- swat
SWAT - Special Weapons and Tactics (Japan) -- swat
Swat! -- swat
Syvalion (Europe) -- syvalion
Syvalion -- syvalion
Syvalion (Taito H System) -- syvalion
T2 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Europe) -- term2
T2 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Europe, USA) -- term2
Tac-Scan -- tacscan
Tail to Nose - Great Championship (Arcade) -- tail2nos
Taisen Tanto-R Sashissu!! (J 980216 V1.000) -- sasissu
Taito Chase H.Q. -- chasehq
Taito Chase H.Q. (Europe) -- chasehq
Taito Chase H.Q. (Japan) -- chasehq
Taito Chase H.Q. (USA, SMS mode) -- chasehq
Tama - Adventurous Ball in Giddy Labrinth (Japan) -- tama
Tamagotchi (Europe, USA) -- tama
Tang Tang (Europe) -- tangtang
Tank (Asia) -- tank
Tank Battalion (Europe) -- tankbatt
Tank Battalion (Japan) -- tankbatt
Tank Battalion (L.Sound) -- tankbatl
Tank Battalion (Pineapple) -- tankbatt
Tank Battle (Prototype) -- tankbatl
Tank Battle -- tank
Tank Battle -- tankbatt
Tank Busters (MCM) -- tankbust
Tank Busters (UK) [Design Design] -- tankbust
Tank Busters (UK) -- tankbust
Tank Command (NTSC) -- tank
Tank (Finland) -- tank
Tank Force (Namco System 1) -- tank
Tank -- tank
Tank Trap IV -- tank
Tank (UK) -- tank
Tank v1.2 (Tape2ROM) -- tank
Tapper (cleanly cracked) -- tapper
Tapper (Reproduction) -- tapper
Tapper (RGB) -- tapper
Tapper (set 1) -- tapper
Tapper -- tapper
TAPPER -- tapper
Tapper (UK) -- tapper
Targ (prototype) -- targ
Tatakae! Chou Robotto Seimeitai Transformers - Convoy no Nazo (Japan) -- transfrm
Taz-Mania (Europe, Brazil) -- tazmania
Taz-Mania (Europe) -- tazmania
Taz-Mania (Europe, THQ) -- tazmania
Taz-Mania - The Search for the Lost Seabirds (Europe, USA) -- tazmania
Taz-Mania (World) -- tazmania
Technical Bowling (J 971212 V1.000) -- techbowl
Techno Drive (Namco System 12) -- technodr
Tecmo World Cup '98 (JUET 980410 V1.000) -- twcup98
Tecmo World Soccer '96 (SNK Neo Geo) -- twsoc96
Tecmo World Soccer '96 -- twsoc96
TeddyBoy Blues (Sega System 1) -- teddybb
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (Europe) -- tmnt
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Fall of the Foot Clan (Europe) -- tmnt
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles II - Back from the Sewers (Europe) -- tmnt2
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles II - The Arcade Game (Europe) -- tmnt2
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Turtles in Time (Sunset Riders) -- tmnt2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Battle Nexus (Europe) -- tmnt2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Europe) -- tmnt
Teki-Paki -- tekipaki
Teki Paki (Toaplan 2) -- tekipaki
Tekken 2 (Asia) -- tekken2
Tekken 2 (Namco System 11) -- tekken2
Tekken 3 (Asia) -- tekken3
Tekken 3 (Namco System 12) -- tekken3
Tekken 4 (Asia) -- tekken4
Tekken Advance (Europe) -- tekken
Tekken (Asia) -- tekken
Tekken (Namco System 11) -- tekken
Tekken Tag Tournament (Namco System 12) -- tektagt
Telepachi Fever Lion (Arcade) -- telpacfl
Tempest (prototype 19840105) -- tempest
Tempest (prototype) -- tempest
Tempest -- tempest
Tempest (UK) -- tempest
Tengai Makyou Shinden - Far East of Eden (Japan) -- kabukikl
Tenkomori Shooting (Namco System 12) -- tenkomor
Ten Up (compendium 17) -- tenup
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (set 1) -- term2
Terminator 2 Judgement Day (UK) -- term2
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Europe) -- term2
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Europe, USA) -- term2
Terminator 2: Judgment Day -- term2
Terminator 2 (Multicart) -- term2
Terra Cresta (Arcade - YM3526) -- terracre
Terra Force (Arcade) -- terraf
Terra Force -- terraf
TETRIS$ -- tetris
Tetris (Arcade) -- tetrsark
Tetris (Atari) (Arcade) -- atetris
Tetris (cleanly cracked) -- tetris
Tetris (Europe) -- tetris
Tetris (Japan) -- tetris
Tetris (Japan, v2?) -- tetris
Tetris (Korea) -- tetris
Tetris (Mini5) -- tetris
