# Encrypt
# The `-a` flag ensures the output is base64 encoded
echo "This is my hidden message"|openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -a -salt -pbkdf2
echo "This is my hidden message"|openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -a -salt -pbkdf2 -pass pass:password

# Decrypt
echo "U2FsdGVkX1/T32yxN3lEyLOuj7CFnPtH7TOzmDYZ8tYfpDK+vtZTKnYAod8KXrMs"| openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -a -d -salt -pbkdf2 -pass pass:password

# Encode QR
sudo apt install qrencode
qrencode -h 

echo "This is my message"|qrencode -t png -o image.png
echo "This is my message"|qrencode -t UTF8
echo "This is my message"|qrencode -t ASCII
echo "This is my message"|qrencode -t ASCIIi

# Decode QR 
sudo apt install zbar-tools zbarcam-gtk
zbarimg image.png
zbarimg --quiet image.png
zbarimg --quiet --raw image.png

# Encode Base64 
echo "This is my message"|base64 
base64 -w0 image.png
base64 image.png

# Decode Base64 
echo "VGhpcyBpcyBteSBtZXNzYWdlCg==" |base64 -d 

# Encoding/Encrypting/hiding
# create text file
echo "This is a text file
I am writing you a message
Nothing hidden here
Everything is normal
Please move Along." > msg.txt

cat msg.txt

stegsnow -C -m "This is my hidden message" -p "password" msg.txt hidden_msg.txt
cat msg.txt 
cat hidden_msg.txt
gedit hidden_msg.txt
vi hidden_msg.txt
neovim hidden_msg.txt 

# Decode/Decypt/Reveal message
stegsnow -C -p "password" hidden_msg.txt

# Audio Encoded text 
sudo apt install minimodem
#transmit (110 is the baud rate - higher faster but less accurate)
echo "This is my message"|minimodem --tx --ascii 110

minimodem --rx --ascii 110

# Morse Code Encoding 
# morse is to encode 
# morse2ascii is to decode
sudo apt install morse morse2ascii
echo "This is my message"|morse 

morse2ascii data.wav

# morse code in ascii dots and dashes
echo "This is my message"|morsegen -

# barcodes
echo "This is my message"|barcode |convert - -trim +repage msg.jpg
zbarimg --quiet --raw msg.txt

# combining things we have learned
# Encrypt/Encode
stegsnow -C -m "$(echo "This is my hidden message"|openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -a -salt -pbkdf2 -pass pass:password)" -p "password" msg.txt hidden_msg.txt
cat hidden_msg.txt|compress|base64

# Decrypt/Decode 
u3nv9q26JmbWyYl/Th35N1XoyJvP9tl8sOjY2g3vDC15egIF"|base64 -d|uncompress > new_msg.txt
echo "$(stegsnow -C -p "password" new_msg.txt)"|openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -a -d -salt -pbkdf2 -pass pass:password

# Let's hide things ourselves in a very interesting way 

# hide message
echo "This is my message"|qrencode -t ASCII|tr "#" "."|tr " " ","|tr "
" "'"|while read -n1 c 
  echo -n "$(shuf /usr/share/dict/words|head -n3|tr "
" " "| tr -d "'"| tr -cd '[:alnum:]')$c" 
done|tr "'" "
"> nmsg.txt

# show qrcode for scanning 
cat nmsg.txt | tr -d '[:alnum:]'|tr "," "#" |tr "." " "

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