Tetris -- mt_tetri
Tetris Plus 2 (Arcade) -- tetrisp2
Tetris Plus (Europe) -- tetrisp
Tetris Plus (Jaleco Mega System 32) -- tetrisp
Tetris (Plus) -- tetrisp
Tetris (Sega System E) -- tetrisse
Tetris Semipro-68K v2.00 -- tetrisse
Tetris -- tetris
TETRIS -- tetris
Tetris the Absolute - The Grand Master 2 (Arcade) -- tgm2
Tetris - The Grand Master (ZN-2) -- tgmj
Tetris (TMS1100 version) -- tetris
Tetris (UK) -- tetris
The Activision Decathlon -- decathln
The Alchemist (set 1) -- alchemst
The Alien -- alien
The Alpine Encounter -- alpine
The Amazing Spider-Man (Europe, USA) -- spidermn
The Amazing Spider-Man -- spidermn
The Astyanax (Jaleco Mega System 1) -- astyanax
The Attack -- attack
The Batman - Panique à Gotham City (France) -- batmanfr
The Battle of Olympus (Europe) -- olympus
The Battle-Road (Irem M62) -- battroad
The Berenstain Bears - Spooky Old Tree (USA) -- berenstn
The Black Cauldron (v1.1m) -- black
The Black Hole -- blackhol
The Boxer (UK) -- boxer
The Brain (Japan) -- brain
The Chessmaster (Europe) -- chessmst
The Chessmaster (Europe, USA) -- chessmst
The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy (Arcade) -- edrandy
The Combatribes (The Combatribes) -- ctribe
The Combatribes (USA) -- ctribe
The Curse of Mars -- mars
The Dam Busters -- dambustr
The Dam Busters (Europe?) -- dambustr
The Dam Busters (set 1) -- dambustr
The Dam Busters (UK) -- dambustr
The Dark Tower -- darktowr
The Deep -- thedeep
The Dragon (Asia, decrypted SmyNES) -- dragon
The Empire Strikes Back -- esb
The End -- theend
The Fairyland Story -- flstory
The Fairyland Story (Japan) -- flstory
The FairyLand Story (Japan, prototype) -- flstory
The Fallen Angels (Arcade) -- daraku
The Flash (Europe, Brazil) -- flash
The Flash (Europe, USA) -- flash
The Gambler -- gambler
The Game of Mastermind -- mastmind
The Game Paradise! - Master of Shooting! (Jaleco Mega System 32) -- gametngk
The Games - Summer Edition -- thegames
The Games - Summer Edition (UK) (128K) (2 faces) -- thegames
The Gauntlet -- gauntlet
The Getaway (USA) -- getaway
The GG Shinobi (Europe, USA) -- shinobi
The Goonies -- goonies
The Goonies (Japan) -- goonies
The Goonies (MSX conversion) -- goonies
The Goonies (UK) -- goonies
The Great Maze -- maze
The Guardian (1983, PSS) -- grdian
The Guardian -- guardian
The Hit Squad Arcade Collection 09 - Quartet (UK) -- quartet
The House of the Dead (Europe) -- hotd
The Hulk (Asia, hacked) -- hulk
The Incredible Hulk (Europe, Brazil) -- hulk
The Incredible Hulk (Europe) -- hulk
The Incredible Hulk (Europe, USA) -- hulk
The Incredible Hulk - The Pantheon Saga (Europe) -- hulk
The Incredible Wizard -- wizard
The Irritating Maze (SNK Neo Geo) -- irrmaze
The Irritating Maze / Ultra Denryu Iraira Bou -- irrmaze
The Island -- island
The Ket Trilogy -- ket
The King of Dragons (CP System) -- kod
The King of Dragons (Europe) -- kod
The King of Fighters 2000 (Neo Geo) -- kof2000
The King of Fighters 2000 (NGM-2570 ~ NGH-2570) -- kof2000
The King of Fighters 2001 (Neo Geo) -- kof2001
The King of Fighters 2001 (NGM-262?) -- kof2001
The King of Fighters 2002 - Challenge to Ultimate Battle (Neo Geo) -- kof2002
The King of Fighters 2002 (NGM-2650 ~ NGH-2650) -- kof2002
The King of Fighters 2003 (Neo Geo) -- kof2003
The King of Fighters 2003 (NGM-2710, Export) -- kof2003
The King of Fighters '94 (Japan, USA) -- kof94
The King of Fighters '94 (Neo Geo) -- kof94
The King of Fighters '94 (NGM-055 ~ NGH-055) -- kof94
The King of Fighters '95 (Euro, Jpn) (Support Cartridge) -- kof95
The King of Fighters '95 (Europe) -- kof95
The King of Fighters '95 (Japan, USA) -- kof95
The King of Fighters '95 (Neo Geo) -- kof95
The King of Fighters '95 (NGM-084) -- kof95
The King of Fighters 96 (Asia) -- kof96
The King of Fighters '96 (Japan, 1M) -- kof96
The King of Fighters '96 (Japan) -- kof96
The King of Fighters '96 (Neo Geo) -- kof96
The King of Fighters '96 (NGM-214) -- kof96
The King of Fighters 97 (Asia) -- kof97
The King of Fighters '97 (Japan) -- kof97
The King Of Fighters '97 (Neo Geo) -- kof97
The King of Fighters '97 (NGM-2320) -- kof97
The King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (Japan) -- kof98
The King of Fighters '98 (pirate) -- kof98
The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (NGM-2420) -- kof98
The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest (Neo Geo) -- kof98
The King of Fighters 99 (Asia) -- kof99
The King of Fighters '99 -- kof99
The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Japan) -- kof99
The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Neo Geo) -- kof99
The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (NGM-2510) -- kof99
The Knights - Avalon no Kishi -- knights
The Kung Fu -- kungfu
The Kung-Fu Master - Jackie Chan (Arcade) -- jchan
The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2430 ~ NGH-2430) -- lastbld2
The Last Blade 2 (SNK Neo Geo) -- lastbld2
The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2340) -- lastblad
The Last Blade (SNK Neo Geo) -- lastblad
The Last Starfighter (prototype) -- laststar
The Last Starfighter (USA) -- laststar
The Legend of Kage (Arcade) -- lkage
The Legend of Kage (UK) -- lkage
The Lord of the Rings - Journey to Rivendell (prototype) -- lotr
The Lord of the Rings -- lotr
The Lost Castle in Darkmist (Arcade) -- darkmist
The Manager (UK) -- manager
The Matrix Screen Saver -- matrix
The Micro Xevious (Korea) -- xevious
The NewZealand Story (Arcade) -- tnzs
The New Zealand Story (Europe) -- tnzs
The New Zealand Story (Japan) -- tnzs
The Newzealand Story -- tnzs
The New Zealand Story -- tnzs
The NewZealand Story (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- tnzs
The New Zealand Story (UK) -- tnzs
The Next Space (Alpha-68k) -- tnextspc
The Ninja Kids (Taito F2 System) -- ninjak
The Ninja Master (UK) -- ninjamas
The Ninja Warriors (Arcade) -- ninjaw
The Ninja Warriors -- ninjaw
The Outfoxies (Namco NB-2) -- outfxies
The Paranoia Complex (Spain) -- paranoia
The Pit -- thepit
The Prodigy (set 1) -- prodigy
The Prophecy (USA) -- prophecy
The Punisher (CP System Dash) -- punisher
The Punisher (Europe) -- punisher
The Punisher -- punisher
The Punisher - The Ultimate Payback (USA) -- punisher
The Punisher (USA) -- punisher
The Pyramid -- pyramid
The Quest (4am crack) -- thequest
The Quest For The Golden Eggcup (UK) -- thequest
The Quest (set 1) -- thequest
The Quest -- thequest
The Rampart (Spain) -- rampart
The Real Ghostbusters (DECO8) -- ghostb
The Return of Ishtar (Namco System 86) -- roishtar
The Revenge of Shinobi -- mt_revsh
The Simpsons (Arcade) -- simp_a27
The Simpsons - Night of the Living Treehouse of Horror (Europe, USA) -- simpsons
The Speed Rumbler (Arcade) -- srumbler
The Spider (Japan, disk conversion) -- spider
The Spider (Japan) -- spider
The Spider -- spider
The Story of Thor (Europe) -- thor
The Super Spy (Japan, USA) -- superspy
The Super Spy (Neo Geo) -- superspy
The Super Spy (NGM-011 ~ NGH-011) -- superspy
The Three Stooges -- 3stooges
The Three Stooges (cleanly cracked) -- 3stooges
The Three Stooges [cracked] -- 3stooges
The Three Stooges (USA) -- 3stooges
The Ultimate 11 - SNK Football Championship (Neo Geo) -- ssideki4
The Ultimate 11 - The SNK Football Championship / Tokuten Ou - Honoo no Libero -- ssideki4
The Uncanny X-Men (USA) -- xmen
The Untouchables (alt) -- untoucha
The Untouchables (Ocean Software)(Disk 1 of 2) -- untoucha
The Untouchables (Spain, alt) -- untoucha
The Untouchables -- untoucha
The Untouchables (USA, rev. A) -- untoucha
The Zoo (Arab, v1.05) -- zoo
Thief (cleanly cracked) -- thief
Thief -- thief
Thor (Spain) -- thor
Thrash Rally (ALM-003 ~ ALH-003) -- trally
Thrash Rally (Neo Geo) -- trally
Three Wonders (Capcom CP System) -- 3wonders
Thunder Blade (Euro) -- thndrbld
Thunder Blade (Sega X) -- thndrbld
Thunder Ceptor (Arcade) -- tceptor
Thunder Cross II (Sunset Riders) -- thndrx2
Thunder Cross (Thunder Cross) -- thunderx
Thunder Dragon 2 (Arcade) -- tdragon2
Thunder Dragon (Arcade) -- tdragon
Thunder Force AC (Sega System C-2) -- tfrceac
Thunder Force II MD -- mt_tfor2
Thunder Fox (Taito F2 System) -- thundfox
Thunderfox -- thundfox
Thunderhawks -- thunderh
Thunder Jaws (UK) -- thunderj
Thunder Shooting -- tshoot
Thunder Zone (UK) -- thndzone
Tic-Tac -- tictac
Tic Tac Toe (L4) -- tictac
Tic-Tac-Toe -- tictac
Tiger-Heli (Arcade) -- tigerh
Tiger Road (Arcade) -- tigeroad
Tiger Road (UK) -- tigeroad
TI Invaders -- invaders
Tiki-Invaders v2 (Nor) -- invaders
Time Crisis II (Namco System 23) -- timecrs2
Time Crisis (Namco System Super 22) -- timecris
Time Killers (Europe) -- timekill
Time-Line -- timeline
Time Pilot (Arcade) -- timeplt
Time Pilot (Japan) -- timeplt
Time Pilot -- timeplt
Time Scanner (Europe) -- timescan
Time Scanner (Sega System 16B) -- timescan
Time Scanner (Spain) -- timescan
Time Scanner -- timescan
Time Scanner (UK) (CPM) [Original] -- timescan
Time Soldiers (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- timesold
Time Tunnel (Taito SJ System) -- timetunl
Time Tunnel - Time Secret 2 -- timetunl
Tin Star (USA) -- tinstar
Titanic (1988, Topo Soft) (Kixx) -- titanic
Titanic (China) -- titanic
Titanic Mystery - Ao no Senritsu -- titanic
Titanic (Spain) -- titanic
Titanic (UK) -- titanic
Titan (Japan) -- titan
Titan (Spain) -- titan
Titan -- titan
TITAN -- titan
Titan (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- titan
Title Fight (Sega System Multi 32) -- titlef
T-Mek (Europe, USA) -- tmek
TNK III (SNK Triple Z80) -- tnk3
Toki (Arcade) -- toki
Toki (Europe, USA) -- toki
Toki - Going Ape Spit ~ JuJu Densetsu (World, rev. A) -- toki
Toki no Senshi - Chrono Soldier (Sega System 2) -- tokisens
Tokio (Bubble Bobble) -- tokio
Tokio Senki - Eiyuu Retsuden (Japan) -- tokio
Tokio - Tokyo-to Dai 24 Ku -- tokio
Toki -- toki
Toki (USA) -- toki
Tokyo Wars (Namco System Super 22) -- tokyowar
Tomahawk (cleanly cracked) -- tomahawk
Tomahawk [cr The Gryphon] -- tomahawk
Tomahawk (Ger) -- tomahawk
Tomahawk (set 1) -- tomahawk
Tomahawk -- tomahawk
Tomahawk (UK, Fra, Ger) [Original] -- tomahawk
Tomahawk (UK) -- tomahawk
Tomcat - The F-14 Fighter Simulator (PAL) -- tomcat
Tomcat - The F-14 Fighter Simulator -- tomcat
Tomcat -- tomcat
Tomcat (UK, Players) -- tomcat
Tommy Lasorda Baseball -- mt_tlbba
Toobin' (Europe) -- toobin
Toobin' -- toobin
Toobin' (UK) -- toobin
Toobin' (USA) -- toobin
Top Gear (Europe) -- topgear
Top Gear Pocket (USA) -- topgear
Top Gun - Air Patrol (PAL) -- topgun
Top Gun (Europe) -- topgun
Top Gun - Guts & Glory (Europe, USA) -- topgun
Top Gun -- topgun
Top Gun (UK) -- topgun
Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy (Japan, USA) -- tophuntr
Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy (NGM-046) -- tophuntr
Top Landing (Air System) -- topland
Top Player's Golf (Japan, USA) -- tpgolf
Top Player's Golf (Neo Geo) -- tpgolf
Top Player's Golf (NGM-003 ~ NGH-003) -- tpgolf
Top Roller! (Japan) -- toprollr
Top Speed (Z System) -- topspeed
Total Carnage (Midway Y Unit) -- totcarn
Total Carnage -- totcarn
Totally Spies! (Europe) -- totspies
Toto - Jatekot Segito Program -- toto
Touchdown Fever (USA) -- tdfever
Touch Down U.S.A. (UK) -- gridiron
Tough Turf (Sega System 16B) -- tturf
Toukidenshou - Angel Eyes (Arcade) -- tkdensho
Touryuu Densetsu Elan-Doree / Elan Doree - Legend of Dragoon (JUET 980922 V1.006) -- elandore
Touryuu Densetsu Elan Doree (Japan) -- elandore
Toy Pop -- toypop
Toy Story 2 -- ts2
Track & Field 1 (Europe) -- trackfld
Track & Field (Arcade) -- trackfld
Track & Field (Europe, USA) -- trackfld
Track & Field (USA) -- trackfld
Track and Field 1 (MSX conversion) -- trackfld
Track and Field (prototype) -- trackfld
Track and Field -- trackfld
Trailblazer (Europe) -- trailblz
Trailblazers -- trailblz
Trailblazer -- trailblz
Trailblazer (UK) -- trailblz
Trailer -- trailer
Trans American Rally (Europe) -- rally
Transformer (Sega System E) -- transfrm
Traverse USA (Arcade) -- travrusa
Treasure Island -- tisland
Trick Shot -- tricksht
Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me (Arcade) -- triothep
Triple Pack -- triplep
Trivial Pursuit - A New Beginning (set 2) -- trivialp
Trivial Pursuit - A New Beginning -- trivialp
Trivial Pursuit - A New Beginning (UK) (2 faces) (CPM) [Original] -- trivialp
Trivial Pursuit - Baby Boomer Edition -- triviabb
Trivial Pursuit - Baby Boomer Edition (UK) -- triviabb
Trivial Pursuit - Genus II (France) -- triviag2
Trivial Pursuit -- trivialp
Trivial Pursuit - Young Players Edition -- triviayp
Trog! (Europe) -- trog
Trog -- trog
Trojan (Arcade) -- trojan
Trojan (Europe) -- trojan
TRON Deadly Discs -- tron
Tron (Fra) -- tron
Tron (Jpn) -- tron
Tron -- tron
Truxton (Europe, USA) ~ Tatsujin (Japan) -- truxton
Truxton II (Arcade) -- truxton2
Truxton (Toaplan 1) -- truxton
Tube Panic (Arcade) -- tubep
Tumble Pop (Europe, USA) -- tumblep
Turbo (NTSC, prototype) -- turbo
Turbo Out Run (Arcade) -- toutrun
Turbo Out Run (Europe, Japan) -- toutrun
Turbo Outrun -- mt_tout
Turbo Outrun -- toutrun
Turbo Out Run -- toutrun
Turbo Outrun (UK) -- toutrun
Turbo (Prototype) -- turbo
Turbo Sub (Europe, USA) -- turbosub
Turbo -- turbo
TURBO -- turbo
Turtles (Europe) -- turtles
Turtles Turpin -- turtles
Turtles -- turtles
Tutankham (Arcade) -- tutankhm
Tutankham -- tutankhm
Tutor (Spain) -- tutor
Tut's Tomb -- tutstomb
TV Arcade I: Spacewar -- spacewar
TV Arcade Series: Gunfighter/Moonship Battle -- gunfight
TV Arcade Series V: Speedway/Tag -- speedway
TV Casino II: Bingo -- bingo
TV-Póker (Blacksoft) -- tvpoker
TV-Póker -- tvpoker
TwinBee Da!! (Japan) -- twinbee
TwinBee (Disk Writer) -- twinbee
Twin Bee (Japan) -- twinbee
TwinBee (Japan) -- twinbee
Twin Bee -- twinbee
TwinBee -- twinbee
TwinBee Yahho! - Fushigi no Kuni de Ooabare!! (Konami GX) -- twinbee
Twin Cobra (Toaplan 1) -- twincobr
Twin Cobra (USA) -- twincobr
Twin Eagle - Revenge Joe's Brother (Seta 1) -- twineagl
Twin Eagle - Revenge Joe's Brother (USA) -- twineagl
Twin Hawk (Europe) ~ Daisenpuu (Japan) -- twinhawk
Twin Hawk (X System) -- twinhawk
Twinkle Star - Hoshi no Mahou Tsukai (Japan) -- twinkle
Twinkle Star Sprites (Japan) -- twinspri
Twinkle Star Sprites (Neo Geo) -- twinspri
Twinkle Star Sprites -- twinspri
Twinkle -- twinkle
Twin Squash (Sega System C-2) -- twinsqua
Twins -- twins
Two Minute Drill (Arcade) -- 2mindril
U~Boat (Fra) -- uboat
U-Boat -- uboat
Uchuu Daisakusen Choco Vader - Uchuu kara no Shinryakusha (Japan) -- chocovdr
Uchuu Senkan Yamato (Japan) -- yamato
Ufo Senshi Yohko Chan (Sega System 2) -- ufosensi
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Asia) -- umk3
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Europe) -- umk3
Ultraman - Hikari no Kyojin Densetsu (Japan) -- ultraman
Ultraman (Japan) -- ultraman
Ultraman (Jpn) (Support Cartridge) -- ultraman
Ultraman - Kaijuu Teikoku no Gyakushuu -- ultraman
Ultraman - Kuusou Tokusatsu Shiriizu (Japan) -- ultraman
Ultraman - The Digital Board Game (Jpn) -- ultraman
Ultraman - Towards the Future (Europe) -- ultraman
Ultraman -- ultraman
Ultra Toukon Densetsu (Seta 1) -- utoukond
Undercover Cops (W) (Irem M92) -- uccops
UN Squadron (CP System) -- unsquad
U.N. Squadron (Europe) -- unsquad
U.N. Squadron (UK) -- unsquad
Up'N Down (cleanly cracked) -- upndown
Up'n Down (Sega System 1) -- upndown
Up 'n Down -- upndown
Up'n Down -- upndown
Up 'N Down -- upndown
Up Periscope! -- upscope
U.S. Classic (Seta 1) -- usclssic
Utility Discs for Integral 1of6 (Tutor) -- tutor
Valkyrie 17 (The Tape Gallery) -- valkyrie
Valkyrie no Bouken - Toki no Kagi Densetsu (Japan) -- valkyrie
Valkyrie No Densetsu (Namco System 2) -- valkyrie
Valtric (Arcade) -- valtric
Vampire Hunter 2 - Darkstalkers Revenge (CP System II) -- vhunt2
Vampire Savior 2 - The Lord of Vampire (CP System II) -- vsav2
Vampire Savior (Japan) -- vsav
Vampire Savior - The Lord of Vampire (CP System II) -- vsav
Vandyke (Arcade) -- vandyke
Vanguard (5200 Conversion) -- vanguard
Vanguard -- vanguard
Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (Arcade) -- vaportra
Varth - Operation Thunder Storm (CP System) -- varth
Vectrex Frogger -- frogger
Vegas Games (Europe) -- vegas
Vendetta (Arcade) -- vendetta
Vendetta (Kixx) -- vendetta
Vendetta (UK) (Spain retail version) [Original] -- vendetta
Vendetta (UK) -- vendetta
Venetian Blinds Demo -- venetian
Venom & Spider-Man - Separation Anxiety (Europe, USA) -- venom
Venom & Spider-Man - Separation Anxiety (Europe) -- venom
Venom (UK) -- venom
Venom -- venom
Venture -- venture
Versus Net Soccer (Konami GX) -- vsnetscr
Vic Flash Plugin -- fp
Victorious Nine -- victnine
Victory Road: Ikari Warriors Part II -- victroad
Victory Road (SNK Triple Z80) -- victory
Victory Road - The Pathway to Fear (UK) -- victroad
Video Game Anthology vol. 10 - Mr. Do! / Mr. Do! vs Unicorns -- mrdo
Video Game Anthology vol. 11 - Pac-Land -- pacland
Video Game Anthology vol. 12 - Dig Dug / Dig Dug II -- digdug
Video Game Anthology Vol. 1 - Terra Cresta / Moon Cresta -- terracre
Video Game Anthology Vol. 2 - Atomic Runner Chelnov -- chelnov
Video Game Anthology Vol. 5 - Crazy Climber / Crazy Climber 2 -- cclimber
Video Game Anthology Vol. 6 - Butasan -- butasan
Video Hustler (Frogger) -- hustler
Video Hustler (Japan) -- hustler
Video Pinball - Arcade Pinball -- videopin
Video Pinball -- pinball
Video Poker Card Game -- vpoker
Video Poker -- vpoker
Viewpoint (Japan, USA) -- viewpoin
Viewpoint (Neo Geo) -- viewpoin
Viewpoint (USA) -- viewpoin
Viewpoint -- viewpoin
Vigilante (Erbe) -- vigilant
Vigilante (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- vigilant
Vigilante (Irem M75) -- vigilant
Vigilante (Korea) -- vigilant
Vigilante (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- vigilant
Vigilante (UK) (Spain retail version) [Original] -- vigilant
Vigilante (UK) -- vigilant
Vigilante -- vigilant
Viking Child (Europe, USA) -- viking
Viking England -- viking
Viking (English) -- viking
Viking -- viking
Vimana (Toaplan 1) -- vimana
Vindicators (Arcade) -- vindictr
Vindicators (prototype) -- vindictr
Vindicators (USA) -- vindictr
Violent Storm (Mystic Warriors) -- viostorm
Viper Phase 1 (Seibu SPI System) -- viper
Viper -- viper
V.I.P. (Europe) -- vip
VIP - Simplified Language -- vip
V.I.P. - Visual Instrument Player -- vip
Virtua Cop 2 (Europe) -- vcop2
Virtua Cop (Europe) -- vcop
Virtua Cop (Sega Model 2) -- vcop
Virtua Fighter 2 (Europe, v1.001) -- vf2
Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (Europe, USA) -- vf2
Virtua Fighter (Europe) -- vf
Virtua Fighter Kids (Europe) -- vfkids
Virtua Fighter Kids (JUET 960319 V0.000) -- vfkids
Virtua Fighter Remix (Europe) -- vfremix
Virtua Fighter Remix (JUETBKAL 950428 V1.000) -- vfremix
Virtua Fighter (Sega Model 1) -- vf
Virtual Mahjong 2 - My Fair Lady (J 980608 V1.000) -- myfairld
Virtual Mahjong (J 961214 V1.000) -- vmahjong
Virtual Mahjong (Japan) -- vmahjong
Virtua Racing (Europe) -- vr
Virtua Racing (Sega Model 1) -- vr
Virtua Tennis (Europe) -- vtennis
Virus (Japan, alt 2) -- virusb
Virus (Japan, alt) -- virusa
Vixen (Erbe - Serie Leyenda) -- vixen
Vixen (UK) -- vixen
Volfied (Arcade) -- volfied
Volfied (Japan) -- volfied
Volfied (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- volfied
Volfied -- volfied
Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer / Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer -- gowcaizr
Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer (Neo Geo) -- gowcaizr
Vortex (cleanly cracked) -- vortex
Vortex (Europe) -- vortex
Vortex -- vortex
Vs. Balloon Fight (Nintendo VS. System) -- balonfgt
Vs. Clu Clu Land (Vs. Unisystem) -- cluclu
Vs. Duck Hunt (Nintendo Vs. Unisystem) -- duckhunt
Vs. Hogan's Alley (Nintendo Vs. Unisystem) -- hogalley
VS Ninja JaJaMaru-kun (VS System) -- jajamaru
Vs Raid on Bungeling Bay (VS System) -- bnglngby
VT100 1.60 -- vt100
VT52 Emulator (Hun) -- vt52
Vulcan - The Tunisian Campaign (UK) -- vulcan
Vulgus (Arcade) -- vulgus
Waku Waku 7 (Neo Geo) -- wakuwak7
Waku Waku 7 -- wakuwak7
Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car (Sega System C-2) -- soniccar
Walkuere no Densetsu -- valkyrie
Wall Street (Brazil) -- wallst
Wanted (Europe, USA, Brazil) -- wanted
Wardner no Mori -- wardner
Wardner (Toaplan 1) -- wardner
Wardner (USA) -- wardner
War Gods (Europe) -- wargods
War in Middle Earth (Spain) -- midearth
Warlords -- warlords
War of Aero - Project MEIOU (Seta 1) -- wrofaero
Warp-1 -- warp1
Warp & Warp (Europe) -- warpwarp
Warp & Warp (Japan) -- warpwarp
Warp & Warp -- warpwarp
WarpSpeed (Europe) -- warpsped
Warpspeed (USA) -- warpsped
Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III (Arcade) -- warriorb
Warrior (France, BASIC 1.0) -- warrior
Warrior (Japan) -- warrior
Warrior of Rome (USA) -- warrior
Warriors of Fate (CP System Dash) -- wof
Water Match (Sega System 1) -- wmatch
Water Ski (NTSC) -- waterski
WaterWorld (Europe, prototype) -- waterwld
Waterworld (USA) -- waterwld
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey (Europe) -- wg3dh
WEC Le Mans 24 (Arcade) -- wecleman
WEC Le Mans (Europe) -- wecleman
Wec Le Mans (UK) (CPM) [Original] -- wecleman
WEC Le Mans (UK) -- wecleman
W.E.C. Le Mans -- wecleman
WEC Le Mans -- wecleman
Wedding Rhapsody -- weddingr
Welltris (Arcade) -- welltris
Welltris (UK) (CPM) [Original] -- welltris
Welltris (UK) -- welltris
Welltris -- welltris
Weltrauminvasoren / Invaders / Invaseur De L'Espace -- invaders
Wild Pilot (Arcade) -- wildplt
Williams Arcade Classics -- arcadecl
Willow (CP System) -- willow
Willow (Europe) -- willow
Willow Utility -- willow
Winding Heat (Konami ZR107) -- windheat
Windjammers / Flying Power Disc -- wjammers
Windjammers (Neo Geo) -- wjammers
Windjammers (USA) ~ Flying Power Disc (Japan) -- wjammers
Wing Force (Arcade) -- wingforc
Wings of Fury -- wof
Wing War (PAL) -- wingwar
Wing War (Sega Model 1) -- wingwar
Wing War -- wingwar
Winning Run '91 (Namco System 21) -- winrun91
Winning Run (Namco System 21) -- winrun
Winter Heat (Europe) -- winterht
Winter Heat (JUET 971012 V1.000) -- winterht
Wipeout 64 (Europe) -- wipeout
WipEout (Europe) -- wipeout
Wipeout -- wipeout
Witch (Arcade) -- witch
W.i.t.c.h. (Europe) -- witch
Wit's (Japan) -- wits
Wit's (Seta 1) -- wits
Wizard Fire (Arcade) -- wizdfire
Wizard of Wor (Japan, v.02) -- wow
Wizard of Wor -- wow
Wizard Pinball (Europe) -- wizard
Wizard (prototype) -- wizard
Wizard Warz (UK) -- wizwarz
Wizard -- wizard
Wiz -- wiz
Wolfman Slideshow (prototype, 19920319) -- wolfman
Wolfman (UK) -- wolfman
Wolfpack (USA) -- wolfpack
Wolf Pack -- wolfpack
Wonder Boy (Europe, USA, Brazil, v1) -- wboy
Wonder Boy (Europe) -- wboy
Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (Sega System 16B) -- wb3
Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Sega System 2) -- wbml
Wonder Boy (Japan, v1) -- wboy
Wonder Boy (Sega System 1) -- wboy
Wonder Boy (UK) -- wboy
Wonderboy -- wboy
Wonder Boy -- wboy
Wonder Momo (Namco System 86) -- wndrmomo
Wonder Planet (Karnov) -- wndrplnt
World Championship Soccer -- mt_wcsoc
World Championship Soccer -- wcsoccer
World Class Soccer (Europe, USA) -- wcsoccer
World Court (Namco System 1) -- wldcourt
World Cup Italia '90 (Europe, Brazil) -- wcup90
World Cup Italia '90 (Europe) -- wcup90
World Cup Soccer (Europe) -- wcsoccer
World Cup Soccer (UK) -- wcsoccer
World Grand Prix (Taito Dual 68000) -- wgp
World Heroes 2 (ALM-006 ~ ALH-006) -- wh2
World Heroes 2 (Asia) -- wh2
World Heroes 2 (Japan, USA) -- wh2
World Heroes 2 (Japan) -- wh2j
World Heroes 2 Jet (ADM-007 ~ ADH-007) -- wh2j
World Heroes 2 Jet (Europe, USA) -- wh2
World Heroes 2 Jet (Japan) -- wh2j
World Heroes 2 (Neo Geo) -- wh2
World Heroes 2 (USA) -- wh2
World Heroes (ALM-005) -- wh1
World Heroes II (Japan) -- wh2
World Heroes (Japan, USA) -- wh1
World Heroes Perfect (Japan, USA) -- whp
World Heroes Perfect (Japan) -- whp
World Heroes Perfect -- whp
World Heroes (SNK Neo Geo) -- wh1
World PK Soccer V2 (Jaleco Mega System 32) -- wpksoc
World War 1 (Bug-Byte) -- worldwar
World War 3 (Fra) -- worldwar
Wrecking Crew (Doujin?) -- wrecking
Wrecking Crew (World) -- wrecking
Wrecking Crew -- wrecking
Wrestle War (Europe, Japan) -- wrestwar
Wrestle War -- mt_wwar
Wrestle War (Sega System 16B) -- wrestwar
WWF Royal Rumble (Europe) -- wwfroyal
WWF Superstars (Europe, USA) -- wwfsstar
WWF Wrestlemania -- wwfmania
Xain'd Sleena (Arcade) -- xsleena
X-Day 2 (Namco NA-2) -- xday2
Xenon - Mugen no Shitai -- xenon
Xenon (UK) -- xenon
Xenon (United Kingdom) -- xenon
Xenon -- xenon
Xenophobe (Europe, USA) -- xenophob
Xenophobe (PAL) -- xenophob
Xenophobe (Reproduction) -- xenophob
Xenophobe (UK) (CPM) [Original] -- xenophob
Xenophobe (UK) -- xenophob
Xenophobe (USA) -- xenophob
Xenophobe -- xenophob
Xevious 3D G (Namco System 11) -- xevi3dg
Xevious (cleanly cracked) -- xevious
Xevious (Europe) -- xevious
Xevious - Fardraut Densetsu (TourVisión PCE bootleg) -- xevious
Xevious - Fardraut Densetsu -- xevious
Xevious - Fardraut Saga (Japan) -- xevious
Xevious (PAL) -- xevious
Xevious (prototype 19840118) -- xevious
Xevious (prototype) -- xevious
Xevious (set 1) -- xevious
Xevious (UK) -- xevious
Xevious -- xevious
Xexex (Arcade) -- xexex
X-Men (Arcade) -- xmen
X-Men - Children of the Atom (CP System II) -- xmcota
X-Men - Children of the Atom (Europe) -- xmcota
X-Men (Europe) -- xmen
X-Men - Mutant Apocalypse (Europe) -- xmen
X-Men - The Official Game (Europe) -- xmen
X-Men (USA, prototype) -- xmen
X-Men (USA) -- xmen
X-Men (USE) -- xmen
X-Men vs Street Fighter (CP System II) -- xmvsf
X Multiply (Irem M72, M81) -- xmultipl
Xor World (Arcade) -- xorworld
X-Plan (Asia, ripped from multicart XB-F865) -- xplan
XX Mission (Arcade) -- xxmissio
Xybots (Arcade) -- xybots
Xybots (Erbe) -- xybots
Xybots (Europe, USA) -- xybots
Xybots (Europe) -- xybots
Xybots (UK) -- xybots
Xybots (USA, prototype) -- xybots
Yamashina Keisuke no Sengoku -- sengoku
Yamato (Europe, Japan) -- yamato
Yamato (Nichibutsu Crazy Climber) -- yamato
Yam Yam (Japan) -- yamyam
Yes No Sinri Tokimeki Chart (Taito F2 System) -- yesnoj
Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Arcade) -- yiear
Yie Ar Kung Fu (Japan, v1.4) -- yiear
Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Japan) -- yiear
Yie Ar Kung Fu (set 1) -- yiear
Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Taiwan) -- yiear
Yie Ar Kung-Fu (UK) -- yiear
Yie Ar Kung-Fu -- yiear
Youjyuden (Irem M62) -- youjyudn
Yume Koujou Doki Doki Panic -- dokidoki
Yuunagi no Horizon -- horizon
Yuuyu No Quiz De Go! Go! (Taito F2 System) -- yuyugogo
Zaxxon (ColecoVision conversion) -- zaxxon
Zaxxon (cracked) -- zaxxon
Zaxxon (Europe) -- zaxxon
Zaxxon (Japan) -- zaxxon
Zaxxon (set 1) -- zaxxon
Zaxxon -- zaxxon
Zed Blade (Neo Geo) -- zedblade
Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok -- zedblade
Zenkoku Seifuku Bishoujo Grand Prix Find Love (Japan) -- findlove
Zen Nihon Pro Wres Featuring Virtua (Japan, rev A) -- znpwfv
Zen Nippon Pro-Wrestling Featuring Virtua (J 971123 V1.000) -- znpwfv
Zero Team (Arcade) -- zeroteam
Zero Wing (Europe) -- zerowing
Zero Wing (Japan) -- zerowing
Zero Wing (Toaplan 1) -- zerowing
Zing Zing Zip (Seta 1) -- zingzip
Zintrick / Oshidashi Zentrix (bootleg of CD version) -- zintrckb
Zip Zap -- zipzap
Zip-Zap -- zipzap
Zodiac (12K) -- zodiac
Zodiac Adventure -- zodiac
Zodiac Strip -- zodiac
Zodiac -- zodiac
ZOO$ -- zoo
Zoo (Netherlands) -- zoo
ZOO -- zoo
Zunzunkyou no Yabou (Sega System C-2) -- zunkyou
Zupapa! -- zupapa
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